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Everything posted by msfntor

  1. Other free Chrome VPN extensions I've found, that may be good: Brisk VPN: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/brisk-vpn/ciifcakemmcbbdpmljdohdmbodagmela Brisk VPN: Updated February 28, 2022 Size 530 KiB, in English, 4,000,000+ users 穿梭Transocks回国加速器 - 海外华人回国追剧听歌: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/穿梭transocks回国加速器-海外华人回国追剧/ikobbjiomdcedikdmkfhlhoagpailcbh Transocks VPN: Updated March 7, 2023 Size 399 KiB Language中文 (简体) , 70,000+ users - no English version... Proxy + Free VPN DEEPRISM by Pavel Grata: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/proxy-%2B-free-vpn-deeprism/bihhflimonbpcfagfadcnbbdngpopnjb?hl=en-US - from Russia with Love... Unlimited proxy | Unblock websites, change IP | DEEPRISM for Chrome: Updated March 15, 2023 Size 286 KiB VPN Free Unlimited - VPNLY: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/vpn-free-unlimited-vpnly/lneaocagcijjdpkcabeanfpdbmapcjjg?hl=en-US VPNLY free VPN extension: Updated April 1, 2023 Size 672 KiB
  2. Top 8 Truly Free VPN Providers of 2023: https://vpnoverview.com/best-vpn/free-vpn/ "(truly) free VPNs: PrivadoVPN: Best free VPN for Windows and Mac Proton VPN: Great VPN free plan that offers unlimited data hide.me: VPN that has very good customer service for free and paid plans TunnelBear: A wide range of server locations is offered by this VPN provider’s free plan Windscribe: Free VPN supporting many devices Atlas VPN: Great VPN to use for Android and iOS for free ZoogVPN: A free VPN that offers a referral program that gives you an extra 5GB for every person you refer Hotspot Shield: A VPN that provides a high data limit with its free plan"
  3. JAP: https://anon.inf.tu-dresden.de/index_en.html JAP (called JonDo in the scope of the commercial JonDonym anonymous proxy servers - AN.ON remains free of charge) to surf anonymously... Freenet: https://freenetproject.org/ Freenet is a peer-to-peer platform for censorship-resistant and privacy-respecting publishing and communication. Your Freedom: https://www.your-freedom.net/ Your Freedom: "THE ALL-IN-ONE VPN TUNNELING, FIREWALL & PROXY BYPASSING, ANONYMIZATION AND ANTI-CENSORSHIP SOLUTION" Chrome Extensions: FVP Free Vpn Proxy: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/fvp-free-vpn-proxy/ebldcmdjfokdlhlldbfgljogkjkadoag?hl=en-US FVP Version Updated November 27, 2022 Size 1.08 MiB Hotspot Shield VPN: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hotspot-shield-free-vpn-p/nlbejmccbhkncgokjcmghpfloaajcffj?hl=en-US Hotspot Shield Updated October 7, 2020 Size 5.59 MiB Touch VPN: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/touch-vpn-secure-and-unli/bihmplhobchoageeokmgbdihknkjbknd?hl=en-US Touch VPN Updated October 11, 2020 Size 1.63 MiB Browsec VPN: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/browsec-vpn-free-vpn-for/omghfjlpggmjjaagoclmmobgdodcjboh?hl=en-US Browsec Version 3.70.0 Updated March 28, 2023 Size 3.34 MiB ... ...
  4. CENO (short for censorship.no!) is the world’s first mobile browser that side-steps current Internet censorship methods. Its peer-to-peer backbone allows people to access and share web information in and across regions where connectivity has been interrupted or compromised. Free and Open Source CENO is based on Firefox for Android, extended to make use of the Ouinet library - enabling third party developers to incorporate the CENO network into their apps for P2P connectivity. Here: on censorship.no: https://censorship.no/en/index.html Chrome extension: Malus VPN: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/malus-vpn-the-only-offici/bdlcnpceagnkjnjlbbbcepohejbheilk?hl=en-US Malus is great China Proxy that (is) extremely easy to use, help Chinese overseas watch videos, visit websites, listen music out of China, just one click to unblock and accelerate the videos and music stream, websites that host in China. Features lists: * Accelerate and unblock china media sites. * Accelerate streaming and websites pages that host in China * Unblock and access all websites in China * Support all platforms: Chrome browser, iPhone, iPad, Android Phone, Android TV, Windows PC, Mac Desktop now. * HD Streaming * Global CN2 servers Click too "Related": many Chinese extensions... I'm not speaking Chinese (for now...)
