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Everything posted by magicfly

  1. hello friends! i don't know (but i really need that) how can i share my internet connection between host pc (running windows xp pro sp2) and my virtual pc on vmware (running winxp pro sp2 too). i don't know anything about ip, gateway, dns...so please if you know how to do that,be specific. thank you in advance PS: i tried to find out on the net but i didn't find anything i understood
  2. hello friends as you can see from the screenshot i have selected the option 'hide inactive icons' but it seems not to work cause there isn't the arrow into the circle. It works on the other account (limited account) instead...where can i find the solution? anyone has an idea? i have already installed every patches from MS so there's nothing to update..i know it's strange please help thanks!
  3. hello guys! here it is my desktop for this month, clean as usual and ready for summer VISUAL STYLE: LunaQQ (Reluna compact substyle) WALLPAPER: on Webshots site (PM if you wanna that) see you!
  4. here it is my desktop, usually as clean as possible
  5. wowowow!! THANK YOU DIGGITY!! it works! have a nice day
  6. hello friends, when i write into WORD, i can't see the margin on the page, infact i start writing into the writable area... that's a screenshot of what i mean. if someone could help me, i'd be very glad
  7. hello friends. in that pic i'm using MODBLUE 1.1 skin i likeit a lot, BUT... is it possible to remove my avatar on the corner? thanks
  8. FORMULA1: NICE, BUT next time please, resize your shot
  9. i think it will be my definitive (or for a long time) desktop config
  10. never heard these file exts...but i think they can be removed
  11. it seems the skin has gone out for a walk...
  12. can you please tell me where i can find that skin or simply the name?
  13. helo xtrememac! i tried but there's always this huge space between two app installed...i tried to modify the key and to uninstall that tool...but i didn't solve. this is the content of the key when i click into the space, windows select it all like if it was an app installed
  14. hello friends. everytime i open installation applications i get a big blank space between some apps like on screenshot? anyone have an idea how can i 'wipe' this space? thanks
  15. i'm using CRAP CLEANER and EAST TEC ERASER 2005 for wiping
  16. and this is mine enjoy! PS: for any request PM
  17. never heard about this project
  18. yes it's the royale theme, and you can find a tweaked royale one of course around skins websites
  19. as always CRAP CLEANER....works really good!!
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