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Everything posted by bigmuscle

  1. I'll check if TH2 has not changed the way of getting the title font. EDIT: could you write how do you change the font size so I could test it? I just found that ModernFrame caption does not respect DPI, could it be your case?
  2. http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/174415-aero-glass-for-win81-141/page-10#entry1111643 http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/174415-aero-glass-for-win81-141/page-10#entry1111643
  3. is the font size and colour of the modern frame title part of a theme or modernframe.dll - i had it larger and white in 10240 but i now cannot change colour or size - what am i missing or has it changed Both, I draw it myself in ModernFrame but I load the settings from theme. LOGFONT lgFont;if (SUCCEEDED(GetThemeSysFont(hTheme, TMT_CAPTIONFONT, &lgFont))){ m_hCaptionFont = CreateFontIndirect(&lgFont);}// load caption colorif (GetThemeColor(hTheme, 47, 1, TMT_TEXTCOLOR, &m_clrCaptionActiveColor) < 0){ m_clrCaptionActiveColor = GetSysColor(COLOR_CAPTIONTEXT);}
  4. Experimental build #491 New 64-bit debug build has been uploaded to my website. It contains experimental support for Win10 TH2 build 10586. It also contains memory leak fixes, fixes to dirty regions and many other things. The archive also includes new ModernFrame.dll and Win8RP-like atlas for 10586. But remember, it is still only experimental debug build so it is not optimized for usage on production environment! If you don't know how to install it then do NOT use it and do NOT ask, because these builds are intended for very advanced users only. http://glass8.eu/win_future.html
  5. Good. But if you could upload minidump file somewhere, it would be good, because these files contain info about crash.
  6. Of course, I do not complain about "complaints" ) this forum is for you so discuss anything what you want but you should realize that if you mess this forum with same useless stuff still around, it becomes more and more unreadable and thus people will need to ask the same things over and over again. A bit of magic ring. So people should not be surprised if my common answer will be "already answered" etc.
  7. People try to help? Really? Do you really think that infinite complaining that it does not work on some OS where it has never been said to be working and it has even been explicitely said million times that it is for <=10240 only is "trying to help" ? But I admit one thing - people cannot know information "<= 10240 only", because they already filled this forum with useless stuff and made it completely unreadable so I understand why they have to write same things over and over again. And if some people think that they "payed" so developer must create new version for them immediately then they really should change the project - maybe go to WindowBlinds and complain that there is no Win10 version at all.
  8. Huh, it sounds like there's a wide variety of results with Aero Glass following the 10586 installation. It worked for you, it didn't work for me, and @truexfan81 reports above that his computer was borked. Wonder what might account for the differences. --JorgeA Maybe, because there is no Aero Glass designed for build 10586? I really do not understand why the people still mess this forum with build 10586 when it has been million times said that this is for build 10240 only
  9. could you provide your debug.log and possibly minidump files from Aero Glass folder?
  10. Hard to say, because there is no Aero Glass for build 10586
  11. LuanTeles: yes, it does but old themes are not compatible with TH2.
  12. Experimental build #460 This build contains more aggressive garbage collector. Unused resources are automatically deallocated after 30 seconds. This build is not intended for TH2 insider builds, it has been designed for Win8.1 (build 9600) and Win10 TH1 (build 10240) only! http://www.glass8.eu/out/460-64.7z
  13. Don't worry. Glass safety zones will not work correctly unless the public symbols are present and thus it will accumulate blur effect around dirty regions.
  14. Experimental build #447 This build contains extensive changes in glass safety zones and dirty rectangles occlusion. It should fix, for example, glitches on Start screen, but because there are a lot of changes it must be verified that the implementation is correct, stable, complete and it does not cause rendering glitches. Altough this change should increase performance in the final, the glass safety zone is recreated on every render thus currently the performance may be degraded a lot. This build is intended for Win8.1 a Win10 RTM. It is not designed for any insider builds!!! http://www.glass8.eu/out/447-64.7z
  15. And what about sending me your info into PM (e-mail, transaction date etc.) ?
  16. Nice find, changing the link here does not change the location where it points to.
  17. I'm not sure what software you use because there is no restart.cmd in our software. Read this guide http://glass8.eu/guide.htmlto instruct you how to change inactive frame color.
  18. Here is Win8 RP atlas with layout remapping for TH2. http://glass8.eu/out/Win8RP.7z
  19. Unfortunately not now. It seems to randomly happen when glass region is being rendered under modern application.
  20. Just a quick description - DWM is running in a isolated process and thus it does not have access to user session. For this reason, you cannot have user-dependent settings etc. So, when user logs in, DWM process asks aerohost process (which has highest privileges) for read privilege into HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\DWM. Aerohost creates shared handle and return it back to DWM. Maybe, this is the reason why it is logged in event viewer. This handle is deleted when user logs out.
  21. Use this topic http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/174668-experimental-builds/for discussion about experimental builds. This topic is about 1.4.1 release.
  22. I see the difference: - testing = test it, provide me the feedback, report me the bugs and I will try to fix them - experimental = just play with it but do not expect any support from me
  23. Hello, from time to time, I will post experimental builds in this topic. These builds are not intended for testing nor normal usage, they are just builds of my current working state. They may or may not work. They may contain features which may or may not be pushed in the final release. The only intention is if you want to have a look at it and play with it. If you don't know how to install it then do NOT ask, because these builds are intended for very advanced users only. These are DEBUG builds only, they display watermark, they display debugging console and they display debug warning on startup. They may require debugging symbols for proper function. Do NOT use them if you do NOT want this or you cannot accept that these builds are experimental only. ------------------------------ Aero Glass BETA #506 So there is the first beta version intended for testing. Archive includes both 32bit and 64bit library. Just rename required version to DWMGlass.dll. Since the last experimental version, it contains many fixes to DWM internal structures and pointers and automatic theme layout remapping for TH2. Currently, it needs to be tested on Win10 TH2, Win10 TH1 and Win8.1, then we can think about entering the ready-to-release phase. Of course, if you have have some ideas to improve the features, you can present them here.
  24. And is there supposed to be the blur effect under fullscreen Start screen? It did for me in the past, but now there seems to be only my wallpaper image and no blur and no flickering.
  25. I would start by reading "READ FIRST" post, then ask if you have further questions.
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