  5. FREE VPN Tools to Fight Internet Censorship Tencent’s slogan: Connecting People for a Greater Future (连接你我共生未来) Bypass Censorship with FREE VPN and Proxies Image by phsymyst via Creative Commons - picture from FREE TOOLS FOR INTERNET FREEDOM: https://dem.tools/blog/free-tools-internet-freedom Amnezia VPN: Your personal self-hosted VPN - Free service to create a personal VPN on your server. Helps to access blocked content without revealing privacy even to VPN providers: https://en.amnezia.org/ Amnezia VPN Alternatives: on AlternativeTo.net: https://alternativeto.net/software/amnezia-vpn/ Bypass Censorship: HOW TO ACCESS THE FREE INTERNET: https://www.bypasscensorship.org/ Ultrasurf: https://ultrasurf.us/ Why Use Ultrasurf: Hundreds of millions of pages served per day / Users from over 180 countries / Circumvent internet censorship / Encrypt online communications / Hide your IP from websites visited / Fast page loads / Easy to use... very good!
  6. Dear NotHereToPlayGames! My post above is about Microsoft's topic:" Why are MSN comments so overly censored?" - so Not about our MSFN...
  7. In MiniBrowser, DcBrowser and in 360Chrome forks, for DeepL Translator and DeepL Write to work, you must manually allow deepl.com in your uBlock (so s.deepl.com and www2.deepl.com scripts are allowed), otherwise you will get the irremovable warning window (in English or in your language): "Please change your browser DeepL no longer supports Internet Explorer, so it may not work properly in this browser. For the best experience, please open DeepL in Microsoft Edge or any modern browser. Or Download DeepL for Windows Cancel Open in Microsoft Edge" PS. ..and allow scripts too...
  8. Thank you @UCyborg for this technical explanation. Censorship" is apparently an old Microsoft practice... See this thread: Why are MSN comments so overly censored?: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/forum/all/why-are-msn-comments-so-overly-censored/ed2fab5c-860e-4bbf-bb2e-0d376e067883 "Nightbus Replied on October 14, 2022 In reply to Laurie Bellino (lauriebellino)'s post on October 13, 2022 I feel exactly the same about this MAJOR issue. MSN comment threads are a total joke. Completely unfit for purpose. The pathetic algorithm simply does not work. Today I have been forbidden to post a number of words on comment threads. I knew exactly which words I wasn't allowed to use in those instances by using a process of elimination and deleting certain words before trying again. Here are some words which MSN would not allow me to use: "You" "Your" "You're" "You" - with a question mark after it. "Digging" The phrase: "May I ask?" "puzzled" "hard" "difficult" "wife" "discontinued" I mean, SERIOUSLY? ALL of these words were disallowed and ALL of those words were used in a polite manner in context with conversations. We can't even have a conversation with any other community members to ask one another questions because this stupid system does not permit using the word "you" followed by a question mark 90% of the time. What is the point in offering a community interactive comment section to the MSN community when we can't even engage with one another? And yes, Laurie is right. The links you provided to contact MSN are invalid and only send us back to the main page. Everything is just a total farce with MSN. I await your reply to this. Thanks." "Nightbus Replied on October 17, 2022 In reply to Laurie Bellino (lauriebellino)'s post on October 17, 2022 I don't mean to be negative but I genuinely believe you (and everyone else, including me) are wasting your time here. I have sent so many complaints to MSN and have never heard any feedback once. They are utterly useless." - May I ask you, why?
