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Everything posted by CRK
360 Extreme Explorer Modified Version
CRK replied to Humming Owl's topic in Browsers working on Older NT-Family OSes
latest version is: 13.1.4010.0 down: hxxps://slc.lo4d.com/files/360-browser/360se13.1.4010.0.exe please update it to english.. thanks for all hard work and efforts My Best Regards- 2,337 replies
Working on XP x86 SP3,, extreme 360 crash time to time no matter options marked/unmarked while using youtube.. i believe is because ublock origin addon, not really sure yet.. anyway don't like the telemetry idea, many ip calling chinesse sites, also tried the "repacked" russian version which force some site into Ru languague, i believe they force/modified the local setting to make chrome believe i am in Rusia, don't like the idea to be traslating sites like hotmail, etc ..youtube also display some menus in ru languague... don't really like this....My Pal freeze while using facebook and other sites no matter plugin to manage the memory resource it always freeze sometime, unresposible and only way to finish it is to shutdown the process with Ctl+Alt+Del so i'm looking for a better alternative.. 360 work ok, only problem is the ramdom crash and suddenly shutdown itselft and ask to reload it..chinese and rus do the same, also tried newer chinese version which also has the US languague on most part of the UI, and crash as wel... so will test this mini browser and see what happends, is there any oficial website to keep updating with the mini browser version ?? My Best Regards
Which Antiviruses are Known for a Fact to be Working on XP SP3 as of 2019?
CRK replied to spacequakes's topic in Windows XP
since long time ago i got 1.1 , 2.0 SP2, 3.0 SP2 and 4 installed. nowadays many app requires .net i didn't look for further details about requirements, you could try installing it without .net and check -
Which Antiviruses are Known for a Fact to be Working on XP SP3 as of 2019?
CRK replied to spacequakes's topic in Windows XP
forget about MSE since you can't update it so it's useless, what's the point for keeping it?? -
Which Antiviruses are Known for a Fact to be Working on XP SP3 as of 2019?
CRK replied to spacequakes's topic in Windows XP
never thought KAV Free Antivirus was going to work in XP, saw in other forum recomendation to install on XP Sp3, downloaded and installed version 19.0 it's working fantastic so far.. :-) -
i can confirm this is working, i use security essential, never used Avast in this machine, i was getting those logs either, after those command only had to give all permission, with my user name, for folder: NetworkService btw i use NTFS and only 1 partition that's all, thanks for sharing !!! :-)
How to install Windows from USB- WinSetupFromUSB with GUI
CRK replied to ilko_t's topic in Install Windows from USB
everything working great! only ISO XPPSP32.iso has invalid signature at first line, i see you removed by mistake .. i already corrected it .. because without that line the installation don't even start amazing work.. thanks so much for all support ilko_t i will help to test anything you need if necessary.. i'll be around and waiting for final version.. until now this latest beta release works very good. My BEst Regards -
How to install Windows from USB- WinSetupFromUSB with GUI
CRK replied to ilko_t's topic in Install Windows from USB
LOL i will try later and will reply back with results -
How to install Windows from USB- WinSetupFromUSB with GUI
CRK replied to ilko_t's topic in Install Windows from USB
you mean to remove all entries related to the file from txtsetup.sif and setup.cmd ? -
How to install Windows from USB- WinSetupFromUSB with GUI
CRK replied to ilko_t's topic in Install Windows from USB
iso files uploaded here: http://www.megaupload.com/ My Best Regards -
How to install Windows from USB- WinSetupFromUSB with GUI
CRK replied to ilko_t's topic in Install Windows from USB
sorry for delay.. i have attached all logs the program has made so far.. i see the file is there at the i386 directories.. and yes is the only file giving trouble remember i used the last 3 options of advanced options menu any ideas? My Best Regards logs.rar -
How to install Windows from USB- WinSetupFromUSB with GUI
CRK replied to ilko_t's topic in Install Windows from USB
please i need help with the issue i'm having.. do i have to delete some lines/information about that file to let setup continue without saying it's an invalid image/windows file? where the UsbBootW.exe information is stored? My Best Regards -
How to install Windows from USB- WinSetupFromUSB with GUI
CRK replied to ilko_t's topic in Install Windows from USB
are you sure if that option is marked then appears errors like the one i got? if i have to do all the work again that will take a lot of time... if necessary please just tell me the steps to take care of the problem manually.. i'm sure it will take less time than building everything since the begining. My Best Regards -
How to install Windows from USB- WinSetupFromUSB with GUI
CRK replied to ilko_t's topic in Install Windows from USB
for BSOD just use ntdetect.com from win2k3 as well ramdisk.sy_ if bad don't remember.. i was getting bsod testing with dell machines, with hp and Eee Pc (mini laptop) all worked well except for dell so i did the trick of the file replacement.i did replace them from the iso and from the i386 all working ok on all machines i have tested so far i just getting a trouble while windows copy the files needed for the installation.. i haven't found anything about it yet so i decided to come here and ask the experts as well the author ilko_t thanks ilko_t for such great and easy tool, in my opinion the best so far =)! i have attached the screenshot(photo) of my problem.. if i press esc the installation continue and all work ok, i used the latest beta with the option that prepares the xp for installation and uses driverpack.. i have driverpack integrated, 4 version of winxp working great, with drivers, program installation, 2 unattended and 2 normal installations for repair purposes.. (2 english and 2 spanish) all installation gives the invalid file usbbootw.exe... please if someone know about this let me know.. or please give some hints where to look at.. My Best Regards -
