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Everything posted by LowLander

  1. inside, there is WinXP-IE Optional Patch Integrator see \Integrator Files\Patches\ACPI drivers many acpi.sys files try them til you found the right one.
  2. Rename your winXP iso or search for windows-xp-professional-sp3-x86-integral-edition it will work with Lenovo IdeaPad
  3. i'm two happy with 11, 13.5 just crash 3 times while downloading today update from dropbox...
  4. Something like this ? [RunAfter] FileDelete=.\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Storage\leveldb\*.log
  5. https://get.opera.com/pub/opera/win/1218/en/ https://get.opera.com/pub/opera/win/1218/int/
  6. Be sure the number is more than that, i use your build 11 & 12 for more than a month and i'm more than satisfied i ven talk about it around, last week two friends adopted it as main browser... for the record version me too i don't like version 13.5 and you know why.
  7. Speedometer 2.0 benchmark on XP x32 SP3 on an intel Pentium G2030 3GHz DcBrowser scored 53.98 MiniBrowser scored 49.7 360Chrome 11.0.2031 rebuild 5: scored 44.1 360 FireFox 45.9.34-20211106: scored 24.8 MyPal 28.11.0: scored 14.1
  8. Speedometer 2.0 benchmark on XP x32 SP3 on an intel i5-540M 2.53GHz 360Chrome 12.0.1247 rebuild 9 ungoogled: scored 38.28 Edit: more brosers test 360Chrome 13.4.1030 rebuild 3: scored 37.75 360Chrome : scored 36.6 360Chrome 11.0.2031 rebuild 5: scored 34.1 Arcticfox-27.11.0.win32-git-202011211 : scored 18.9 MyPal 29.3.0: scored 17.0
  9. Another working link to download Opera 12.18 and other browsers...Thanks to Viktor Kisel https://www.mediafire.com/folder/xndaaefaebnib/Browsers
  10. @ArcticFoxie testing your build and i see something wrong with fonts for example try this and see: https://off-guardian.org/2021/09/22/30-facts-you-need-to-know-your-covid-cribsheet/
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