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Everything posted by meno

  1. anybody with an invite please -> drew.freyling@gmail.com
  2. You can set outlook to send/recieve every x minutes though. (Under Send/Recieve Settings)
  3. i'm sure you create a dos script and put it in your startup folder. That could work.
  4. yeah it was...
  5. Go for a power supply with Active PFC. Power Factor Correction (PFC) allows power distribution to operate at its maximum efficiency. For more information see Active PFC FAQ
  6. here's my desktop Desktop Link
  7. i use outlook for its calendar and scheduling. If it didn't have that i would use Thunderbird. I say lets merge Sunbird and Thunderbird together to kill outlook as well as IE!!!
  8. @raskren I'm guessing not
  9. this means you can use your ide hard disk. SATA is way better than IDE (150Mbit/s vs 130Mbit/s) and will only getter better with SATA2. As for the fan connections see if the asus site lets u view the manual for the motherboard, it will tell you.
  10. does it work for win2k??
  11. i miss the icons for msn, yahoo and icq
  12. pioneer 108 all the way
  13. when u say there are "tweaks" applied, are they just removing plugins or are some reg tweaks included?
  14. how awesome is firefox just quietly?????
  15. how big is your unattended install cd?
  16. meno

    TCP/IP Warning.

    go to www.lvllord.de to get a fix that u can set the number of half-connections open at any one time. Default is 50 and should be enough to still stop worms propogating but still stop you from getting this warning.
  17. google your download speed problem because you aren't the first to ask such a question. It basically comes down to stuff to do with the TCP/IP protocol (can't remember exactly what though)
  18. Firefox is the only way to go, much faster especially with the "Tweak Network Settings" extension. IE only beats it in the initial load since its integrated with explorer.exe
  19. Yeah ATI All In Wonder card for sure
  20. get a good antivirus program and a firewall and you will be sweet.
  21. does the energy blue theme background count?
  22. also look at how many titles on the gamecube are sequels from previous platforms. Where did the awesome orginality that we know and love from Nintendo go??
  23. What is the performance like with SP1 (not talking about network speeds here) Any faster or slower than pre-SP1??
  24. not sure about america but try www.pricewatch.com
  25. the energy blue theme is awesome
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