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Everything posted by RyanVM

  1. Glad to see I'm not the only person who was getting that! BTW - The rollup package is 826939, not 822603 (USB Update). And according to this page, the setup parameters for the security rollup package haven't changed...
  2. LMAO, did you actually think that what you wanted to do would be easy?!?!?!?!
  3. Also, use Kazaa Lite for the love of God. No spyware and much enhanced functionality. www.kazaalite.tk
  4. Well, it has no problem running my Barton 2500+ at 2255 (13x166, 1.7v), but if I try to set the FSB to 200 (no matter what multiplier), it won't even post. I've tried setting it as low as 9x200 (my chip is spec'ed to 1.83, so 1.8 shouldn't be a problem ). I've tried different voltage and everything. I have good PC3200 memory that's currently running a 400-2-2-2-6, so it's not like that's holding me back (though I have tried running that slower to see if it was the problem). I think the board is bad. I'm using Preacher's F12 BIOS.
  5. Pretty please, webmedic?
  6. I've had that EXACT same problem with RAID drivers on a floppy disk. Do a search for RAID and look for the thread about integrating the Intel RAID drivers onto the install CD for the best guide as to how to do it. Actually, I recently bumped it, so it should be somewhere in the first few pages.
  7. Weird how it worked for one and not another . The board it didn't work correctly on was an A7N8X. I actually have a GA7N400Pro myself but haven't tried it on mine. On an unrelated note, have you tried overclocking with your board at all?
  8. I'm not sure how well that'll work. I've had less than stellar luck personally with nForce2 drivers. Some of the devices had the drivers install perfectly, while other devices refused to install until I ran the official installer. I just put the downloaded file on the CD so I can run it immediately after the install on my own.
  9. If you have the IT8212 RAID controller at the Sil3112A controller added, I'd love to have the preconfigured txtsetup.sif file. I ran into problems when using my unattended cd that setup for some reason would not read the floppy disk with the drivers on it when it tried to install the GUI drivers. It read it fine for the text mode drivers (and saw the drives attached to the RAID controller), but bombed out when it came to the copying files part.
  10. No, VirtualPC just creates a VHD (Virtual Hard Disk) file on your drive. No partitioning required.
  11. What user profile is active during SVCPACK.INF?
  12. ;Force User To Hit Ctrl+Alt+Del to Login [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system] "DisableCAD"=dword:00000000
  13. Finally, a clean way to remove WMP!!!! THANK YOU!
  14. I've searched high and low but can't find a link to WMP9_MM2_ENU.exe. What annoys me is that I know I've seen it around! Anyone have a link to it?
  15. OK, so it looks like we've nailed down the USB problem. And yes, my username is correct. Based on my last name
  16. It shouldn't make any difference.
  17. Out of curiosity, does WindowsUpdate tell you that WMP9 has to be installed still after a fresh install?
  18. I don't think I'm following your question. I will give you a caveat with nForce2 drivers, however. I extracted the files and put them in the drivers folder and created the necessary winnt.sif modifications, but only some of the devices actually had their drivers installed. It took re-running the nForce driver setup package to get the rest installed.
  19. I just wish they'd focus the script on using MDAC 2.8 rather than the MDAC 2.7 update. 2.8 doesn't have the flaw and sets up similarly to that update (dasetup instead of dahotfix).
  20. care to enlighten the rest of us?
  21. Regarding the original topic of this thread, as best I can tell, the installer either doesn't completely copy the needed files or it doesn't write the needed registry entries for 822603. Looking the HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Updates key only shows one file (usbhcdi.sys) as having been copied rather than the 4 it's supposed to copy. A cursory search didn't turn up the missing files on the hard drive, either. The one problem is that I did the search with VirtualPC, so I'm not sure if it's indicative of a VPC install or a Windows install in general since VPC doesn't have USB support...
  22. That's the key I exported before. Like I said, I think the problem lies with the date.
  23. I actually did trying exporting the keys from a good installation, and it actually worked one time. However, it doesn't seem to be working anymore. I wonder if it has to do with the installation date. One of the DWORD values is in the install date. Obviously if you use a static key, it'll eventually say the hotfix was installed before the OS was installed in the first place I'll try using the MM/WMP9 combo package (since I'm doing both anyway) and see how that goes for that. Also, I use the /Q /U /Z switches when installing, if that helps. I don't think 822603 is dependent on having an uninstall key in the registry because I did try removing that key on a system where WindowsUpdate say 822603 as installed and it still said it was installed after removing the key.
  24. Hello, I install WMP9 and Q822603 (USB update) during my unattended setup. The problem is that Windows refuses to recognize them as being installed when I run WindowsUpdate. The funny thing is that if you run WMP, it is indeed WMP9. Likewise for 822603. If you check the driver versions in device manager, the USB devices are using the newer drivers from the hotfix. I've tried installing both from both cmdlines.txt and from a batch file called during GuiRunOnce and both to no avail. Has anybody else had these problems and figured out how to solve them?
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