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Everything posted by sedative

  1. Looks like she fell out of the ugly tree and hit EVERY branch on the way down
  2. That's an Urban Legend. Can't believe you guys haven't seen that before. I must've gotten that 20 times by now. Also notice that the person wants you to send it along to other people. I'm sure we've all received chain letters before
  3. Boot Screens How to Install
  4. lynchknot, can you make the image a little smaller next time?
  5. pretty minimalistic.. Click the image for the fullsize version. Theme: Copyright Icons: BreakOut Wallpaper: Anna Kournikova
  6. Themes should be unzipped to their own sub-directory. For example, if your theme is named "Sedative", then it should be unzipped to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\Sedative like this... the "Windows Visual Style File" is the one you want. You can either double-click on it or change your theme through Display Properties. like this... I hope this finally clears everything up
  7. You build themes using Style Builder You'll need some imaging skills (Photoshop, Paintshop, whatever..). I've never tried, but i'm sure it's not easy.
  8. Heh. I'm not p***ed off. It's just that so many people have tried to help you and they were unsuccessful. I'm glad I helped Sorry about the previous post, I didn't mean to seem like a jerk.
  9. Homer, I'm going to try and help you once and for all. I'm going to try to make this as simple as possible. DOWNLOAD THIS FILE Unzip it, run it, and reboot. After you reboot you'll see a new theme. Then, you can go to http://www.themexp.org and download any theme you like. When you download a theme, unzip it to C:\Windows\Resources\Themes\ Now, right-click on your desktop and go to properties. Then change themes as you normally would. This is as easy as i can possibly make it for you. I hope it helps.
  10. It's about **** time! A few months ago I priced a 512 stick of pc2100 from crucial and it was almost $200 US.
  11. i just licked my elbow. i guess i have a long tongue
  12. sedative

    Best skin

    they're mouse cursors
  13. this is what i install after a format. usually in this order... 1. xp 2. meaya popup ad filter (first thing i install after a format) 3. mirc 4. winamp 5. winrar 6. flash fxp 7. blindwrite suite (cd burning) 8. blubster (mp3 sharing program) 9. bulletproof ftp server 10. adobe photoshop
  14. BIRMINGHAM, Alabama - A woman enraged at her boyfriend attacked him with a utility knife and cut off nearly all of his buttocks, leaving him near death on a dark, rural road, a prosecutor said Thursday. The injuries were so severe investigators initially believed the victim was sexually tortured and dragged behind a car in a possible hate crime. The man has not fully described what happened to police, but they said they believe his girlfriend acted alone. She was arrested Wednesday and charged with attempted murder. "The gruesome nature of the injuries is almost mind-boggling," said District Attorney Chris McCool. "With the trauma of the attack, how do you talk about that?" Kimberly King, 26, of Aliceville was jailed without bail. "This ain't right," she told a TV news crew as she was arrested. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor..._man_attacked_1 i love how all she has to say is "this ain't right"
  15. yeah, i know it is. and i don't have a problem with people that like it. i suppose my "girls sport" remark was uncalled for. it might just be that i'm american, but growing up all the girls would play soccer, and none of the boys. i just feel the same way that some non-americans feel about american football/gridiron/whatever. to me soccer just seems like a non-masculine game. pls don't flame me edit:// we really need to add this flame smiley
  16. i still don't like the sport. to be honest, i might've watched a total of 15 minutes of the world cup. i will always root on my country though. and yes, i still think it's a girls sport
  17. i've seen a few people with this problem (myself being one of them). i believe the problem is with windows themes as crazy as that may sound. i got that error with some themes, and not with others. that's the only conclusion i could come up with. try switching to default or luna themes and see if the problem continues. good luck
  18. babis wrote a nice little tutorial about it HERE
  19. it only sends one email per day for a topic, not one email for each reply.
  20. http://ileet.net it's a very big site. lots of time went into developing it.
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