  9. Watch 23 years' worth of programs failing to respond in Windows (from Windows 2000 to Windows 11) in just two minutes: https://betanews.com/2023/03/30/program-failing-to-respond-in-windows/ In a nostalgic trip down memory lane, YouTube channel Nobel Tech has created a video showcasing the evolution of the infamous "This Program is Not Responding" Windows error message over the years. The video starts with the prompt in Windows 2000 and takes viewers on a journey through time, ending with the message that shows up in the latest version of Microsoft’s operating system, Windows 11... Read more in the original article...
  10. The real risks of OpenAI's GPT-4: https://betanews.com/2023/04/05/the-real-risks-of-openais-gpt-4/ By Tom Heys - Published 1 day ago Excerpt from this article: "The risks listed: *Hallucinations (as defined in the document) *Automation bias (defined as "overreliance" in the document) *Susceptibility to jailbreaks (referenced in the document) *Bias reinforcement (referenced in the document as sycophancy) *Scalability (alluded to in the document) Hallucinations "[GPT-4] maintains a tendency to make up facts, to double-down on incorrect information, and to perform tasks incorrectly." As a probabilistic LLM, GPT-4 lacks the ability to assess the factual or logical basis of its output. To avoid potential errors, expert human review and critical thinking skills are necessary. Additionally, GPT-4 has shown a level of persistence in its mistakes that previous models did not exhibit. It cannot be guaranteed that tasks requested of it will be completed accurately. Ultimately, this risk of the model hallucinating is foundational to many, if not all, of the additional risks in the list. For example, the authors draw a direct line to automation bias, saying that "hallucinations can become more dangerous as models become more truthful, as users build trust in the model when it provides truthful information in areas where they have some familiarity." "...
  11. In other articles in Betanews website, the comments section works fine because the comments are generated using disqus.com (with betanews.disqus.com, referrer.disqus.com, realtime.services.disqus.com) and disquscdn.com (with a.disquscdn.com, c.disquscdn.com) - as seen in my uBlock... So why are all the Disqus scripts etc. not generated on this article page? I think I have an answer: these 135 comments are simply CENSORED by the site itself, probably on Microsoft's "advice"... and what do you think now?
  12. A virtual telescope the size of the Earth - interferometry technique join multiple telescopes across the globe together to observe an object at the same time. How global teamwork revealed the mystery at the heart of our galaxy: https://www.scienceinschool.org/article/2023/global-teamwork-revealed-black-hole/
  13. NASA Just Announced A 100ft Wide Fissure-Crack Just Opened Up Yellowstone Volcano in 24hrs (17:27) by Future Unity 244K views 22 hours ago
  14. Betanews.com is WordPress website, it seems to me... Comments are not showing up in WordPress. Why?: https://themesharbor.com/comments-not-showing-up-in-wordpress/
  15. I'm not developer, sadly... Right click/view page source: I see after scolling: <ol class="commentlist"> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <ul class="children"> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> <ul class="children"> <ul class="children"> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </li><!-- #comment-## --> </ul><!-- .children --> etc etc... these comments are here, but not showing, not displayed, so why? I'm not the developer, so maybe someone will respond...
  16. "By Wayne Williams" - is under title... This "Take a look at the video and let us know what you think of it" is in the article, written by Wayne Williams... Now, quotes are here, thank you!
  17. *To use this tool, do not block the referer. Mixed Content Checker: https://geekflare.com/tools/mixed-content-test says on this link: "Great! All the following resources to load the site was over HTTPS."
  18. Right click on the little comments field - then under Console we read (in red) about two Mixed content errors: platform.js:65 Mixed Content: The page at 'https://betanews.com/2022/05/11/windows-xp-2022-edition/#comments' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource 'http://developers.google.com/#_methods=onPlusOne%2C_ready%2C_close%2C_open%2C_resizeMe%2C_renderstart%2Concircled%2Cdrefresh%2Cerefresh&id=I0_1680643662507&_gfid=I0_1680643662507&parent=https%3A%2F%2Fbetanews.com&pfname=&rpctoken=20793224'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS. platform.js:65 Mixed Content: The page at 'https://betanews.com/2022/05/11/windows-xp-2022-edition/#comments' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure resource 'http://developers.google.com/#_methods=onPlusOne%2C_ready%2C_close%2C_open%2C_resizeMe%2C_renderstart%2Concircled%2Cdrefresh%2Cerefresh&id=I1_1680643662530&_gfid=I1_1680643662530&parent=https%3A%2F%2Fbetanews.com&pfname=&rpctoken=11484049'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS. - so cause the Mixed Content blocked requests we are not able to read the comments on this nice website, pity... But padlock is OK... or I'm wrong about the cause of the lack of comments. Maybe someone could kindly correct what I just said? Edit: I've checked - and it's not this. I'm sorry...
