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Everything posted by Sampei.Nihira

  1. In order to get more performance, I changed the UBO lists again. 120.941 Network Filters and 37.065 Cosmetic Filters.
  2. I noticed that the "Palemoon version bump" is identical to that of Mypal. But Mypal updates. It would be interesting to find out why.
  3. I also need to change/verify CCleaner's custom settings for MailNews cleaning ..... Speedyfox ..... MBAE ..... OSA ...... In Italy it is too hot to stay at the PC for long. I delay this update.
  4. Mailnews The name of the exe has changed. The folder has been changed All email accounts must be redone from scratch....................or is it an error please check.
  5. I noticed that like the latest version of Pale Moon 28.12 also in New Moon 28, WASM, is enabled by default. I ask both @roytam1 @Matt A. Tobin and any other MSFN member can also step in if this can be a wide open door to security issues in our OS W.XP?
  6. Hi to all. New Moon 28 + Mypal 28.11 together, is it possible?
  7. Out PotPlayer v.200730 1.7.21278 (July 30, 2020): http://potplayer.daum.net/?lang=en Changes:
  8. It might be interesting to do some tests with Lightspark: https://lightspark.github.io/
  9. An exchange of views with Feodor2 which solved the extensions problem could be interesting. Although it has left out other issues, for example that of browser themes. I use a native theme for Seamonkey which probably wouldn't work with MyPal (New Moon) 28.11. But changing this theme to a native Pale Moon 28.11 theme wouldn't be a big deal.
  10. Thank you so much VistaLover because your analysis stimulated my (old ) brain cells. I don't use the MPVN HOSTS list because the update rate is too slow for me. The list almost certainly also uses Insecure Cipher Suites that I blocked in my New Moon 28. As you can see I have left only 2 active: And in fact there is the failure to load the list page: Okay so, I wouldn't use that list anyway, thank you very much.
  11. Hi, Can you try disabling the list, saving the changes, reboot the browser and trying to update the list again? I have been testing since yesterday and it just doesn't update: No problem with the other lists.
  12. uBlockO legacy v1.16.4.24 Released (July 24, 2020) Though I don't use MVPN HOSTS list,the modification of the protocol seems to prevent the updating of the list: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock-for-firefox-legacy/commit/bb1a9c4f60d3f4d60fae2b9194f32b191a0b8e71
  13. Hi, Is it possible to know,in detail, why New Moon 28.10 has not aligned, as a development platform, with Pale Moon 28.11? MyPal has followed a different path, it seems to me. Although Feodor2 has chosen not to disable the old addons. Thanks for your explanation.
  14. These changes will not bring improvements to the Pale Moon 28.11 project: Changed the way Firefox extensions are displayed in the add-on manager (provide a clear warning). Denied other types of add-ons that aren't explicitly targeting Pale Moon's ID Let's wait and see how they will look in the New Moon 28 project. I don't like notices that remind me to use extensions written for Pale Moon, even if I don't like them, compared to the ones I chose. So I'll be ready to edit the extensions code. P.S. In fact I have already modified the code for 2 of my extensions with New Moon 28. With uBlock Origin Legacy, Noscript and Decentraleyes it is not necessary.
  15. The new version 28.11 of Pale Moon warns the user that some extensions target Firefox: To eliminate the warnings you need to make some changes in the extensions: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=16785 Unless our Roytam1 otherwise evades the problem. Example of code: <em:targetApplication name="Pale Moon"> <Description em:id="{8de7fcbb-c55c-4fbe-bfc5-fc555c87dbc4}" em:minVersion="28.0.0a1" em:maxVersion="29.*" /> </em:targetApplication>
  16. Hi Roytam1, Pale Moon version 28.11.0 is released on July 14th: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=24760 The changes seem significant to me.
  17. You could check if some vulnerabilities that certainly affect XP will also be patched in the next few days. Some, for example this one below: https://portal.msrc.microsoft.com/en-US/security-guidance/advisory/CVE-2020-1403 they are mitigated with the use of an Anti-Exploit such as MBAE. P.S. I forgot to enter the list of possible vulnerabilities: https://www.ghacks.net/2020/07/14/microsoft-windows-security-updates-july-2020-overview/
  18. Hi, Too many "My Filters". The lists update over time. Check if eliminating some rules you always have problems. If the test is positive you can try to eliminate most of the filters.
  19. You cannot use UBO v.23 with NM27. Check if disabling UBO the web page works. NM27 users who use UBO should consider switching to Adblock Latitude.
  20. Out uBlock Origin Legacy v. Released (July 11, 2020) Fix: https://github.com/gorhill/uBlock-for-firefox-legacy/issues/244
  21. @nicolaasjan Yes, this works. But we need to fix this regression bug which may also depend on the latest recent version of UBO Legacy.
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