W8 and W10 are garbage to me. I am just going to keep using hacks to keep Vista and 7 usable as long as possible Agreed. Windows 7 probably won't see many compatibility issues for a few more years, due to it being the most popular operating system and all, as long as Windows 10 doesn't take it over, with the way MS seems to be shoving it down our throats. Out of curiosity, do you prefer Windows Vista or Windows 7? I tried to use Windows 7 for a little while, and I even heavily modified it to look and act like Vista, but it just wasn't for me. Vista tends to run snappier, and I vastly prefer the UI and shell compared to Windows 7. I also don't like how 7 removed many features from Vista, like Movie Maker, Calendar, dreamscene, etc. I know not many people used them, but I guess I'm one of the few that does. And the live versions suck, they just don't have the elegance of the built in Vista programs. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate 7, but it just felt like a watered down, feature-less version of Vista to me. Windows 7 is very popular. Although it is already 6.5 years old -- well within the realm where OSes usually start getting phased out. I have machines that run Vista and 7. I like them both. They are very similar in UI but each has it's own nuances and features that the other doesn't. Windows 7 does have a few features that Windows Vista doesn't and visc-versa. Microsoft has a bad habit of taking features out for no reason. For that reason, I don't really have a strong preference. I use both on a regular basis. Currently my fastest machine runs Vista but I'll probably install 7 when the installation finally breaks down (it's starting to show signs of "bit rot" after being installed and hacked for years) I do have Windows 8.1 on a laptop and I definitely don't like it nearly as much as Vista or 7. For one thing, I miss aeroglass and hate the flat colored title bars. I also hate that they took away the start menu. I know they sorta brought it back on 10 but it is still chocked full of advertisements and doesn't feel like a desktop OS.