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Everything posted by bigmuscle

  1. No, this is not possible unless Chrome provides you such option. Rendering engine does not know which window is drawn - it just have image and position.
  2. Memory usage depends on number of opened windows. It is the thing related to DWM and not to Aero Glass, because DWM holds texture for every window.
  3. The layout is described in the guide http://glass8.eu/guide.html
  4. Then your problem is not caused by Aero Glass... especially that claim "I managed to uninstall this program via msconfig" is weird.
  5. Seems like a step in the right direction. It renders a lot more color in title bars that are rendered against a dark background, and that helps visually differentiate windows better. I can now get a real electric blue look. Thanks! Unfortunately the color seems to shift (to a different hue) as the translucent parts go over a lighter background, which makes it seem touchy with certain colors. I haven't had much time to tweak the color values yet, so this may be something that can be worked around. Currently, the blending formula should be exactly same as in Win7/8. The problem are different colors and balances which are generated by Win10 thus user must alter them manually. There is important rule that AfterglowBalance + ColorBalance + BlurBalance = 100. If it is higher, all light colors will be cut to white and will blend together.
  6. Cool! Could you make it a registry option that could be enabled but not on by default? I'd surely opt for more color saturation than I'm able to get now. -Noel Do you think that this satisfy the blending request? glass8.eu/out/BlurBlendingTest.7z As I said, it looks good for some colors but too over-saturated for another colors. You can alter the behaviour with classic ColorizationBlurBalance and ColorizationAfterglowBalance settings. DWM restart is probably needed to changes take effect and, unfortunately, you cannot set separate balances for active/inactive frames. Only ColorizationColorBalance can be set for both separately.
  7. I think this does not happen in Win10 only. I tried to fix it but no success yet.
  8. Currently not and I'm not sure if it is possible to implement it.
  9. So I tried a bit experimenting with the color blending and I was able to achieve similar effect to Win7. Some regions look much better, but some regions look too over-saturated (but same thing happens in Win7 too). The problem is that it is deeply dependent on blur balance which is dependent on used glass color. It wasn't problem in Win7/8 where ColorizationBlurBalance was generated together with the color change, but Win10 always set it to 1 so it would be a bit user-unfriendly.
  10. There isn't a very good way to achieve a deep color and still retain a lot of translucency (i.e., so as to look more like deeply colored glass). Do you have any flexibility in the algorithm you use to color glass areas? There was the start of a discussion some weeks ago about multiplying colors (vs. averaging them) but I'm not sure it got off the ground. See also the first part of this post... http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/173827-feature-requests/#entry1098999 -Noel Currently there is no flexible algorithm. It is done via Direct2D simply: 1. copy content of the geometry from screen into buffer2. blur buffer into the screen3. fill geometry with ColorizationColor.RGB and opacity ColorizationColor.AIn <= Win8, it was done via Direct3D thus complicated alpha blending (using ColorizationBlurBalance and ColorizationAfterGlow registry values) could be used in pixel shader. It was something like (what I remember so probably not 100% exact): 1. copy content of the geometry from screen into buffer2. blur buffer horizontally into another buffer3. blur buffer vertically into the screen and apply the following formula:finalPixel.RGB = ColorizationAfterGlow.RGB * blurredPixel.Intensity + blurredPixel.RGB * ColorizationBlurBalance + ColorizationColor.RGBAs you can see, the amount of the blur of specified with ColorizationBlurBalance. I'm not sure if same formula is achievable with Direct2D.
  11. There is no CaptionWidth settings and you cannot change the any button width. DWM will always set it to be rectangular by setting the width to the same value as height.
  12. No need to modify frame colors in altas when you can set it directly.
  13. Sure, you can. And if it does not work, you can deactivate old key and generate a new one a bit later.
  14. Sure, you can deactivate any key at any time, then just wait and you will be able to generate new key soon.
  15. Then ask Classic Shell developer why he uses different techniques for Win8.1 and Win10.
  16. No magic. Neither one of these system has taskbar blur by default thus it only depends which technique you used to enable it.
  17. Blur radius/deviation + glass reflection influence only the glass regions rendered by Aero Glass.
  18. The theme atlas image and layouts are complete. However, people should understand that it can provide different results for both Win8.x and Win10 just because DWM can position several elements differently. Win8.1 themes will never be 100% compatible with Win10 and vice-versa. It can happen even with normal UX themes. And if it is so minor bug as 1px offset visible on maximized windows only then it makes totally no sense to spend the time on fixing it. Of course, if someone fixes the default atlas and ensures that it works consistenly on Win8.1 and Win10 then I will include it in some future release.
  19. Aero Glass for Win8.x+ v1.4.1 * when Aero Glass is loaded broadcast WM_THEMECHANGED to all applications * fixed crash on invalid reflection image * hardcoded symbol patterns for DWMCORE build 10240.16461 * fixed glass occlusion on regions near the screen edge * fallback into always-glass mode only when symbols have not been loaded * Win10 only: added support for AccentColor and AccentColorInactive settings to set different color for caption header - DWORD values 0xRRGGBB in SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM * KNOWN WIN10 LIMITATION: - due to the way how Win10 composes windows frames, it is not possible to fully apply corner radius - for the same reason you can see blurred separation of window caption
  20. If donation.key was accepted correctly and symbols do not download then please provide your debug.log (it would be good to enable verbose logging - see guide on the website how to do that)
  21. Microsoft Edge is modern app and thus its frame is added by ModernFrame.dll. If you don't want this titlebar then do not use modernframe.dll. It is not possible to combine it with tab bar.
  22. Does this checkbox modify other settings than CustomThemeAtlas? He had changed blur deviation and custom theme reflection, both were different from default values and I do not believe that this was modified by the installer.
  23. https://yadi.sk/d/SfHp17Htipggp Good, now your task is to read this topic, because this issue has already been talked about. Advice was given and user confirmed that it fixed his problem. However, this statement is not true at all. By reading your minidumps, Aero Glass settings have been altered and does not contain default values.
  24. Sorry, but this title wasn't change today but already several days ago. Anyway, Windows 10 TH2 or Windows TH2 makes no difference, only total ignorant can think that "versions for future Windows updates" means "version for current Windows".
  25. And? I just removed those bold sentences because there is no beta to download. When there is, this information will be back.
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