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Everything posted by ruthan

  1. Lots of info, i tried patch for quick victory, in victor.. but im not sure that right one. I need to replace in MBR NTLDR for GRLDR. So i tried: Press any key to continue . . . C:\> C:\>MAKEBS C:\GRLDR /w A file named BackupBS.ori already exists on drive C:, though it's contents are DIFFERENT from current bootsector. Are you sure you want to overwrite it? [Please enter YES in capital letters to confirm]YES ... Current bootsector of drive C:\ backed up to C:\BackupBS.ori ... ... ... ... ... Current bootsector appears to be NTFS ... ... New bootsector C:\grldr.bs created succesfully .... C:\> Its creating some botsec files, but i dont thing so that it replace MBR code, or at least still NTLDR is started after reboot, not GRLDR. I need this: I just need to start GRLDR after machine boot and from it has possiblity to start NTLRD - which is not possible with method 2, or i dunno how. Yeah i had problem with menu.*st name in the past, that way im just coping it, grub.cfg is better idea. Before i tried it though that its much newer version of grub, this one from 2009, do for thing i need its enough. Bootpart - well i copied syntax from guide, i created bootsec file so i excepted that is working, im trying to question everything, i will recheck it. You are right bootpart output are showing all NTFS partions, first 2 should be FAT32 for sure, i have to check it. I didnt notice that. True is that i had some issue in the past with disk imaging this parition layout is for reason problematic (im making whole disk image) with R-Drive Image it recreate only some partitions and now i tried Acronis all partitions where created - but again, i never checked if there are actually using right filesystems - i they have right labels (which include FS names)..
  2. I check Grub4dos tool, its really great, i can sideload it from boot.ini, same as install it to MBR in DOS / Win98.. but i would like to use it as full ntldr replaced on NTFS, its possible reading to documentation. So far i tested all in virtual machine, i will try sideload on PIII machine, is Grub would be able to load Win9x would have some problem too. There are 2 methods mentioned is some guide: http://microsaint.narod.ru/_Info_Grub4Dos/files/install.htm#method8 Problem is that: 1) Method 1 - i can find that patcher for ntldr to grldr replacement, link is dead, and im not able to google it. 2) Method 2 - i can rename grldr to ntldr - which is working and gldrt is starting, but im missing info, what to do with renamed ntldr, because when im not trying to boot WinXP, it wants to ntldr, which is now grldr - so im looped. I tried rename ntldr to ntldr2 and edit menu.1st to ntldr2.. but im not successfull so far. There seems to be only half of info, or its mentioned for GLDRT to load older OSes, or i simply dont get.. In menu.lst is this: Boot it seems to be not clever enough to enable change /ntldr string to /ntldr2 or something like that and search for such file to load Win2k/Xp..
  3. Thanks, to Boot.ini si not main issue. From article there is not MS way, how to fix it, but with boot part it should be easy. But is not working for me for some reason.. Here is my bootpart output: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2yc2ajwkznyt6tq/BootPart.png?dl=0 After that i run: bootpart 0 C:\BOOTSECT.DOS Windows 98 from Windows XP and copied boot.nit line and bootsect.dos to right start first partition, im sure that it is used for booting and has boot.ini and boot loaders installer they are starting WIn2000 and WinXP fine. But im getting this error message: Windows could not start becaue of computer disk hardware configuration problem. Could not read from selected boot disk. https://www.dropbox.com/s/tv180ztpft5dfdg/BootError.jpg?dl=0 I can upload used bootsec, if someone is able to check it. Machine is capable to boot Win98 (with other disk - 8GB Sata, SSD), its PIII im using 120 GB SSD through IDE to SSD adapter. What next? I can try to reinstall Win98 but, after that how to create WinXP booting, from boot CD bootfixc command will copy right files to first partition.. after what would be different? I guess nothing i would getting same error. I finally had to time to play with Grub4dos at least within Virtual machine with Freedos, if would make Win98 bootable and install it to Grub code to MBR, it could be way too.
  4. Hello, how to add Win98 / Dos 7.1 into Windows XP boot menu? I have this with 4 partitions (all are primary): Win98 (readable fine from modern Windows..), Data-FAT32,WIn2000 and Windows XP. Windows XP were installed last. Boot loader is on first partition, its set as active. I tried bootcfg /rebuild from WinXP boot cd, but its ignoring Win9x at all. Also tried DualBoot repair but it seems to be XP+ too, same as Paragon tools. I tried couple commands at the bottom of boot.ini.. these bootsec files are exist, how where created i dunno - probably by install of later Windows: [boot loader] timeout=10 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(4)\WINDOWS [operating systems] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(4)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(3)\WINNT="Microsoft Windows 2000 SP4 Pro" /fastdetect c:\Bootsect.dos="Win95" /win95 c:\Bootsect.w98="Win98" /win98 C:\= But im getting: just blinking cursor or.. This message: Starting Windows 98... Type the name of Command Interpreter (e.g, C:\Windows.command.com) A> .. Windows 98 are installed in Windows folder, command com is there, im using custom msdos.sys from Windows 98 boot menu, but it seems that it was never started. I when installed later Windows i always hid all one partitions, so all system are using C:
  5. There was zillion cross links i just open all of them and checked them, i did not read all text around, sadly. It was 2 registry keys solution, as you mention, only wrong one.
