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Everything posted by edg21

  1. hmmmm... I changed mine around a bit, the following is from my os_install.cmd. I will post the entire thing when I'm done. Variable Values: UNATTEND_SHARE=\\bender\unattend NTFS=/fs:NTFS /v:"" /Q /Y DISKPART_CFG=u:\config\winxp\vlk\diskpart.cfg FORMAT_CFG=%NTFS% CAB_LOCATION=u:\cabs\xp\vlk\i386 UA_FILE=u:\config\winxp\vlk\unattend.txt SETUP_COMMAND=winnt32.exe /s:%CAB_LOCATION% /unattend:%UA_FILE% /syspart:C: /tempdrive:C: /NOREBOOT Commands Used: net use u: %UNATTEND_SHARE% net start dmserver net start dmadmin diskpart /s %DISKPART_CFG% format c: %FORMAT_CFG% %CAB_LOCATION%\%SETUP_COMMAND%
  2. I'll give it a try & post my results.
  3. Select Disk 0 Clean Create Partition primary Active Assign Letter=c exit
  4. Tried using diskpart to set as active & assign drive letter... no good.. any other ideas?
  5. I've used ghost32.exe to re-image a hdd form within WinPE no problem, what I would like to know is if there is a way for me to have access to this disk before a reboot?
  6. I use a WinPE boot cd that runs the following: net use u: \\bender\unattend net start dmserver net start dmadmin diskpart /s u:\config\xp\vlk\diskpart.cfg format c: /fs:NTFS /v:"" /Q /Y u:\cabs\xp\vlk\i386\winnt32.exe /s:u:\cabs\xp\vlk\i386 /unattend:u:\config\xp\vlk\unattend.txt /syspart:C: /NOREBOOT Not sure if that's what you wanted, but I hope it helps
  7. I would suggest using BartPE or if you have access to it WinPE, you can do whatever you want to the hdd before running setup.
  8. Once you have network support enabled, you can use this. Maps network drive, starts services needed by diskpart, partitions the hdd, formats the hdd, copies i386 folder from network to local hdd, then starts the install from the hdd. net use u: \\bender\unattend net start dmserver net start dmadmin diskpart /s diskpart.cfg format c: /fs:NTFS /v:"" /Q /Y xcopy u:\cabs\xp\vlk c:\i386 /E /I c:\i386\winnt32.exe /s:c:\i386 /unattend:u:\config\xp\vlk\unattend.txt /syspart:C: /NOREBOOT
  9. Looking forward to seeing it I'm in the process of making the script use FTP or WGET to d/l the packages, I've also set it up to get it's variables from an ini file, I will post when done.
  10. You could have WinPE load a ramdrive: http://www.wug-nordic.net/articles/winpe_ramdrive.htm Then perhaps you could use something like this to alter the answer file: http://www.experts-exchange.com/Operating_...Q_20828466.html
  11. If you don't want to install something, you can change the file extension of the package to .rar_ and it won't download it. If you use multiple cds for different pc types then you could change %PAK_DIR% to reflect different sets of packages. set PAK_DIR=unattend_chipset1 set PAK_DIR=unattend_chipset2
