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Everything posted by ISOHaven

  1. All following items test on Win8 x86 and Win8 x64. See Server 2012 x64 note below. Rename Start Screen to Apps auto reset works. Server 2012 - StartIsBackCfg.exe crashes. So nothing else tested on 2012. I don't get a crash however....if I rename an item (for example Internet Explorer to Internet Explorer RENAMED) then that item no longer works in Metro. If I reboot the machine, then the Metro item works again. This one is goofy! If I rename a pinned item (for example Paint to Paint RENAMED via the pinned item) the pinned item no longer works. EVER! It's completly dead. The pinned item also remains as the old name. The actual item in accessories also remains as the old name (Paint). But if I search for Paint...it finds Paint RENAMED. Where? I couldn't find it. If i pin the Paint RENAMED thatit finds then it pins it as Paint RENAMED (2). Anyway, I have to unpin Paint then repin it to get it working. However, Paint RENAMED is now stuck somewhere in lala land. If I rename a recently used program then it also stops working and it retains the old name. However, if I wait about a minute then it updates then it works. Works as expected with and without any pinned items. Open, Open All Users and Properties. All three options work. Works. Orb switching works. I tried my own orb and it works. Thinking of creating a company orb. Worked. Both Win8 32 and 64 activated.
  2. Sweet! Can't wait to get back from lunch
  3. Nope, you are not clear. Not one bit. You are also wrong about the closed beta part. From what I can tell they do not have Beta 2 at all. Only beta 2 has been "closed". I simply stated the facts. I never gave my opinion on whether it's right or wrong so how you read or injected that into it is beyond my comprehension. Awesome!
  4. It ticks me off, too, for Tihiy's sake. Nah, they're helping him out. He will just make it stronger and stronger. The only version that matters is final and they won't hack that. They only hack beta to preserve it. Sez Who? Sez me. BETA archive. They do not store nor have interest in production code.
  5. It ticks me off, too, for Tihiy's sake. Nah, they're helping him out. He will just make it stronger and stronger. The only version that matters is final and they won't hack that. They only hack beta to preserve it.
  6. It's better because it doesn't gimp the system. Unfortunately there are some Metro interfaces that are just apart of WIn8 and you will need. Also, as much as most of us hate Metro...there will be some useful Metro apps....some day So we want a way to bring up Metro WHEN WE WANT IT. Instead of being beat in the face with it. This does exactly that. It's also less obtrusive and doesn't require people to go digging around for Win7 files. Both major pluses.
  7. Click on the image. He already gave you the link.
  8. Am I the only only one who finds it ironic how Metro the UI looks? Just playin' looks good!
  9. Good point. I can also see people clipping the space bar.
  10. I'm getting an error too. My vote would be either left CTRL+WIN or left ALT+WIN. Makes more sense to have two keys close together. Some day it'll be a highly used shortcut.
  11. I just set my date to 11/10 and rebooted. It boots fine. You just lose the start menu and it goes to Metro. No harm.
  12. You could always create a blank or transparent image and make that the new orb in settings.
  13. ALT+TAB with Office products (excel) is also fixed with StartIsBack versus ex7forw8. My users will be happy about that!
  14. Cosmetic Pin to Start menu.......menu should be capitalized.
  15. "Pin to start" or "Pin to start menu"? Does "Pin to taskbar" shows if "Pin to start menu" doesn't? Does pinning Office 2010 shortcuts by drag&drop works, are the shortcuts usable? My bad, I meant "Pin to Start Menu". Yes Pin to taskbar is there and works. The shortcuts are usable. I can drag and drop to pin it. Then I can select remove from this list and again the "Pin to Start Menu" doesn't show up. However, the Office shortcuts are goofy. They aren't normal shortcuts if you look at the properties. So maybe that's the issue. However, Office 2010 is pinable in Win7.
  16. - Fixed: "Pin to Start menu" wasn't shown in start menu items context menu unless you hold shift Some items show "pin to start" and some don't. I noticed right off the bat that the Office 2010 shortcuts do not show it. - Fixed: Start Screen ALT-F4 sometimes stopped working So far it's working every time. - Fixed: changing start menu recent items count didn't affect immediately Whether I use the arrows or change the number manually, it works every time, right away. - Fixed: MFU program list was rarely refreshed AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Everything I run shows up right away. - Fixed: wrong orb sizes were used for high DPI I changed DPI settings and the orb always looked fine. - Fixed: some orb animation issues Orb animates as it should. - New: F3 on desktop brings desktop search instead of immersive one F3 launched a search window. Looks good. - New: Start orb image is customizable I swapped out a few BMPs and it replaced it with the new one just fine, every time. Personal Request: Office 2010 and Adobe CS6 installed with no problems at all.
  17. I was using both the local admin account along with domain accounts.
  18. I doubt if Server 2012 is the problem, unless it is only in combination with something else. Server 2012 runs fine with both his solutions. I've tested new installs, new installs that have been running for a month now and installs that were upgraded from R2 that are a few years old now. No issues.
  19. Microsoft Forefront isn't detecting anything.
  20. Just a word of caution for Server 2012 folks...most all apps on 2012 are desktop apps so....if you enable "Rename Start Screen...." then you'll wipe out just about everything except Desktop and IE. Which is odd because IE on 2012 is desktop only, no metro.
  21. So far with a new installation of Server 2012 and Win8....no more Reg problems. As soon as I get back from lunch I'll play with your new features. EDIT: Everything seems to be running great for me. The new features work. I know some people will like the no transparency. Just FYI, when you turn OFF transparency the user tile border is still transparent. I know how anal some people get about it But not me, I like the transparency. I think it looks great!
  22. Here's another point of view. For home, I wouldn't really care which direction it went. Paid or ads (preferred paid). But for business...ads are a no go. I cannot implement anything ad driven. On a side note, what's worked "well" for many people: Free - ad driven Paid - ad removal Simple as that. But all in all, ads are a PITA for developers. I tried that direction once and quickly stopped.
  23. I wouldn't take it to heart too much. If anything you should be flattered. When I released some of my software for U3 drives, they all got jacked. But that didn't stop the sales. But yeah, this is all part of it and at least that guy gave 100% of the credit to you along with your other explorer project so you can also think of it as exposure and that's always a good thing! If you need any private testing I'm sure some of us could help you out
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