  6. I tried this tutorial: https://petri.com/change_system_drive_letter_in_windows_xp - im quite sure that changed rights drive letters, but after boot i got only: Windows could not start because the following files is misisng or corrupt: \Windows\System\Config\System i did mess with registry, except change of these letter from live install.. just changed two letters.. True is that this machine is not totally proven, it could have some memory or disk issues, i got 2 strange freezes (but i also completed 2 installs fines) and im using IDE to Sata adapter, memtest was fine, coolers and PSU are overdimmensed, but its 20 years old board. I checked how much things was installed, fortunately not too much, so in this case it did reinstall. Its too late for now, but should i after such operation change something in boot.ini or is not needed so, problem has to be elsewhere?
  7. I would like that life in age when are developers good enough to have installers which would clean leftovers - it was Win98 / XP thing, if thing that NVME has some installer it has not its just inf and couple of files. That ControlSet2 - could be my old backup, or just created by some tool.. if not part MS scheme, we can ignore it. Which control set is used i will post later. So far no clues, so my guess is that problem could be in 2 things: - Installation of driver was somehow botched. I dunno if code could be error of installation, or its error of drivers start => installation has be completed successfully. - Installation ended fine, but service is not starting for some reason. I checked working install here is service is state of running, on not working is stopped - through service manager - i can start it, but it dont simply fix code 10 on devices - i guess that because of Start type of service is boot, it has to be running fine as part of start up. I never know too much about this, but some services, needed some other services to run, be above to run properly, maybe this is good place to start. I also said that debug sucks, what is true, but its true that i never checked Event log, its only tool which i know for such things, but would except that there would be much more tools, which i simply dont know. Or and current and default controlSet is 7, BTW is there way and its good idea delete some one them and make it number 1? There is second NVME driver which i need to uninstall what is the proper way? https://www.dropbox.com/s/nb7migik7lolr3k/Storport_NVME Daniel.7z?dl=0
  8. I hard to find something, if i dont know for what im looking. Maybe this registry output will help: https://www.dropbox.com/s/x3ad46o0tsg3i46/Reg.7z?dl=0 O guess that there should be anything secret it control sets, so i can export you more of registry if it will help. Some with other reports, if you want to now more about my machine.. Used controlset is default no value set, what means i guess number 1. I dont know that is rule to create new control set, it could be something quite normal, or not means anything too bad. Installation is very old really tuned, it remember lots of hardware, but i cleaned it quite well and its still ruling, because im everytime learning more about it and how to fix things. I heard that argument reainstall it lots of time, but in 95% of problems, im able to fix it and it has to do nothing to do with exact problem. I tried some reinstalls in the past.. i will never have enough time, knowledge and good enough memory etc, to do same setup - its for life, i even visualized this install couple of times, but until we will have good virtualized 3D driver for XP, or KVM on Windows or i will migrate to Linux, i have to keep it now physical HW. BTW here is main issue is not my install but that Windows device installation or initialization has not proper trace or logging, its miracle that MS could live with it until today - because of that there is lots of shady guides how to solve one problem, because error message usually can mean much more things that for other programs.. . There should be some way to know why that magic generic error actually happened.. and after would make sense to discuss if this something which is really hard to solve..
  9. I "love" Virtual machine leftovers.. I have no patch for whole string: ClassGUID={4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} but for 4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318 i have lots of hits and lots of them are ClassGUID values. I guess that important are in: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\XP-Install\ControlSet001\Enum\PCI\VEN_1B4B&DEV_9172&SUBSYS_B0001458&REV_11\4&35ef6156&0&00E7, ClassGUID, {4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} - im opening registry from other Windows instance. Other control set, i could probably ignore. I dunno what exactly is CurrentControlSet2? HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\XP-Install\CurrentControlSet2\Control\Class\{4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} ? I see them as part of all installed Storage devices, as virtual cd drivers and sata controllers - these are working fine. There are: ClassGUID - {4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Driver {4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0003 Thre is no UpperFilter item, anything about Vmware etc., what i have to search for or do next? Here is registry keys report (just download it and open as html - Dropbox is not clever enough): https://www.dropbox.com/s/l6iacufvpa1tors/rwf8A1F.html?dl=0
  10. Ok service is here, is running i dont now. Service manager show it : C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\nvme.sys Start type - is boot, in service.msc is not, probably as other Hardware based ones. When i check device manager hidden devices nvme is not here. Update: Ok it is its probaly using different name is see there: secnvme device. No, as far i know its only for Win 2k3, clean was from some update image. Secnvme was from other driver, which i tried, i removed it.. and checked worked instance, there is no hidden device manager device. But im still getting same error.
