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Everything posted by edg21
I use FTP to do my installations. And too lazy to change it http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=26963&hl=
You should just use the patched uxtheme.dll file. There really isn't any need to install StyleXP
I had the same issue with the custom background until I disabled the wallpaper within the bb style I was using. I'll check the VB & let you know what happens. # My wallpaper keeps changing when I change styles! Why? How do I stop it? Each style can contain a directive entitled rootCommand: . This directive changes your wallpaper to something choosen by the style author (or added/modified by you) to give a more consistent feel to the desktop. BB4Win uses the programs bsetroot.exe and bsetbg.exe to set your desktop. To stop this from happening you have 3 approaches: 1. Comment out the rootCommand: in each stlye. (Add a ! or # at the begining of the line in the style file) 2. Delete bsetroot.exe and bsetbg.exe 3. Move the bsetroot.exe and bsetbg.exe into a differant folder (It only works if it's in the same folder as Blackbox.exe) Source: http://www.bb4win.org/FAQ.html#Il
Nope, sorry. This little cmdline app works for emptying the recycle bin though. http://www.jsiinc.com/SUBO/tip7300/rh7334.htm
I'm using Windows PE 2004, I don't load it as the shell though, I runt it from startnet.cmd after a cmdow @ /hid. If it crashes the cmd windows pops back up. I haven't run any vbs scripts as I haven't had the need to. Send me a PM with something to test & I'd be happy to try it out. path %PATH%;%SYSTEMDRIVE%\tools set RAMDRV=Z: set RAMAPPS=X:\apps set TEMP=z:\temp md %TEMP% for %%i in (%RAMAPPS%\*.rar) do UNRAR x %%i %RAMDRV%\ cmdow @ /HID %RAMDRV%\blackbox\blackbox.exe -nostartup cmdow @ /VIS
There is commercial software available to do what you want. http://www.thinsoftinc.com/products_winconserver_info.html
personally I use blackbox http://www.bb4win.org
Gdisk32.exe from Norton Ghost should do the trick. http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/ghost...00030715304425/
Perhaps you should search google for how to unzip or unrar files before you try to tackle bartpe. http://www.google.com/search?q=howto+use+w...:en-US:official
WinPE 2004 also includes DRVINST.EXE which you can use to integrate drivers into your build.
I just use shortcut.exe to make my shortcuts during application installs. http://optimumx.com/download/ Shortcut [Version 1.10] Creates, modifies or queries Windows shell links (shortcuts) The syntax of this command is: shortcut /F:filename /A:C|E|Q [/T:target] [/P:parameters] [/W:workingdir] [/R:runstyle] [/I:icon,index] [/H:hotkey] [/D:description] /F:filename : Specifies the .LNK or .URL shortcut file. /A:action : Defines the action to take (C=Create, E=Edit or Q=Query). /T:target : Defines the target path and file name the shortcut points to. /P:parameters : Defines the command-line parameters to pass to the target. /W:working dir : Defines the working directory the target starts with. /R:run style : Defines the window state (1=Normal, 3=Max, 7=Min). /I:icon,index : Defines the icon and optional index (file.exe or file.exe,0). /H:hotkey : Defines the hotkey, a numeric value of the keyboard shortcut. /D:description : Defines the description (or comment) for the shortcut. Notes: - Any argument that contains spaces must be enclosed in "double quotes". - If Query is specified (/A:Q), all arguments except /F: are ignored. - To find the numeric hotkey value, use Explorer to set a hotkey and then /A:Q - To prevent an environment variable from being expanded until the shortcut is launched, use the ^ carat escape character like this: ^%WINDIR^% Examples: /f:"%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs\My App.lnk" /a:q /f:"%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Notepad.lnk" /a:c /t:^%WINDIR^%\Notepad.exe /h:846 /f:"%USERPROFILE%\Desktop\Notepad.lnk" /a:e /p:C:\Setup.log /r:3 An argument of /? or -? displays this syntax and returns 1. A successful completion will return 0. Copyright 2000-2003 Marty List, www.OptimumX.com
Unattended winXP on DVD: same as CD?
edg21 replied to ramik's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
GuiRunOnce is used by newbies? No... it's used by those of us who are lazy & don't care what it looks like. Besides... I like the way a batch file looks. -
Perhaps I should have been more descriptive in my previous posts sorry. Network Setup: NIC 1: SMC EZ Card 10/100 PCI (SMC1211TX) - NIC 2: D-Link AirPlus DWL-520+ Wireless PCI Adapter - NIC 1 is connected to LinkSys BEFSR41 Wired Router NIC 2 is connected to LinkSys BEFW154 Wireless Router LinkSys BEFSR41 Wired Router is connected to DSL modem. LinkSys BEFW154 Wireless Router is connected to cable modem. Azureus Configuration: Configuration -> Server xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - Override IP address sent to tracker - Only use if you realy know why you'd need it! - Bind to local IP address Azureus continues to use my wired adapter instead of my wireless adapter. Under network connections -> tools -> advanced, the wireless adapter has higher priority... still no luck.
Tried that, however azureus & bittornado are unable to bind the the specified IP. Any other suggestions?
How can I force an application to use a spceific network adapter on my computer? 1) Wired NIC 2) Wireless NIC I need to force an application to use the wireless nic.. any suggestions?
here ya go PXE Related Resources: http://support.intel.com/support/network/a...b/CS-008191.htm
here ya go... works fine for me http://www.wug-nordic.net/articles/winpe_ramdrive.htm
Gotta start a few services before running diskpart net start dmserver net start dmadmin diskpart /s diskpart.cfg
I would suggest using WinPE/BartPE and just running your partition & format commands before copying cabs to the hdd. You could then use diskpart & format to do what you want. I have gdisk, but haven't played with it much yet. here are some gdisk links though: Introduction to Gdisk: http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/ghost...98081911285525/ Gdisk Switches: http://service1.symantec.com/SUPPORT/ghost...=&osv=&osv_lvl=
try using assoc.exe Displays or modifies file extension associations ASSOC [.ext[=[fileType]]] .ext Specifies the file extension to associate the file type with fileType Specifies the file type to associate with the file extension Type ASSOC without parameters to display the current file associations. If ASSOC is invoked with just a file extension, it displays the current file association for that file extension. Specify nothing for the file type and the command will delete the association for the file extension.
Why is he your friend then? Tell him to do it himself.
Link Removed... I just search for "nforce winpe" on google and found the 5th link down contained the drivers you needed. Sorry I didn't read the whole site, I figured you had tried looking on google, but I thought maybe I'd have better luck Might want to edit your post if you're concerned. *wink*
There is a bartpe plugin, the inf is fairly simple though, and I believe it includes what you need. source: http://www.google.com/search?q=nforce+winp...:en-US:official 5th link down. Drivers Included in Pack Realtek RTL8150 USB, Realtek RTL8139/810x/8169/8110, Intel PRO/1000 Gigabit (8254x), Intel PRO/100b (8255x), nVidia nForce Ethernet, Broadcom 440x series, Broadcom NetXtreme (57xx and 59xx), 3com 3c99x, Netgear FA101 USB, 3Com Gigabit LOM (3C940/3C2000)
Although I refuse to work on computers that have AOL installed, I guess I can see why you might want to do this... have you tried contacting AOL? haha
I use the follwing in WinPE to setup a single full size partition & format it, you could easily modify it. dp.cmd diskpart /s diskpart.cfg format c: /fs:NTFS /v:"" /Q /Y diskpart.cfg Select Disk 0 Clean Create Partition primary Active Assign Letter=c exit