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Status Replies posted by XPerceniol

  1. I forgot that i made an account on this place, but i guess... here i am.

    Hello i'm xodus, or whatever i put here. I like Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.1 and 11.

    1. XPerceniol


      Ok, see ya when you can and please try again to post the "stuff" you found over a entire year - I get those errors all the time myself and I just find a thread to post it in. Get some sleep for heavens sake :D

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

    1. XPerceniol


      Welcome back my friend ... was wondering where you were hiding. I was hoping you'd come back and join in and feel free to chitchat with us if you struggle with topics. Things have changed a lot since you were last active. We missed you very much.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Always be happy :) "When you can laugh at yourself no one can ever make a fool of you." -Joan Rivers

    1. XPerceniol


      Continue walking the path paved forward even if you are the only one walking upon it -XPerceniol

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  3. Windows 2000 is a good operating system.

    1. XPerceniol


      Yeah, I miss it, it was very good even though I didn't have it long.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  4. Always be happy :) "When you can laugh at yourself no one can ever make a fool of you." -Joan Rivers

    1. XPerceniol


      "Your spirit shines through and you shall light up darkness and wash any sorrow(s) from that past to pave the way forward." -XPerceniol

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  5. I remember when I tried to write a computer dictionary with everything I know, I never ended up finishing it due to time

    1. XPerceniol


      Yeah, sometimes hard and I also tend to not always finish what I start. I'm scattered sometimes. Hope all is well, though.

  6. My trip to North Africa was amazing ,beautiful sea, and I was able to work comfortably :) 

    In the coming days I will give you the latest news on developments in NT4 

    Work slowly but in the right way


  7. Always be happy :) "When you can laugh at yourself no one can ever make a fool of you." -Joan Rivers

    1. XPerceniol


      The experienced loner - In this existence - experience anything - everywhere - without the disruption of (from) others.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  8. Always be happy :) "When you can laugh at yourself no one can ever make a fool of you." -Joan Rivers

    1. XPerceniol


      Take not one single breath for granted and never lose your sense of wonder. 

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  9. Always be happy :) "When you can laugh at yourself no one can ever make a fool of you." -Joan Rivers

    1. XPerceniol


      Wouldn't it be so nice if we could just be happy. Sort of a misnomer, ain't it. This quote helped/helps me during rough times. "You don’t need to drown the darkness with light. You don’t need to replace negativity with positivity. You bring the darkness to the light. Like an offering." I feel this resonates with me on many levels. You can't just snap out of it and suddenly become cheerful, however we need cautiously be mindful the duration of how long we wallow in despair. We can't chase away the dark intrusive thoughts, rather allow them to pass and don't give them the power and try to release them and move along. We first need recognize that we are down and bring ourselves out and up on two feet "as is" and allow in the light in to heal our spirit to open.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  10. We need to do something to keep MSFN up, it can't just end this way!

    1. XPerceniol


      Frankly: I'm a bit surprised somebody didn't make a good offer to buy it from the current owner. A Pity to see years of hard work down the drain just like that. 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  11. We need to do something to keep MSFN up, it can't just end this way!

    1. XPerceniol


      I can't do anything to help, sadly, and I recon the ads don't/didn't cover the cost(s); alone :(

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  12. I will forever miss the Bill Gates' Microsoft and the personal computing decade from 1995-2005. Those were happier times for Windows users.

  13. Always be happy :) "When you can laugh at yourself no one can ever make a fool of you." -Joan Rivers

    1. XPerceniol


      “Regal life; to recapture your life, begin by recapturing your time to reclaim your slice of a regal life.” XPerceniol

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  14. Always be happy :) "When you can laugh at yourself no one can ever make a fool of you." -Joan Rivers

    1. XPerceniol


      "People are either 'on your side' - 'by your side - or 'in your way'. Keep those 'on your side' 'by your side' and cherish them ... and for those 'in your way', send them love and remove yourself form their reality and nobody can (truly) stand 'in your way' - each experience plays a part in creating our own reality and we will attract others that see our vision" - XPerceniol

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  15. Always be happy :) "When you can laugh at yourself no one can ever make a fool of you." -Joan Rivers

    1. XPerceniol


      Why thank you! I'm just a simple and humble (and goofy) blobfish .. hehe ... perhaps I've seen some rough times to get to my late 40s, and I see (understand) things *now* that I wish I new *then* looking back, and sometimes everyone can use a reminder that life is precious. Thanks for saying hello have and awesome day VistaEX :)

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  16. Always be happy :) "When you can laugh at yourself no one can ever make a fool of you." -Joan Rivers

    1. XPerceniol


      For the week ahead: Look on the "bright side" - not always easy to see the light through the darkness when caught up in our own (sometimes) hectic daily happenings. If you catch yourself with any feeling(s) of displeasure; remember to look for the 'silver lining'. Remember, without darkness we couldn't see the light - and it doesn't rain everyday. Wishing everyone at MSFN a happy and healthy week ahead :)

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  17. Always be happy :) "When you can laugh at yourself no one can ever make a fool of you." -Joan Rivers

    1. XPerceniol


      I'm not saying its always easy (it's not), but, my motto is: Yesterday is over and tomorrow hasn't happens yet; so appreciate the here-and-now (this moment) :) @VistaEX I never left xp ... I just forgot make note of it on my profile after I removed it Lol ... and I took your advice and made it my sig :)

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  18. Does anybody remember those days when it actually made sense to use IE as a daily web browser?
    They are never going to come back...... IE is going to be killed off completely few months later...

    1. XPerceniol


      Gosh.. I do; and used IE7, and IE8 right up until 2014. My current computer runs fine with FF forks, but on my very old Dell, not so - IE7 worked the best and used little resources. Things are changing and not in a good way IMO :(

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

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