New Hardware Wizard appearing during unattended install
CRK replied to SRJ's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
nuhi where are you? this is my other post about this problem here: http://www.msfn.org/board/stop-found-new-h...pid-884196.html i strongly believe still nlite has causing randomly this bug with certain windows languages... my version is in spanish maybe that's why still the problem persist with nlite i made an auto it script which kill the window i ran from detachedprogram option but for some reason the installation never pass the 25 minutes maybe freeze? then i have to reset manually.. now it start from T39 again then the auto it exe will work and closes the windows of hardware.... ... but this is totally insane.. i'm missing the unattend purpose already maybe i'm missing some needed arguments for this to work correctly? anyone please? -
i'm having this situation as explained here: http://www.msfn.org/board/new-hardware-wiz...pid-888585.html and here: http://www.msfn.org/board/stop-found-new-h...pid-884196.html all i need is to kill the window: found new hardware wizard.. ok.. my cuestion is how can i implement a VB script or auto it compiled exe to kill this windows that appears 3 times at T-25 of unattended SP3 pro install if a click cancel 3 times the windows dissapear and installation keep going normally.. sometimes i have to click Alt+ tab for the windows to show up because it looks like they remain in the background of the installation preventing to continue. all i can find is comments about implementing auto it to install programs.. that's not what i need.. many people say do this this...etc just ideas but don't explain exactly what to do.. i found searching this script for auto it that's is supposed to kill the window also... bug i guess it missing some command to wait for 25 minutes then look for the window 3 or 4 times to kill it.. here it's: this is AutoIT3 script that I use to get rid of those "New Hardware Found" windows. Save it as e.g. close_popup.au3, download autoit and compile to exe. It will run in the background waiting for specified windows and closing them. You can stop it by using /QUIT. Just change 'Found New Hardware Wizard' to the title of your window, and 'Welcome' to any text of the popup. You can change the name of the script window ('KillHWiz') but it's not neccessary. There is also a auto it dll that you can use through Win32API or ruby/dl. HTH, J. ----8<-------------------- If $CmdLine[0] = 1 and $CmdLine[1] = '/QUIT' Then WinClose('KillHWiz') Else AutoItWinSetTitle('KillHWiz') While 1=1 WinWait ( 'Found New Hardware Wizard', 'Welcome' ) WinClose ( 'Found New Hardware Wizard', 'Welcome' ) WEnd Source: http://www.mombu.com/programming/ruby/t-do...es-1308554.html please any inputs are welcome. My Best Regards
hello guys, i have a script of auto it that i could compile it.. is for killing the windows New hardware wizard.. i'm getting this window with an unattended install at t-25 minutes of the installation.. i wonder how could i implement the exe compiled of auto it to kill the new hardware wizard window when missing 25 minutes of the installation? My Best Regards
how to stop Found New Hardware Wizard
CRK replied to Smiley357's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
i tried to remove that screen by injecting to HIVESFT.inf: HKLM,"Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceInstall\Settings","SuppressNewHWUI",0x00010003,1 the hardware wizard still appear at T-25 asking for terminal server mouse/keyboard... i wonder if the key i wrote to hives.. is the correct way? please any other method in mind that any of you could have(source code, scripts..etc) that i could use for this will be welcome.. please if someone provide something tell how to implement it and where to put the code/scripts. My Best Regards -
New Hardware Wizard appearing during unattended install
CRK replied to SRJ's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
still no luck! i tried by injecting the key to HIVESFT.inf: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceInstall\Settings] "SuppressNewHWUI"=dword:00000001 HKLM,"Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\DeviceInstall\Settings","SuppressNewHWUI",0x00010003,1 the windows hardware wizard still appears at T25 please any help to kill that window will be appreciated! My best Regards -
how to stop Found New Hardware Wizard
CRK replied to Smiley357's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
see my post about something similar here: http://www.msfn.org/board/new-hardware-wiz...pid-888585.html anyone knows how to fix this manually as nuhi tells about? My Regards -
New Hardware Wizard appearing during unattended install
CRK replied to SRJ's topic in Unattended Windows 2000/XP/2003
i'm having exactly same problem.. i have searching a lot without success for this problem.. i'm using latest nlite i have integrated driverpack method 2 and it works for the retail english version XP PRO + SP3 but the spanish version i'm getting the same stuff.. is asking me for the drivers about the terminal server.. when missing 25 minutes of the installation making the installation useless in the way it's not unattended anymore.. i don't know why windows ask for those files if those drivers are in the Sp3.cab i'm having exactly same problem as SRJ i wonder what file should i edit to correct this issue?, is this driverpack bug or nlite bug still persist ? looking deeper i found this : http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx/kb/938596 so maybe taking that way i could import that key before the text installation mode ends and that could possibly end the issue. another way could be using the txtsetup.sif as explained here combined with the previous info to correct this..: http://gosh.msfn.org/infresh.htm any advices/tips are welcome.. please i'm hungry for knowledge to correct this bug someone help me on this please.. My Best Regards -
everything is working fine on my system except this.. i wonder if there's some registry trick like a limit of items to display there or file.. because those trick don't work. in TweakUI i see the New Text Document there checked.. but on the right mouse click there's not. My Best Regards