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Everything posted by sadicq

  1. Cool. I think this can be added to tools archive, too.
  2. I don't quite understand what color you are talking about. Can you post a screenshot?
  3. In boxes.js replace if (DoGray || (forc[i]!=null && forc[i]=='yes')) with if (forc[i]!=null && forc[i]=='yes')
  4. Your health is much more important than the forum roght now. I wish you to get well soon and don't forget we are all with you.
  5. Sorry, I didn't want to be rude ... But I know that a thread was started for this issue. Here is the link. I know that because I posted the solution ... You know, people oftenly say "It's not working" without searching. Again, I appologise for my unpolite response.
  6. Download the tools archive and use the updated autorun.inf. Or simply replace "OPEN" with "SHELLEXECUTE". But how about searching next time?
  7. Yep, I'd find that useful, so I totally support its developing.
  8. I know that function. It oftenly fails to close some processes which are not responding or are using much cpu power. So, long story short, processclose is not an option. I'll look into this later, and I'll consider rewriting that in vb .net as I'm trying to learn it right now. Or I'll attach the original takkill to the exe and extract it when needed. Anyway, I wrote that just to show you how easy it is to hide it ... so it's not vital for the non-XP users.
  9. Look at the ReplacePath() function in generate.js. It reads some variables from that file. Edit: I and zorphnog posted at the same time.
  10. Sure, good idea with the config lister. Here's the modified source. Kel, if you want you can update the tools archive with this as well. config_lister.au3
  11. I have a little question: why does gcond automatically insert that statement there? Should it make further edit easier by not having to type the %programfiles% anymore? If so, I think it may run into trouble when it is evaluated. here's a small code that checks if the %programfiles% dir really exists on the HDD. If it doesn't, errr ... I don't think it is possible not to exist : gcond[pn]=['!FileExists(\'%programfiles%\\nul\')'];This would make more sense for me ...
  12. You can use whatever icon you want. It can be put in the system32, but you can call it from anywhere as long as you include the full path.
  13. I told you to wait for the new version . I'm glad it works.
  14. Ok, I made a little exe you have to put on your cd or in your windows. It accepts only one command-line parameter and that is a process name that should kill. The AutoIT code #include "process.au3" If $cmdline[0] = 1 Then _RunDOS('taskkill /im "' & $cmdline[1] & '" /f') EndIfNot that complicated, right? Usage TaskKillS program.exeI'll upload only the compiled version. Link Edit: I forgot to say it displays no splash screen at all.
  15. You can try it ... but as far as I remember there was a splash screen which lasted a little more than with the cmdow.
  16. First of all, the echo commands are useless. Then all the cmd is useless ... Don't you fint it easier to just call the taskkill directly from WPI? Like this cmd /c taskkill /im program.exe /f I know it's not related to your problem but it will save some time though (not running cmdow) ...
  17. Note that there are actually 2 players: one inside WPI and one inside the installer. To modify the volume for the second one, you have to search for the same string in the file Common\Installer.hta.
  18. I have no idea ... actually I have one but I'd like to test it with the 5.3. If the problem is still there, I'll take a closer look.
  19. So, if you don't want to upgrade to 5.2, you should at least read and apply the fixes found in this thread. One of the bugs regards the systemdrive variable which probably throws an error when you install the porgram that uses it. So apply the fix found in that thread and you should have no more problems during the install. But I had an interesting problem when I ran your distribution on my comp. From the very beginning I got that error. After half an hour of debugging I found out why (of course after I patched your distro and modified it to troubleshoot easier): I had no temp folder on my systemdrive. So, after all I found a new bug somehow related to your problem (although I'm sure you are not affected by this one, but the old one with the systemdrive - you'll see that that bug had interesting consequences) - the log cannot be created if its path does not exist.
  20. Just like I supposed. You are using an incomptible theme. That theme file is not intended to be used with 5.2. Now the problem is located, but it would take some time to fix.
  21. I can't reproduce the error no matter how hard I try. Can you upload your WPI folder? Without the installers of course.
  22. Fix But, I suggest again to wait for the 5.3 ....
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