  11. I not working NVME driver for WinXP - yeah it exists: https://sourceforge.net/projects/nvme-for-windows-2003-server/ I made it working with clean install, but i have problem to make it working with my tuned install. Does someone here understand *.inf files? Only known difference working install is that is english Win XP SP3 and not working in Non English (Czech). Inf file dont looks complex, but there are some localization things. Its possible to simply discover which files are needed for installation? I could try to copy them from install here its working. If understand it correctly: 1) it using Nvme86.cat + Nvme.sys which are part of installation package. 2) After that there are add some logging with System32\IoLogMsg.dll - i have this file in my system. 3) add its creating couple of registry keys.. - there could be problem that key is not existing or with permission. I guess that there is now any tool which would just print in which step of inf file processing problem happens? nvme.inf
  12. Thanks solved, i find out that there should left kbdclass in the key.
  13. Sorry, but on more claricifation. Only modify and let it blank (no value) or remove whole UpperFilters item?
  14. How extractly? I see some parent key like: {4D36E96B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} Should i just remove whole parent key, or just UpperFilters with value item?
  15. Hi, i have strange problem. I found out that i have some Vmware leftovers -vmkbd.sys , problem is when i remove it, i cant log into machine, but i had other issues. Setup Win XP SP3 with PS/2 mouse + keyboard and USB mouse + keyboard - all wired, 4 devices. Problem is when i remove Vmware driver - on logon screen only PS/2 mouse is working, until i press PS/2 keyboard key, after that it freeze. With Vmware driver installed, all PS/2 devices are working + USB keyboard is working, USB mouse is not working for some reason. Other issue is thas control panel - keyboard and mouse are not just starting, any other panels are ok, no input freezes within session etc, so its software problem. I tried other clean XP install, same USB drivers, no Vmware and all devices are working fine. When i moved machine to Vmware for test, i had only keyboard, no mouse until Vmware tools installed - i dont thing that is normal behavior. Any ideas, what could be wrong and how to solve it?
  16. Nice - it has nice up / down buttons, thanks, i always used it only for UEFI stuff.
  17. Hello, im searching some visual tool to mess with bcd boot files. I now VisualBCD, but i dunno how to change default entry, maybe someone know how to.. or now other tool for it. My vanilla bcdedit experience is not good.
  18. I fixed, it was for some reason detected as PS/2 Scroll mouse (it has scroll whell), when i force just PS/2 mouse driver, it got working, include scroll wheel.
  19. Possibility of choice best thing it the life.. Im donging too many thing on too many platforms, to be obsessed to do everything low level myself. I just want to be user, not admin. For me tool would have higher value and even economy will work better.. tool could be developed by people which actually want to do it low level and can invest more time to cover some corner cases.. and with such tool i would be able to make it next time quicker without re-reading guides and making and searching some my years old flawed notes etc.
  20. Well im not robot, so lots of oportunities to make mistake, even if wouldnt be lazy to lowlevel things.. there has to be some tool to do all of it at once, or at least change letter and enable log in to.. registry keys and some other text files, i can fix by the hand. I just checked Paragon it has such option, but at least old version (im doing it on retro PIII machine) not working well, i cant boot.. and it freeze at log screen or right it after, so there has to be something else. Otherwise i would rather make reinstall. Is there some proven tool to hide partitions? im not have Linux yet on this machine (grub has that virtual replacing partition numbers) So i would need to hidden some partitions before install to make new install C, or i would have to install all in virtual machine and copy installation.
  21. Thanks, i checked all the links, but its lots of manual work, i did it the past through some simple procedure, i dont remember details system was still stable and errors where only minotr. There has to be some tool for it, maybe some Paragon tools. I thing that i also so something like it in some version of Partition magic, but im not sure if it would be possible from boot cd. I remember that i was fixing patches with Registry desktop because there is replace all possibility and there also has to be some tool to just search and replace all string in all files some.. if you will just search for X: and replace it with C:
  22. Thanks, i will try it. There is some detailed info to these: http://www.mdgx.com/msdos.htm
  23. Sorry i forgot add negative word - its not moving, its simply dead..
  24. No, mouse is just old Logitech one.
  25. Thanks, i will try it, it look like XP+ Plus, any experience with Windows 2000? XP is booting thanks, do you think that make sense to try WinXP fix for Win2000? For Win2000 it's giving error 0xc000007b, too. It's working for Windows 2000, too.
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