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Everything posted by RyanVM

  1. Can't you just delete the character via using it's character number (you know, like what you'd use for alt+xxxx combinations)
  2. The only useful comment I can make is that you can't install 817778 during anytime other than during the RunOnce part of setup. It relies on the windows shell running.
  3. Just go with the 6.86MB hijacked dx9b silent installer
  4. Couldn't tell you then. I went with the file Sun told me to download (p) and it works fine.
  5. haha, true.dat I found that there was a lot of upfront work to do when doing the unattended CD, but maintaining it at this point is just downloading new apps when they appear and adding them to the CD.
  6. Sounds like you're forgetting a command switch on one of the programs. Care to post the code of the hotfix installation?
  7. One is the offline install and one requires an internet connection (it downloads the files during setup). Download the one with the p.
  8. Having a lower Q number means precisely jack squat. As for why it doesn't appear on Windows Update, your guess is as good as mine, other than I can say that I'm pretty sure 2.8 came out before the 2.7 update. I can also tell you that if you install 2.8, WU doesn't prompt you to install any other MDAC updates when you run it.
  9. Go to the "Hijacking DirectX 9" thread and go to the FTP. There's a repackaged mdac 2.8 installer that might work better with what you're trying to do.
  10. wow, I go to sleep and when I wake up, the thread has tripled in size Glad to see this idea has taken off!
  11. Yes it is. In HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Notepad "lfFaceName"="Verdana"
  12. Well, I got impatient with waiting, so I went and did it myself . I'm happy to say it works perfectly (I already tested it with VPC) and it weighs in at only 6.86MB . No switches required, just call the exe and watch it go! I'm hosting it on my FTP just for the MSFN crowd. I respectfully ask that you not distribute this link outside of these forums, as I only have so much bandwidth to go around. dead link PS - Sorry Numinous, no pretty icon on mine
  13. Ahh, so update.exe is kb826939 then? You're using the wrong flags with it. Use the standard /q /u /n /z with it. Let me know how that goes for you
  14. I'd like to see what the proper switches for update.exe are first. Out of curiosity, what exactly *is* update.exe updating?
  15. Glad to be of help . Just so you know, that setting has always been in the Java control panel .
  16. While it shouldn't matter, I have a feeling it's those -q -n flags on update.exe throwing it off. Try running update.exe /? from within windows to see what flags are available to it.
  17. No prob. Also, if you're like me and don't like the system tray icon that comes up when java applets load, put the following registry entry in: ;No System Tray Icon for Java VM [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JavaSoft\Java Plug-in\1.4.2_02] "HideSystemTrayIcon"=dword:00000001
  18. It's in the switches thread. I also posted it again two days ago. But just for kicks, here it is again: ECHO Installing Sun Java2 Runtime Environment 1.4.2_01... start /wait %systemdrive%\Updates\j2re142_01.exe /s /v"/qn ADDLOCAL=jrecore,extra REBOOT=Suppress"ADDLOCAL is currently set to install the core components (jrecore) and some extra stuff which I found useful (extra). There's one more option, but I forgot what it was . Just search Sun's site for silent install and look for the one with 1.4.2 in its URL.
  19. Double neato now! EDIT: Actually, I like the idea so much that I'm willing to host the file if someone wants to send it to me already finished (*ahem*Numinous*ahem*). AIM: RyanVM
  20. Yeah, ShowSuperHidden is a known entry which doesn't work (heck, I remember replying on that very note in another thread just today)
  21. Why not stick with the newest? Like I said before, I've had NO issues installing it. However, I also use system variables, I don't set any myself.
  22. http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html Download the Windows Offline Installer for unattended installs. Unattended install method hasn't changed from 1.4.2_01.
  23. I think it goes back to what I said earlier in the thread
  24. I've found ShowSuperHidden reverts back to 0 whether you set it during cmdlines.txt or not.
  25. THANK YOU! I've been looking for that for awhile!
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