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Posts posted by D.Draker

  1. Even though I like your quick and informative answer , I had plenty of serious troubles with Toshiba.

    All toshibas are noisy , hot (high temps)  and are just bad , both CMR and SMR (shingled). For example these 8TB awful drives.

    This is not just a bad batch , I had the exact same drive from ANOTHER batch and it was terrible !!

    Their customer service is non-existent and I sold it very cheap for parts. Read many people reporting awful quality.


  2. Just now, Jody Thornton said:

    Well it won't be at least until Wednesday.  I really do prefer to keep this a clean system, I'll be honest - rather than install/uninstall stuff.


    Bravo , agree ! I have an ancient (slow) 1TB HDD (from 2009-2010) and when I need to test something on specific systems , I just connect it via eSata to my PC (the disk is in it's external enclosure) , then install any system I want from USB ISO or BluRay drive, test and format after that . Just sayin'

  3. On 9/12/2021 at 7:31 PM, ArcticFoxie said:

    Device Manager -> Display adapters -> Nvidia GeForce FT 635 -> Properties -> Driver lists my driver version as and is dated 3/13/2015.

    What a coincidence ! You're on the same driver ! While I agree that it is a good driver , is there any chance you or anyone else will consider trying this browser with any newer drivers ? Thank you ! I mean starting from 350.12 and up , I know XP was able to use drivers up to 368.81. Unfortunately I had to stop using this wonderful browser and rolled back my to my newer driver , otherwise I can't play with acceptable framerates...

  4. On 9/5/2021 at 9:47 PM, Humming Owl said:

    You could try the following to see if they fix or avoid the issue:

    - Disable hardware acceleration.

    - Add the flag: --disable-gpu (I've had problems in Linux if I use the GPU in Chromium).

    - Have you used the ViewTube extension? As it changes the YouTube player for another player such as VLC or WMP, that might do something.

    - Use a YouTube frontend client from this page (I only tested one of them on Win7 but it was consuming less resources than running the video directly in YouTube) --> https://redirect.invidious.io/

    And, can you send a screenshot of the "chrome://gpu/" page? (just of the "Graphics Feature Status" and "Problems Detected" sections) Maybe there is some information there that can be useful.

    I've read in a Japanese forum that 360EE was having some issues in YouTube as well. The thread did not say anything on how to fix it. There may be some more possible workarounds (I think the most convenient way is using flags) but for now try these options.


    Thank you very much for the quick reply, all of the above didn't work. I have been testing since you replied , more than a week ! For those who are wondering , I had to downgrade my nvidia driver to 347.88 and the issues just stopped ! This is not a good solution , because the driver is too old for my games . Any driver starting from 350.12 will lead to crashes with this browser , sometimes when I open it , it will spike the GPU usage to 10-12 percent , absolutely not OK for my GTX980. And the load on memory controller remains higher than usual after I close it . No crashes at this point , but when I start a game , the driver will crash and relaunch itself . Now I'm wondering what if @ArcticFoxie's crashes are also nvidia driver related ? Folks , what hardware are you on ? Any of you using Nvidia 350.12 and up ?

  5. I started to get Nvidia driver crashes with youtube. v13 rarely and with v12 frequently. Symptoms - I play a video , then the videocard TDP goes up to 10-11% (which is not normal) . It was kinda 5-7% before . I close the browser , start a random game , boom , driver crashes and restores by itself . If I do not open this browser and do NOT watch videos - all is OK , no crashes.

    So it's like the browser makes a glitch in the driver which needs to be reset before I can play .

    I have another chinese browser (old centbrwoser) and it doesn't crash the driver . 

  6. 3 hours ago, UCyborg said:

    I have another theory specific to MSFN - they left because of lack of variety of actively discussed topics or because they're not old OS fanatics.

    I think calling us fanatics is a bit rude . I understand English is not your mother tongue , but look at some synonyms of this word:

    junkie , maniac, maven (also mavin = freak), nut


  7. jaclaz , thank you for the reply ! Well , yes , there's no such format per se , yet Universal extractor extracts such files perfectly , in fact it is the only one that was able to extract without issues ! Cab archivers , including makecab.exe and the other oldies will create MSZip type of compression, but this one I need is MsLZ. 7-zip says the file type is MsLZ.

    Perhaps it has nothing to do with "MS" because it's "Ms" . Lempel Ziv are usually LZ4 or LZO https://github.com/jibsen/brieflz

    That's why I asked the author because if they wrote an extraction algorithm perhaps they know what it is . This was the first and only search result on MSFN !


  8. 15 hours ago, ArcticFoxie said:

    It's the dog chasing its tail.

    And what do you mean by that ? Is there an answer to this specific warning in your reply ? If it doesn't bother you , doesn't mean the others should ignore . As for the post , I'm just confirming exactly the same issue the other members have mentioned here earlier . I'm having my first days with this very browser . I have fully updated certificates and this warning "other resources which are not secure" maybe ad sites which it connects to , but it's just my guess. Why am I not seeing this warning on youtube , for example ?  Any ideas ? 

