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Everything posted by sedative

  1. same EXACT thing happened to me! i had c: which was 60 gigs (windows and installed programs) and d: which was 100 gigs (all of my goodies ) after i formatted c, the d drive would show up in the device manager but it wouldn't show up in explorer and of course was inaccessible. i tried all i could to save the 70-some-odd gigs of stuff on the drive, but to no avail. the drive was neither fat32 nor ntfs. i even tried to convert it to one of those formats in partition magic but again, no luck. i'm afraid to say that i think you'll wind up formatting, but don't jump the gun! let's see if one of our resident geniuses has a solution first. good luck lg
  2. http://guiolympics.com/skins.asp?SkinID=8&...filesize=254368
  3. i think that maybe it doesn't show in yours because your switchbar (the one with the channels) isn't on the bottom of the screen like mine is. give that a try and see what happens
  4. i'm using mirc 6 and wb 3.1a. i took some screen shots to help explain what exactly is going on. this is without windowblinds, and it shows how my screen should look.. Without WindowBlinds this is with windowblinds, it shows the unwanted scrollbar on the right.. With WindowBlinds notice that the status window isn't maximized.. hopefully that'll explain it a little better. back in the day (before visual styles or even xp eek!) i had only found maybe 2 or 3 wb themes that wouldn't mess up mirc. even if you go to the stardock site you'll see a few screen shots with mirc in them, and in all of them the windows are maximized. this leads me to believe that they know about the bug and just don't care to fix it. as i said, i have emailed them about this. it was back in the days of WB 2.1 or something.. guess they don't care. back to stylexp.
  5. babis, MetalX is the greatest skin ever made for any program for any platform EVER! call me crazy, but there's only one reason why i don't use windowblinds.. it doesn't like mirc. for any of you that use mIRC and WindowBlinds give this a try. open mirc (of course) and fill the screen with the status or channel window (not maximize, but make the window fill the screen nonetheless) you'll see that there's now a scrollbar on the right side. now i know that i could just maximize the windows and have my small problem solved, but i'm used to it the way i like it. if stardock could fix that problem i'd switch to windowblinds in a split second. yes, i've emailed them a few times about the bug but i never got a response. so for now, i'll put my credit card back in my wallet and use the free dll from TGTsoft.
  6. hmm.. i haven't even seen a visual style that changes it. i'll keep my eyes peeled though piaqt.
  7. *cough* fast and the furious *cough* :multiblob
  8. sedative

    Stable my butt

    nose nugget... thanks for the link, but i saw that site and tried what it said a while ago. i've always thought it was my vid card (geforce 3 Ti 200, same as tom's) yet no matter what driver i try, be it default xp, the one that came with the card, or any of the "leaked" nvidia drivers, nothing ever seems to solve the problem. i'm seriously considering downgrading to win2k, but i would hate to lose all of my visual styles hehe sedative = eye candy junkie.
  9. if you're installing them both on one drive, then just make two separate partitions. leave the win98 partition fat32 and make the xp partition ntfs.
  10. yeah but your post is better.
  11. hi ArmoredGideon, and welcome to msfn. 1. when possible, ALWAYS do a complete installation. there's less risk of running into a problem that way. 2. i have personally dual booted win98 with winxp, and ran into no problems. as far as win98 being removed while dual booting, i did that too and had no problems. trust me, once you start using windows xp you won't use win98 any more. 3. just an educated guess here, but i doubt windows would use any of your old 98 files when you upgrade. the main purpose of an upgrade would be to save some of your files. (ideal for apps games mp3s etc..) hope this helped you out a bit, and i'm sure somebody else will reply with greater detail. enjoy your stay at msfn.
  12. http://www.freewebspace.net/ and exp0orteez & babis: :fyou
  13. there's one catch, you've gotta sign up with a few of their sponsors and receive email from them. :cry
  14. here's my sisoft sandra benchmark of my athlon xp 1800+...
  15. Unimatrix-Zero, babis didn't mean "get in all the warez talk while you can!!" he meant please abide by the no warez rule. and FYI that rule is in place. warez will not be tolerated at all.
  16. hackle, have a look at this thread.. http://xp.modrica.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1961 it deals with the same problem. hopefully it can be of some help to you.
  17. thanks for the news babis, Iconshop is K-Leet++
  18. there's always grokster too. http://grokster.com yet another variant of kazaa...
  19. actually, morpheous is kazaa. i remember a long time ago when i still used morpheous that the temporary files it would make had "kazaa" in the filename. don't know if it still does that.
  20. i moved it to the networking section. since you have a networking problem, i think it belongs here. d'oh looks like somebody else moved it back hehe
  21. welcome to the board dj fraz.. that's for a program called winstyles from stardock (the people that make windowblinds) http://www.stardock.com/products/winstyles/ can't use it like you normally would with .msstyles or .themes
  22. BLACKWAR, check your pm
  23. that score is way too low bro. my system is similar to yours.. athlon xp 1800+ 512 ddr geforce 3 ti 200 and i consistently score around 6400
  24. ThemeXP Visual Style: http://themexp.org/view_info.php?id=411 Wallpaper: http://themexp.org/view_info.php?id=882 LogonUI: http://themexp.org/view_info.php?id=2329 they all match.
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