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Everything posted by diesel_98a

  1. good deal, i am waiting for it to be released................
  2. no prob, just trying to help............
  3. u could try slipstreaming the updates to the cd be4 nliting it, u can use the following: 1. Create the Win2KCD folder that will be nlited later. (I have mine setup with SP4 Slipstreamed.) 2. Create a hotfix folder and put the hotfixes into it 3. Created the hotfix.cmd using the following: TITLE Windows 2K SP4 Slipstreamer brought to you by www.MSFN.org CLS @echo off ECHO. ECHO Slipstreaming Windows 2K SP4 Updates ECHO Please wait... FOR %%f IN (*.exe) DO "%%f" /Integrate:D:\Win2KSP4 ECHO. ECHO Slipstreaming Completed! ECHO. pause EXIT 4. Add the hotfix.cmd to the hotfix folder. (make sure /Integrate:D:\Win2KSP4 = the path to your Win2KSP4 folder) 5. Run the hotfix.cmd. (if everything is setup correctly it will intergrate all the hotfixes into your Win2KSP4) 6. Ready to be nlited.
  4. if you don't slipstream the updates on the disk, does the cd have any problems? say does the nlited disk w/o updates install fine? make sure the cd installs fine before adding the updates to it...............
  5. add what stuff???
  6. it says your local network cable is unplugged, is there a cable plugged into your marvell yukon pci card? i am guessing not..........so plug a cable into it would be a nice way to start..............
  7. Great work, i am going to download the entire pack................
  8. i haven't heard or read the registry import actually working but then i am not even sure what gets imported to the registry to help with the activation.
  9. don't worry about it........u knew it but just need a refresher.........i still need a refresher from time to time.........
  10. how about: RD /S /Q
  11. well that is a little more work, i download the most current hotfixes and then check the kb articles on microsoft website to see which ones are being replaced if any, if there are any being replaced.......then i simply delete them. also change the names to look like KBxxxxxx, if the folder is auto arranged then the smaller #s are done first, for example KB873339 would be done first and KB944653 would be done last.........assuming those are the first & last kbs in the folder...........
  12. pretty much................it seems to be faster for me to not use nlite to slipstream the hotfixes
  13. i use the following method and it works fine for me and intergrates over 75 hotfixes, all of the hotfixes are showing up as installed, and don't show up in the automatic updates. 1. Create the XPCD folder that will be nlited later. (I have mine setup with SP2 Slipstreamed.) 2. Create a hotfix folder and put the hotfixes into it 3. Created the hotfix.cmd using the following: TITLE Windows XP SP2 Slipstreamer brought to you by www.MSFN.org CLS @echo off ECHO. ECHO Slipstreaming Windows XP SP2 Updates ECHO Please wait... FOR %%f IN (*.exe) DO "%%f" /Integrate:D:\WinXPSP2 ECHO. ECHO Slipstreaming Completed! ECHO. pause EXIT 4. Add the hotfix.cmd to the hotfix folder. (make sure /Integrate:D:\WinXPSP2 = the path to your XPCD folder) 5. Run the hotfix.cmd. (if everything is setup correctly it will intergrate all the hotfixes into your XPCD) 6. Ready to be nlited.
  14. I included both of them for you........ Folders___Vista.zip
  15. there are some on deviantart with the vista folder, the girl is black instead of blue. i have both of them, cannot remember where i download them from on deviantart.
  16. i use RocketDock too, the best thing i like about it is how well it can be customized.................i make all the changes including adding icons or picts, remove any unecessary languages, and add any skins or remove any i don't like...............i then create a SFX archive to install it................
  17. there is an easier way to do that if you install other software........... just create an SFX archive using WinRar that will place the wallpapers into Wallpapers Folder, then just add the .exe to be installed with your other software......... my wallpapers archive (Wallpapers.exe) is currently around 55mbs...........
  18. if this helps here is what i am currently using.......... this will add ResHacker (for example) to the context menu when right clicking on the correct file (i also add one for FoxIt Reader that will open pdf files when right clicking on them)................... ResHacker Added to Context Menu [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\Shell\ResHacker] @="ResHacker" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\Shell\ResHacker\command] @="\"C:\\Projects\\ResHacker\\ResHacker.exe\" \"%1\"" FoxIt Reader Added to Context Menu [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\Shell\FoxIt Reader] @="FoxIt Reader" [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\Shell\FoxIt Reader\command] @="\"C:\\Program Files\\Foxit Software\\Foxit Reader\\FoxIt Reader.exe\" \"%1\""
  19. In regards to the wallpapers, you could create a SFX archive using winrar that extracts the wallpapers to the C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper directory, if you are doing any other software installs...........
  20. you could try this: http://www.vorck.com/2ksp5.html or go this one: http://www.msfn.org/articles.php?action=sh...;showarticle=49
  21. there is also a program called makemsi
  22. i never had to use the msiexec /i but if it works for ya, so be it..........
  23. hasn't anyone tried the: windefender.msi /QB taskkill /F /IM MSASCui.exe.exe or MSASCui.exe -t minibug.exe then install kb915597? i haven't downloaded the kb915597 to try the silent install but the rest works for me
  24. it was a site that told about many services xp runs, had comparsion on which services needed to be running depending on how locked down u wanted the computer. it gave in depth info on the services.
  25. i think it is more of personl preference, at least it is for me. i have tried both ways & both work for what i want to do. just depends on what or why i am making the cd for.
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