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Everything posted by RamonUn

  1. You mean no more memory leaks? This would be nice.
  2. Thanks a lot for the new build roytam, very nice!
  3. When Smooth scrolling is disabled in the latest 68.14.6b (`general.smoothScroll`) Then the links positions are not scrolled when scrolling the page. You can try to load results from a search engine and you will see all links highlighting correctly if you have not scrolled the page at all. Now scroll down a few notches when you hover your mouse on a link it no longer highlight and you can get a link above the cursor to highlighted. I really dislike the smooth scrolling, I would be very happy if the option to disable it was still usable. for now I have to enable smooth scrolling of keep the old version. Edit: the temporary solution for me is to set `general.smoothScroll.mouseWheel.durationMaxMS;0`
  4. I get a crash 100% when i go to the time.is website i can give the drwatson.log+user.dmp if needed It happens with the latest ice-ape-uxp on a 32 bits Windows server 2003
  5. I think in this period the profile folder changed, you have to move your profile to the new location if this is the case. I remember having the problem. new profiles folder is %APPDATA%\OpenSource\MailNews
  6. MailNews/Ice-Ape-UXP and others from the same post are 404.
  7. MailNews is able to handle OAtuh2 for gmail and yahoo. I would have expected to see it work with hotmail as well.
  8. as a side-note the big re-base at 0x61D90000 works also for me on Windows server 2003 x32 I did not realize you could pass several dlls to rebase at once, this is sure convenient.
  9. I tried on Windows server 2003 the proposed rebase at address 0x6af00000. However at it does not change anything for me and the dll is still loaded at the same address (0x1240000), Is it just me? Anyway rebasing cannot really hurt anything. If Windows is unable to respect the preferred base it will determine some address that works so even if it does not benefit me it will at least benefit others and wont hurt anyone. I tested 0x2000 0000 and it works fine for me. as there is a large gap between mozglue.dll at 0x1000 0000 and hnetcfg.dll at 0x5F27 0000 I am not sure why this is the case but I thought it might be maybe more research can be done and a better value that fits everyone could be found. Also there are other dlls that cannot get loaded at their base address of 0x1000 0000: namely: freebl3.dll, freebl3.dll, nssckbi.dll, nss3.dll, nssckbi.dlland softokn3.dll; Again this in on my system.
  10. Double post mistake, delete please
  11. Those are 404 for me, I can't see them listed in https://o.rthost.win/hbl-uxp/ either.
  12. I do use XP (actually server 2003) as a daily drives main OS, bare metal I do 99% of everything with it, including web browsing.
  13. If you can reproduce the crash with drwatson enabled, then you could give the 'drwtsn32.log' file that can help resolve the issue.
  14. Some plugins do not work properly with multi-process mode, it was already discussed in the past and it is an Old Firefox bug that would be very hard to fix. Because PaleMoon and Basilisk are not to be used in multi-process mode the Issue can only manifest itself on Serpent. You will need to disable multi-process mde if you want to use palefill or to disable palefill.
  15. You can look at the change log for SumatraPDF 3.5.2: https://www.sumatrapdfreader.org/docs/Version-history Nothing very important for me, maybe I would enjoy the improved PDF annotations interface, but there is nothing huge. You might skip it and wait next year for 3.6.x.
  16. There is someone that would like to register on MSFN forus, he is curently unable to do so. Is there any admin that could do something for this person? You can see the discussion over here: https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal68/issues/332#issuecomment-1837217471
  17. x64 version - Couldn't load XPCOM #35 https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal68/issues/35 reason: https://github.com/Feodor2/Mypal68/issues/35#issuecomment-1800114265 EDIT: I know it was the 32 bit version of MyPal68 running on XP64, but I guess it is related.
  18. I see you are using an updated version of XomPie Could you share the source? or were you found it? I would be interested so that I can better patch random command line programs that I come around when needed.
  19. Wow, had not seen this topic before, I must give this a try, seems to be amazing...
  20. @feodor2 I do confirm I am able to use 2FA with GitHub without giving them my phone number! You can click on Settings->Password And Authentication, then click the *enable 2FA button*, you will see a three step process were you first must get a key from GitHub, it will show a QR-code but you can actually click to see the code, then you can save the code (16 characters long) to a text file then use the python script or another program (MOS Authenticator also works fine) to generate a temporary key from the master key GitHub gave you.. Your clock must be accurately synced with real time (a few seconds off max). because the generated code will change every 30 seconds. I tried this on two different account and it worked fine. Of course maybe it is different in different countries. I would suggest anyway to try on a test account that you can delete later, just in case something goes wrong. This is what I did. I am not sure if this will remove the random extra e-mail confirmation, but maybe not. I will have to see this over the next few days or weeks. I hope it will work for you as it would simplify your life.
  21. Another TOTP generator in 20 lines of python, code is quite easy to review for yourself. https://github.com/susam/mintotp I have to try on some random GitHub account to see what works for me before applying to my main account.
  22. I think this definition is a bit hard, because software is usually built by the developer and he can chose to use newer/older windows or even cross compile from Linux or OS/2 or whatever. this does not mean the target OS is not really used. Newer MSVCs depend on newer Windows version but is not for real technical reasons but rather because of development cycles. MS has to drop old windows versions eventually, but keeping XP compatibility would not be a huge burden compared to creating new frameworks every two years. You can still use the latest GCC on Windows XP to this day and build C++23 programs. The really hardcore definition would be to only use programs that you built yourself like on Gentoo Linux and the most hardcore definition would be to only use software that you wrote yourself (including the compiler). I do agree with you that there is a purity loss but even VS2010 was probably built on Windows 7. So even like that would it count? We always depend indirectly on the past as well. No compilers would run on XP if it were not for compilers on older Windows. so Any XP users depends on older Windows. Also with this definition nobody is really using Windows 7 anymore because most programs are build on Windows 10/11. Soon none will be really using Win10 anymore as well. don't get me wrong I do not really disagree with your definition, I just find it a bit hardcore. Also I always felt Windows XP to be quite meaty so I do not feel vegetarian at all when using it, I feel carnivore...
  23. By real I was understanding using XP as a main OS, and obviously all the software I write is written on XP and runs on XP. I stick to XP because the hardware I use works just fine with it and newer OSes would be slower for most things. Also I dislike newer Windows several reasons that are outside the scope of this thread but I did use Win10 at work in the past and I really did not like it after some tweaking it was better but with the updates all my settings were reverted so I would end up disabling mot updates which kinda defeats the point of having an up-to date OS so it was not the best idea for me. I do not know what I will do when GitHub will force 2fa, probably I will migrate somewhere else.
  24. You can count me in, I do not even have a Win10 install, My main PC in on Windows Server 2003. I also have a PC on Windows 7 but I hardly ever use it. I also have an old PC with Win98SE but I do not use it much anymore Up until 2012 it was my main PC, At some point I do plan to buy a new PC and have Win 10 so I can test some software I am writing.
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