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Everything posted by RyanVM

  1. There's no way to work around a digital signature?
  2. My suggestion is similar. I'd start with a clean txtsetup.sif file and then just download the new package which automatically updates txtsetup.sif without the problematic entry.
  3. Just remove the references to idebusdr from your txtsetup.sif.
  4. What drivers did you integrate? If you used my set, did you use the most recent one (with the txtsetup.sif patcher)? We were having other issues with BSODs that were being caused by Intel IDE drivers, so they were removed from the package.
  5. The release build of Diskeeper doesn't play nicely with any installs where IE isn't the default browser. They released a patch to fix that problem (and it can be slipstreamed into the Diskeeper installer so you don't have to apply it later).
  6. Use the txtsetup.sif method rather than the textmode method.
  7. well that's some nice info to have . It looks like I have a weekend project now
  8. so if I were to add another section to txtsetup.sif with a [sCSI] header, it wouldn't mess anything up? If that's the case, things are greatly simplified
  9. Why do you have nForce drivers on there if you have an 875P board? Beyond that, there's a thread about how to integrate the Intel INF files. Also, please post the rest of your winnt.sif so we can see the rest of how you have things set up.
  10. I'm thinking about starting a new thread once the bugs get worked out and I can get my new idea for a batch file install implemented. Hopefully we can get it pinned as an easy way for people looking for a quick solution to get up and running.
  11. I had a great idea for creating a batch file which automates the changes to winnt.sif and txtsetup.sif needed for integrating RAID/SATA drivers (thanks to jdeboeck for the inspiration ) so as to avoid user error. I've figured out using the batches from jdeboeck's zip file how to remove entries from txtsetup.sif (and it worked flawlessly), but I haven't figured out (more importantly) how to add keys to txtsetup.sif. Basically, I need to search out a key in txtsetup.sif (for example, [sCSI]), then add entries underneath it. I know I can use the echo command to add the entries once the key is found, but there inlies the problem. Any ideas?
  12. What problems are you having with updated drivers? All you should have to do is compress the new file and overwrite the old one in the i386 directory and maybe add some new PCI DeviceID strings to txtsetup.sif... And for the integration I did, I made a separate text file with all the needed changes so I can rebuild the custom txtsetup.sif file very easily in the event of corruption or an upgraded XP build. Also, it would help you if you picked a standard spot for putting in the new entries and sticking to it. Also, why not use Ctrl+F and search for your old entry in txtsetup.sif? It seems to me that it would take a lot of work to not be able to find your entry... In any case, the RAR archive in my thread does support the Si3112 controller and I've personally tested it in my own machine with no problems. I'm working on a method right now for using a batch file to make all the necessary changes to txtsetup.sif and winnt.sif automatically to eliminate any chance of user error.
  13. I can't believe that site loads correctly with Firefox
  14. The only problem I see with the winnt.sif method is that it doesn't appear to handle multiple controllers very well (like for people like me with both ITE8212 and Si3112 controllers on my motherboard), since there would be duplicate files (mainly txtsetup.oem, but would that even be necessary to include?).
  15. looks right to me
  16. The way I understand it, xxx.sys = 1,,,,,,3_,4,1 is used when the file is uncompressed (a normal .sys file) and xxx.sys = 1,,,,,,4_,4,1,,,1,4 is used when the file is compressed with makecab (a .sy_ file). I dunno, it's always been a bit ambiguous to me as well and even when I asked Spheris about it, he didn't really answer my question. As for the second part, they're all right . What you want from those lines are the "PCI\VEN_105A&DEV_0D30&SUBSYS_14A42156" parts. Those are all various PCI device IDs for different fasttrak controllers.
  17. Make sure you don't have a typo in that line . Many text editors will allow you to jump to a specific line.
  18. I'd also be interesting in seeing if there's a resolution to this. I think the TX2 uses the 376 or 378 chip (I forget) and I seem to remember others having issues integrating that particular driver as well (there's a poster in my thread about it).
  19. I don't think that's accurate... Tests on my board (which has ITE8212 and Si3112 chips onboard) would suggest that my method works fine. All files copy fine and the devices show up in device manager with no problems.
  20. The RAR I made has pretty much every SATA RAID controller under the sun in it. And I just updated it Anyone have a mirror? It's up to 2.26MB and includes all of the following controllers: pnp680 = "Silicon Image SiI 0680 ATA/133 Controller" pnp680r = "Silicon Image Ultra-133 Medley ATA RAID Controller" si3112 = "Silicon Image SiI 3x12 SATALink Controller" si3112r = "Silicon Image SiI 3112 SATARaid Controller" si3114 = "Silicon Image SiI 3114 SATALink Controller" si3114r = "Silicon Image SiI 3114 SATARaid Controller" si3124 = "Silicon Image SiI 3124 SATALink Controller" si3124r = "Silicon Image SiI 3124 SATARaid Controller" hpt3xx = "HighPoint HPT3xx ATA100/RAID/SATA Controller" hpt371 = "HighPoint HPT371 ATA100 Controller" hpt374 = "HighPoint HPT374 ATA133/SATA RAID Controller" hptmv = "HighPoint RocketRAID 182x SATA Controller" iteraid = "ITE IT8212 ATA RAID Controller" fastsx = "Promise FastTrak S150 SX4/SX4000 Series" fasttx2k = "Promise FastTrak 376/378/S150 TX4000 Series Controller" fasttrak = "Promise FastTrak/66/100/TX2/TX4/TX2000 Controller" ulsata = "Promise SATA150 TX Series Controller" sptrak = "Promise SuperTrak SX6000 Controller" ultra = "Promise ULTRA33/ULTRA66/ULTRA100/ULTRA133 Controller" idebusdr = "Intel 82801BA Ultra ATA Controller" iastor = "Intel 82801ER SATA RAID Controller" viapdsk = "VIA ATA/ATAPI Host Controller" viaraid = "VIA RAID Controller" viasraid = "VIA Serial ATA RAID Controller" sisraid = "SiS 180 RAID Controller" sisraid1 = "SiS 181 RAID Controller" siside = "SiS 5513/5518 IDE UDMA Controller" 3ware6k = "3ware Escalade 6000 Series ATA RAID Controller" 3ware78k = "3ware Escalade 7000/8000 Series ATA RAID Controller" aar1210 = "Adaptec Serial ATA RAID 1210SA Controller" aac = "Adaptec SATA/SCSI RAID Controller Series"
  21. I've used this site for both build 2055 and 2082 without issue. I haven't tried 2096, but I don't see why it wouldn't work. http://www.theeldergeek.com/slipstreamed_xpsp1_cd.htm
  22. You downloaded the ~14MB full install?
  23. If you use SP1a, there is no MS JVM involved. Just don't install it.
  24. I'd have to have Win2K3 Server first
  25. I don't use NTI, but I do install the Adaptec ASPI 4.71.2 drivers. What I did was look at their install batch and "borrowed" the commands they used with some modifications ECHO Installing Adaptec ASPI 4.71.2... CALL %systemdrive%\Updates\aspi\REG_XP.EXE COPY %systemdrive%\Updates\aspi\ASPIXP.SYS %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ASPI32.SYS /Y COPY %systemdrive%\Updates\aspi\WNASPIXP.DLL %WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\WNASPI32.DLL /YThis is the EXACT same function "install.bat xp32" does.
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