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Everything posted by ISOHaven

  1. If it turns out that way then we have people like Tihiy to thank for it. If there was never an alternative then people would have nothing to vote on.
  2. Um....huh? What's confusing about it? It's been pretty straight forward since WinXP. You either do or do not want to display recent apps and/or items. Then you get to choose how many. Just do as Tihiy stated and choose 0 items.
  3. Agreed. It should be 100% his decision, no one else's. And he does not need to explain his reason for including whoever he chooses to include. Shame on us for even bringing it up. In a way, that is his personal space that has nothing at all to do with the function or speed of the app, and he can put whatever he wants there for whatever reason he chooses. He can thank his mom or his girlfriend's pet ferret or his dog or his third grade teacher or the Easter Bunny or Santa Claus and none of us should care. Cheers and Regards Completly agree. I can't believe some of the petty stuff that has been coming up lately. Let's all help to make SiB an even more awesome app. Let's not worry about the small petty stuff!
  4. I can't understand it either. I have no clue what that person is talking about. I played around with launching an app and seeing where the start menu picks up from where I last selected something and it works identical to Win7.
  5. So was I.
  6. Ok. Sorry for the confusion. Don't see why should anyone care, though. If they helped then they helped. Pretty simple. Looks good to me! Since the start I've gotten a total of 12 people up and running on SiB and three businesses. They are all super happy. Woot!!!!
  7. Sounds like its time for a poll!
  8. This thread about StartisBack. NOT Windows 8. Back on topic please.
  9. When you select Pin to Start Menu it should pin it to the top of the left hand side of the start menu, exactly like Win7. Right above the most used apps. There have been reports of that not working and if I remember correctly they always fixed it with a reinstall of SiB.
  10. It worked fine for me (transparent and blur) but while running, trying to go into StartIsBack properties caused an error but let me continue anyway. Then when I disabled menu and taskbar transparency, those two looked fine but it turned off for all other apps and windows.
  11. I've been running Blue for days. Enough already.
  12. Your entire comment can be shortened to:
  13. Blue is not even suppose to be public. Can we wait until its finished before coming to a conclusion? Exactly! Commenting on it now is worthless. For all we know that specific build could be some mobile only device experiment. At least wait until after TAP. Wait, what?. That's what all the fanboys said throughout all the betas. Time to face facts: giving the benefit of the doubt to Nu-Microsoft is a fool's errand. They have a plan, and your Start Menu is not a part of it. You are all freaking out over nothing. Chill out and get back on topic.
  14. Blue is not even suppose to be public. Can we wait until its finished before coming to a conclusion? Exactly! Commenting on it now is worthless. For all we know that specific build could be some mobile only device experiment. At least wait until after TAP.
  15. Reinstall on top of itself. You should keep all your settings.
  16. WooHoo!!!!
  17. GTX 650 Ti - once I changed reg to 9100 or 9200 or 9300 it worked fine with your changed files. I notice NO slow downs. It works flawlessly. I also have dual monitors. Minimizing windows, no problems. Everything is super fast with it on and off. Thanks for all your work! I look forward to a finished product.
  18. Just a slight addition to your "Install Group Policy.txt" for those with newer servers. Those policy files go in: \\<yourdomainname>\SYSVOL\<yourdomainname>\Policies\PolicyDefinitions So far no problems with the GPs. I'll keep turning them on and off so make sure each does it's job.
  19. Awesome news about GP! I can't thank you enough for that!!!
  20. Preview 4 is my first time installing it. As others have noted....I got nothing. No change at all. 3rd Gen i7 GTX 650Ti Win8 Pro x64 Debug attached. debug.txt
  21. I've seen that warning with SiB at least *sometimes*. Or am I imagining it or like I like to say - dis-remembering it? That actually works for me! I have all my workstations setup so the users get NO notification at all. No popups, no questions, nothing. That way when they shutdown at night it gets rebooted that way. Why bug the crap out of them for nothing?
  22. Looking good. No problems right off the bat. I'll play with it more tomorrow.
  23. Not really. That's just plain smart! Awesome job Tihiy!
  24. That would be cool!
  25. Here's a comparision between StartIsBack 2.0 preview and Windows 7: Notice how StartIsBack's search text colour is lighter. This is even more noticeable in my high contrast mode (though the colour was originally pointed out to me by somebody else). People keep saying that Win7 is also grey yet....none of my Win7 machines are grey. No clue what they are talking about. SiB text color is the same as the default text color that says "Search programs and files". Win7 is not and has never been like that. But if it's a pain to change then forget it. Not a big deal.
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