  12. I just us this to import multiple .reg files for %%i in (%TWK_DIR%\*.reg) do REGEDIT /S %%i
  13. You can use CMDOW to hide the dos prompt. Call them from a batch file & use CMDOW again to hide the window.
  14. You might want to consider using WinPE/BartPE.... with it you can: 1. Boot from cd 2. partition hdd 3. format hdd 4. copy i386 to hdd 5. copy whatever else to hdd 5. run winnt32.exe to start setup from hdd It works great
  15. Run this before using diskpart. net start dmserver net start dmadmin
  16. You can safely delete it. Info from: http://unattended.msfn.org/xp/space_saving_tips.htm
  17. hmmmm... something like this maybe? Haven't tested it so let me know if it works @echo off :NW_CHOOSE ECHO. ECHO 1. per DHCP ECHO 2. Statische IP-Adresse SET /P NW_CONF=[Do you want to use DHCP or specify a static IPs? (Select 1 or 2)] IF /I "%NW_CONF%" == "1" GOTO NW_SET_DHCP IF /I "%NW_CONF%" == "2" GOTO NW_INPUT :NW_INPUT ECHO Setup 1st Adapter: SET /P STATIC_IP1=[IP:] SET /P SUBNET1=[Subnet Mask:] SET /P GATEWAY1=[Default Gateway:] ECHO. ECHO Setup 2nd Adapter: SET /P STATIC_IP2=[IP:] SET /P SUBNET2=[Subnet Mask:] SET /P GATEWAY2=[Default Gateway:] ECHO. ECHO Setup 3rd Adapter: SET /P STATIC_IP3=[IP:] SET /P SUBNET3=[Subnet Mask:] SET /P GATEWAY3=[Default Gateway:] ECHO You specified: ECHO Adapter 1 - IP: %STATIC_IP1% MASK: %SUBNET1% GW:%GATEWAY1% ECHO Adapter 2 - IP: %STATIC_IP2% MASK: %SUBNET2% GW:%GATEWAY2% ECHO Adapter 3 - IP: %STATIC_IP3% MASK: %SUBNET3% GW:%GATEWAY3% :NW_CONFIRM ECHO. SET /P NW_CONF=[Is this correct? Y/N:] IF /I "%NW_CONF%" == "Y" GOTO NW_SET_STATIC IF /I "%NW_CONF%" == "N" GOTO NW_INPUT GOTO NW_CONFIRM :NW_SET_STATIC netsh int ip add name="Local Area Connection" static %STATIC_IP1% %SUBNET1% %GATEWAY1% 1 netsh int ip add name="Local Area Connection 2" static %STATIC_IP2% %SUBNET2% %GATEWAY2% 1 netsh int ip add name="Local Area Connection 3" static %STATIC_IP3% %SUBNET3% %GATEWAY3% 1 GOTO END :NW_SET_DHCP netsh int ip set add "Local Area Connection" dhcp netsh int ip set add "Local Area Connection 2" dhcp netsh int ip set add "Local Area Connection 3" dhcp GOTO END :END
  18. It built w/SP2 for me.... no problems sofar.
  19. I'm curious about that myself...
  20. 550 /unattend: No such file or directory. Did you setup the ftp server directories right? Either way I missed some commands (bin & prom) use the version I just put up & it should work fine.
  21. You should really try the search function.... you can find getcd.exe using the search function then call use this code to set %CDROM% to your cdrom drive letter. FOR /F "tokens=*" %%a in ('getcd.exe') do set CDROM=%%a
  22. I'm sure you read it but incase anyone else didn't http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=27360
  23. Somethin kinda like this? :NW_CHOOSE ECHO. ECHO 1. Set static IP ECHO 2. Use DHCP SET /P NW_CONF=[Do you want to specify a static IP or use DHCP? (Select 1 or 2)] IF /I "%NW_CONF%" == "1" GOTO NW_SET_DHCP IF /I "%NW_CONF%" == "2" GOTO NW_INPUT :NW_INPUT SET /P STATIC_IP=[IP:] SET /P SUBNET=[Subnet Mask:] SET /P GATEWAY=[Default Gateway:] ECHO. ECHO You specified: ECHO IP Address: %WEB_ADDY% ECHO Subnet Mask: %WEB_ADDY% ECHO Default Gateway: %WEB_ADDY% :NW_CONFIRM ECHO. SET /P NW_CONF=[Is this correct? Y/N:] IF /I "%NW_CONF%" == "Y" GOTO NW_SET IF /I "%NW_CONF%" == "N" GOTO NW_INPUT GOTO NW_CONFIRM :NW_SET_STATIC netsh int ip add name="Local Area Connection" static %STATIC_IP% %SUBNET% %GATEWAY% 1 GOTO END :NW_SET_DHCP netsh int ip set add "Local Area Connection" dhcp GOTO END :END
  24. Configure your PC for static IP then run this to dump your settings to a txt file. netsh -c interface dump > c:\location.txt Copy location.txt to your unattended cd & run this in your batch to set it static. netsh -f c:\location.txt Or you could use something like this: set STATIC_IP= set SUBNET= set GATEWAY= netsh int ip add name="Local Area Connection" static %STATIC_IP% %SUBNET% %GATEWAY% 1 Info from: http://www.petri.co.il/configure_tcp_ip_from_cmd.htm hope that helps....
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