  9. 7 hours ago, bphlpt said:

    While I respect your frustration, I interpret your references differently, As I read the newspaper, I thought it meant that the "previously planned" part referred to them previously planning to allow tourists in as of August 1, but new data about the severity of continued infections has caused them to reconsider. Your interpretation could be a case of a misplaced coma in the newspaper text.

    As to the rest of your post, even Twitter itself has marked that tweet as misleading, so...

    The most important part , you've attempted to draw attention away from the main subject and tried to focus on the other less significant part .

    But the main issue remains intact - there is no entry for the vaxxed (even with the app.), starting on August 1. This is the quotation from the newspaper with commas ."Vaccinated tourists will not be allowed to enter Israel on August 1, as had been previously planned, Health Ministry Director-General Prof. Nachman Ash said Sunday..."

    You mean the Twitter , one of the leaders of censorship with funny "facto-checking" ? Well , if you want a real fact checker ,

    A - come to my country ,

    B - install our forced software or you won't be able to dine/shop , get this pass (the app. is very misleading, btw) ,

    C - the next step you've already done (the jab) 

    D - Now try to buy a trip to Israel , which is quite a popular destination here. But no agency will sell it to you because Israel Forbids Entrance of Vaccinated Tourists . So the software and the vaccine are useless and they ruined my summer plans , which is precisely what I'm talking about , please do not make this about anything else and do not switch to another direction, I will ignore.

    Cheers and Regards

  10. 7 hours ago, bphlpt said:

    its use and enforcement needs to be consistent

    While I respect your and everyone's opinion...

    First , as Tripredacus said , we are only allowed to talk about the software (which I'm currently doing) and it's use in this topic and he forbids talking about politics , this includes government , yet you seem to be allowed to do this . I'm not sure how your huge pro vaccine/forced app. post , esp. with this sentence "its use and enforcement needs to be consistent" passes the moderation. This is actually a very serious topic and it is dangerous to drive people in any directions  , they should decide for themselves .

  11. We are now required to have a special pass to visit a restaurant or even go shopping . I was going on a summer trip to Israel with the software which they force us to use in my country. Here is this software (the article is in English). https://www.rfi.fr/en/france/20210421-french-anti-covid-app-takes-first-step-towards-eu-health-pass-technology-european-commission-travel-vaccination

    Yet it is of no use , because they simply deny entry to vaccinated tourists

    "Vaccinated tourists will not be allowed to enter Israel ... as had been previously planned, Health Ministry Director-General Prof. Nachman Ash said Sunday..."

    "Previously planned" ? Seems like they surely know something we obviously don't . I started to dig deeper .

    Proof from an official Israeli newspaper 


    "The newest Israeli data indicate ~ complete vaccine failure on every level."

    "Green bars represent the vaccinated; red unvaccinated. Further, the number of severe cases is rising far faster than overall hospitalizations, ending the myth that vaccines stop severe disease."

    This data is  from the @IsraelMOH



  12. On 1/4/2021 at 4:52 PM, burd said:

     Amnesia:Rebirth works on vista , weirdly the NonSteam exe works even on vanilla SP2 , but the exe with steam launch crashes without Extended kernel


    That's because steam makes calls to non-existent APIs. Solution ? Do not use steam . I've bought a recent game from mid. 2020 and it works fine on vanilla Vista , but the steam version doesn't work , so I got a refund. Let them feel that we are to decide what we want.


    On 12/31/2020 at 6:21 AM, Win10-Hater said:

    I'll look into this later and see if this happens on Chromium.

    So is there an end to this story ?

  13. On 1/6/2021 at 12:27 PM, xper said:

    Chrome 87 and Windows 10. Everything works.

    31st of December 2020 - works cool (even with disabled remote fonts), 1st of January 2021 - all hell breaks loose .

    It has nothing to do with the operating system. It's the new java , scripts and remote fonts. I'm glad it is working for the creator himself though.

    I've been away for some time , now logged in and everything works again , except the odd squares in the menus.

  14. 13 hours ago, asdf2345 said:

    I also came to the conclusion that 382.33 would be good to modify, but 382.33 has NVTelemetry, so anyone modding it would have to remove it

    Removing telemetry is just a couple of seconds . Modding the driver is not easy , I guess . We are better off with 7/9 series , btw I noticed modded 372 files in the folder, what are they for ? Win32 began experimenting ?

  15. On 1/5/2021 at 6:26 PM, asdf2345 said:

    It's OpenGL, so the 1060 shouldn't be an issue here.

    Maybe, maybe not . He can test with these cards to see what happens. Real life scenario is a good test . I had some games that crashed with GTX980 and GTX780 (chip revision A2), strangely chip revison A1 worked alright. 


    On 1/5/2021 at 6:11 PM, win32 said:

    I started working on winload.efi again but I continue to struggle with digital signature verification. The same things that were successful to bypass protections on winload.exe are not successful on winload.efi. :thumbdown

    Have you considered modding the driver itself ? 382 seems to be a wise choice since it supports 1030.

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