  19. I only care about the color (brushed metallic silver), and with the new tab and page content also silver, not this Aero feature, which I don't like either. PS. Found another silver theme not bad: Smoothie Alternative: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/smoothie-alternative/fepblochcbcpmoeeinhfhnkdmhoahjho?hl=en-US Size 4.77 KiB...
  20. inflact.com: "WEB VIEWER FOR INSTAGRAM" is safe, but from Belarus, some checkers says: Not in database (TrendMicro, Scumware.org, ...) "LookUp a site" online services: PulseDive: https://pulsedive.com/analyze/ says: Data Protect, Belarus, Not in database. Trustscam: https://trustscam.com/ says: status: OK. URLVoid: https://www.urlvoid.com/ says: Detections Counts: 0/40 Norton: https://safeweb.norton.com/ says: OK safe. RadioTuzla.com: https://radiotuzla.com/ says: Inflact by ingramer – marketing toolkit for instagram - Inflact.com Summary for Inflact.com: Inflact.com was created more than 2 years ago. In accordance with Google Safe Browsing and Symantec inflact.com is pretty a safe domain. Updated: Mon, 03 Apr 2023. Here: https://inflact.com.radiotuzla.com/
  21. Thank you! Would you like to develop a silver theme like the one I mentioned, but much lighter, please? - so like this one: Aero Trans Brushed Metal Theme: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/aero-trans-brushed-metal/jkjdfchjlhkgnfjblhclgaliiccalckf?hl=en-US Best of all, that New Tab is silver too! VERY nice skin!
  22. Machine Learning Expert Calls for Bombing Data Centers to Stop Rise of AI He says that after AGI, "literally everyone on Earth will die." / Artificial Intelligence/ Agi/ Eliezer Yudkowsky/ Machine Learning Image by Getty / Futurism One of the world's loudest artificial intelligence critics has issued a stark call to not only put a pause on AI but to militantly put an end to it — before it ends us instead. In an op-ed for Time magazine, machine learning researcher Eliezer Yudkowsky, who has for more than two decades been warning about the dystopian future that will come when we achieve Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), is once again ringing the alarm bells. Yudkowsky said that while he lauds the signatories of the Future of Life Institute's recent open letter — which include SpaceX CEO Elon Musk, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, and onetime presidential candidate Andrew Yang — calling for a six-month pause on AI advancement to take stock, he himself didn't sign it because it doesn't go far enough. "I refrained from signing because I think the letter is understating the seriousness of the situation," the ML researcher wrote, "and asking for too little to solve it." As a longtime researcher into AGI, Yudkowsky says that he's less concerned about "human-competitive" AI than "what happens after." "Key thresholds there may not be obvious," he wrote, "we definitely can’t calculate in advance what happens when, and it currently seems imaginable that a research lab would cross critical lines without noticing." Once criticized in Bloomberg for being an AI "doomer," Yudkowsky says he's not the only person "steeped in these issues" who believes that "the most likely result of building a superhumanly smart AI, under anything remotely like the current circumstances, is that literally everyone on Earth will die." He has the receipts to back it up, too, citing an expert survey in which a bunch of the respondents were deeply concerned about the "existential risks" posed by AI. These risks aren't, Yudkowsky wrote in Time, just remote possibilities. "It’s not that you can’t, in principle, survive creating something much smarter than you," he mused, "it’s that it would require precision and preparation and new scientific insights, and probably not having AI systems composed of giant inscrutable arrays of fractional numbers." There is, to Yudkowsky's mind, but one solution to the impending existential threat of a "hostile" superhuman AGI: "just shut it all down," by any means necessary.... MORE on futurism.com: https://futurism.com/ai-expert-bomb-datacenters
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