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  1. Hi guys, as is it in IT-Technology everything has to be updated. So i´m asking me, in this thread of the future of the unattended Installation... What i wnat to know in this thread are you´re ideas, how to make the unattend installation better, more easier. What would you change? Does somebody know something about the plans from Microsoft!? Sorry for my english, i hope you know what im interested in... Greetz tron
  2. prathapml this is right. [_meta] is just an info i think. It don´t work... chosing my partitioning manually Thats the way i´m doing it too. But if you have an option on winnt.sif, it will be good to know. But i think theres a way doing that, somebody would know it in this forum... So we have to wait....
  3. Hi guys, im just reading the Unattended Guide at Sourceforge. I don´t know if this works and i want to know if somebody ever tried these commands in winnt.sif. [_meta] fdisk_lba=1 fdisk_cmds="fdisk /clear 1;fdisk /pri:4000;fdisk /activate:1" fdisk_confirm=0 format_cmd="format /y /z:seriously /q /u /a /v: c:" replace_mbr=1 Do you have some experiences with this way partitioning the disk!? I have to try that tonight, and post any results i get... Greets tron
  4. Hi, ive look around my i368 folder and find a file called sysparse.exe! Could somebody explain me, what this tool does? Ive found nothing on MS KB and nothing good on google... Greetz tron
  5. edg21 you are the man.... really really good. Thats what ive searching for... Ive modified the script a bit and it is still in Progress. @echo off :NW_CHOOSE ECHO. ECHO 1. per DHCP ECHO 2. Statische IP-Adresse SET /P NW_CONF=[Do you want to use DHCP or specify a static IP? (Select 1 or 2)] IF /I "%NW_CONF%" == "1" GOTO NW_SET_DHCP IF /I "%NW_CONF%" == "2" GOTO NW_INPUT :NW_INPUT SET /P STATIC_IP=[IP:] SET /P SUBNET=[Subnet Mask:] SET /P GATEWAY=[Default Gateway:] ECHO. ECHO You specified: ECHO IP Address: %STATIC_IP% ECHO Subnet Mask: %SUBNET% ECHO Default Gateway: %GATEWAY% :NW_CONFIRM ECHO. SET /P NW_CONF=[Is this correct? Y/N:] IF /I "%NW_CONF%" == "Y" GOTO NW_SET IF /I "%NW_CONF%" == "N" GOTO NW_INPUT GOTO NW_CONFIRM :NW_SET_STATIC netsh int ip add name="Local Area Connection" static %STATIC_IP% %SUBNET% %GATEWAY% 1 GOTO END :NW_SET_DHCP netsh int ip set add "Local Area Connection" dhcp GOTO END :END Youre so great greetz tron
  6. joebells this is an opinion... LOL often it is just too easy. thx i try that
  7. Hello edg21, set STATIC_IP= <-- User have to insert this information on command prompt set SUBNET= <-- User have to insert this information on command prompt set GATEWAY= <-- User have to insert this information on command prompt netsh int ip add name="Local Area Connection" static %STATIC_IP% %SUBNET% %GATEWAY% 1 ^^ This is very good, but i want to call this file on Runonce.cmd to set the Networksettings before running your ftp.cmd. The thing is that my friends also want to use this CD. His network is different, but to call your ftp.cmd he has to input his IP, Mask and Gateway. So i couldnt set these Options static. My idea was to have a prompt like in linux where he could insert his Networksettings. He also has no DHCP. We need this to have in the next step an internet connection to start your ftp.cmd file. Hope you understand what i mean. Thx & Greetz tron
  8. Thanks for the answers. crahak netsh is the thing i want. But IP Adress Netmask and Gateway i couldnt set static. In the script there have to be a prompt, where you could type in IP, Netmask and Gateway in. Like in linux... Then maybe stored in a .txt file and inserted in netsh... I dont know much about vbscript so i dont know what i have to do with the WMI... Greetz tron
  9. Hey folks, i found a script to automatically download an install updates on MSDN. What do you mean about this script!? greetz tron update.vbs
  10. Hi guys, i try to setup my Runonce.cmd like FTP Installation Thread. But i have to setup my IP-Adress first. I dont have a DHCP Server so i have to set this static. But my friends also use this Installation. So i cant setup my network 192.168.122.x. I have to ask for it in ipadress.bat: Here is the code: @echo off echo Ipadresse festlegen echo per DHCP Server: set /p ip1=(j/n): if /i %ip1%==j netsh interface ip set address "LAN-Verbindung" dhcp pause echo Static settings: set /p ip2=(j/n): if /i %ip2%==j netsh interface ip set address "LAN-Verbindung" static exit DHCP works fine, but how could i set Variables for static settings? Store them in txt file?! Hope you could help me. Thx tron
  11. I tried it this way: @echo off echo Ipadresse festlegen echo per DHCP Server: set /p ip1=(j/n): if /i %ip1%==j netsh interface ip set address "LAN-Verbindung" dhcp pause echo Tragen Sie Ihre IP-Adresse ein: set /p ip2=(j/n): if /i %ip2%==j netsh interface ip set address "LAN-Verbindung" static exit DHCP works well, but how could i set interface, gateway when i ask for it? In txt file? greetz tron
  12. Hi, this is really awesome... Now i have a little problem. Cause i dont have an DHCP Server, so i have to set my ip adress static. Is there a way to get this thing working on Runonce.cmd? Before i call your FTP.cmd? I want to call a prompt where i can insert my static ipadress. But i dont know how i gonna script that... Is there anyone who explain me that. Ive searched in the forum, but i dont want to set this with netsh.exe, cause i want to set the Ip Adress on this way: Runonce.cmd -> ip.cmd --> Look for DHCP --> none --> Goto prompt: --> Here setup ip, gateway, etc. ---> then call ftp.cmd Hope you know what im searching for... Greetz tron
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