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Everything posted by Tihiy

  1. Nope. RP does not create new files.
  2. This stuff has infected pretty much 90% of Delphi installations. I've seen it on all my production machines. They were all sanitized; this one was probably infected from some old distro. You can read more on the web.
  3. Re-uploaded RP9.exe without Win32/Induc. Please don't worry, it wasn't harmful or infectious in any way.
  4. Win32/Induc BAAW! Don't worry, it's not a destructive or infective malware. It's a proof-of-concept virus which hijacks Delphi source code. It won't affect machines without Delphi installed. I just didn't like pitch black XP, and Vista one should be replaced with Win 7. They will work without problems when you upgrade. Feel free to contribute skin ideas.
  5. Thanks for testing! It's good to see someone still remembers me No, i want those grassland-scene-allard_24_600x450.bmp and \windows\clouds.bmp; one of them must cause error somehow. If i somehow last second broke it, i'm terribly sorry (no night releases dammit). Who confirms it's broken?Or wait - you did install without skins? Unfortunately, shell extending is tied to UberSkin in this version; it will be probably changed back later. That's right, for single-user system they can be useless/annoying. I'll probably change Change Password into logoff user.
  6. Ran into an errorWould you please upload here all wallpapers you have? (list is at HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\RPConfig\Wallpapers)
  7. It doesn't matter. Previously, setup would block installation if all updates weren't installed; now you practically don't need any. Only if there wouldn't be gdiplus.dll setup will warn you but still continue.
  8. Revolutions Pack 9.5.0 RC lol just 1 year for new release http://tihiy.ahanix.org/RP9.exe Highlights of this release: bugfixes, USER resource usage, Windows 7 skin, RPConfig UI. I wanna hear first adopters.
  9. It's paused / suspended since Xeno86 is busy with diploma and i'm busy back with RP. Please report critical issues (ex.: broken MSYS) to be fixed in stable release.
  10. RP9 setup opened google? Installing those updates are tiresome.
  11. There is compatible psapi.dll in KernelEx.
  12. There are some news about subpixel font rendering if someone is interested. Pardon me if it's not the right place to share. 1) ClearType rasterizer from Microsoft Reader (which i use in RP9) is widely tweakable with registry settings and in fact gives results extremely close to Windows 7 output. 2) There is a full functioning ClearType rasterizer in gdiplus.dll which is artifically restricted by GetVersionEx check. It gives output extremely close to Windows XP output and has decent performance, but GDI+ text api is awkward. And by extremely close i mean pixel perfect match with indistinguishable color or possible minor hinting differences.
  13. No text in Firefox is VPC video driver specific bug afaik.
  14. Here are some parameters to greatly tweak ClearType rasterizer: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\ctras.dll\parameters] "Decimation"=dword:00000001 <- Decimation: advanced processing. Gives less color fringe. Disabled (0) by default. "Gamma"=dword:00000064 <- Text gamma. 100 (0x64) by default. [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools\ctras.dll\flags] "CompatibleWidth"=dword:00000001 - Force glyph into default metrics. If enabled (1), uses standard (non-aliased) metrics. Very useful for small fonts. Disabled (0) by default. "NonCTDIRAA"=dword:00000001 - Additional anti-aliasing. Works only with Decimation enabled. Don't enable without Decimation. Disabled (0) by default. "CTDIRSPP"=dword:00000000 - Sub-pixel positioning. Disabled (0) by default. I like those i specified. Note that changes apply only for newly-started programs.
  15. Now this is a serious bug which must wake RP9 from hibernation. Stay tuned.
  16. Well not really. I just shifted focus to other things (KernelEx for example). There is no point releasing new betas unless this thing is stable; finishing this thing requires dedicating extreme effort which is not feasible for me. I'm sorry for that, but I never claimed this thing as usable. I don't see critical problems with RP9 so your point is invalid.
  17. In order to fix Foxit 3.1 leaking, turn off its toolbars (F8). Fix for that issue may or may not come in next version.
  18. There is a scenario in which Miranda IM would damage RP9/system skin objects. RP9 has protection against that, however KernelEx 4.5 can break it. Next version should have that fixed, but i'm not sure about Miranda being so stinky.
  19. Looks like GDI resource leak. Does quitting Opera helps?
  20. It sounds like kexCOM failed to unregister on uninstall which is surprising.Check [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{00021401-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}\InProcServer32] value (after removing 4.5). should be "shell32.dll". Also please tell if you used any uninstallers / Safe Mode.
  21. You can replace libgio2...dll with older one (from older Gimp). Doesn't have anything to do with SuspendThread or KernelEx. Doesn't seem to work on Windows XP. Are you sure it worked? And what's wrong with QT? KernelEx should be able to digest that. I'll test it later. You need to have ..\etc folder. I.e. if you're launching files from c:\mingw\bin, you need to have c:\mingw\etc. Also make sure there is no msys-1.0.dll in \windows\system.
  22. I'm talking KernelEx 4 beta 2 which is about to be released. If you have problems with Thunderbird 2 / Firefox 2 not opening links, disable kernelex for them with compatibility tab. Don't blame community; i just recently confirmed the problem (and the problem rise last year with some security update).
  23. I've researched this issue and - that may sound stupid - it's really mimicking XP behavior. SHParseDisplayName check they added in some security update actually may fail to process mailto: links. Nevertheless it's a serious issue and it will be fixed soon. And if you want printing, what you wanna print?
  24. I'm not sure how ntkern really works. But 98 kernel has (K32_)NtCreateFile which calls ntkern one and takes unicode strings. So no, your idea is not working. You have to call ifsmgr directly somehow.
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