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Posts posted by vcant

  1. i just checked the specs, and it says for my monitor 16ms,

    and it has 450:1 ratio.

    i chose it because it had a very good review on pcworld.com and the price was very good, i wanted to get samsung but it was way too expencive, and this LG has a better review than the samsung, so i chose it, and very happy about it at the moment...

    here is the review.


    the review talks about tests for text and web, and doesnt review games, so may be you should check more reviews on it.

    im quet happy with it for gaming (thou its at work so i dont play much, just sometimes after work), but i dont have another LCD to compare, all i have is CRT screens, or laptop screens, so you should check more into it for gaming....


    here is pcworld's top 10 LCD screens, my monitor is on 6th place, NECs LCD similar model to the one you are considering is on 5th, but im not sure whats the difference between the models.

  2. i got myself LG L1710B LCD a month ago, and its great :):rolleyes:

    both for games and documents

    the texts are extra crisp :D

    and the colors are amazing, i didnt even imagine that colors can be that good :D

    anyway i heard NEC is good, althou i dont know anyone using it

  3. well, 3 things you can do about it:

    1. clean windows install,

    2. third party defrag tool (i would reccomend Diskeeper),

    3. or may be Aaron will figure something out for your problem :)

    i personally would reinstall windows, but if you dont want all this hasle, just get a third party defrag tool

  4. well to be honest its not on my computer, its on some companies computers, and as far as i understand they all have the same problem, it didnt happen (or they were not aware of it) until today, but i think it worked ok before.

    i was going crazy here for two hours thinking that the mail server is to blame, until i actually asked them to save the attachement and it worked.

    but still its very strange, and should not happen, i believe...

    could that actually be a problem with mail server? sounds very unlikely to me...

  5. are you simptoms the same as mine? it doesnt display 'cannot connect' page, but loading and even displays the title of the page, but wont load anything else, just stays like this and shows that the page is being loaded.

    are you using the same firewall?

  6. i recently installed new firewall on my mashine - Kerio WinrouteFirewall5,

    configured access for my computer and also configured NAT for other two network computers,

    now i just found a problem: the other network computers cannot access HTTPS pages, i opened HTTPS for the firewall itself and for the NAT services,

    anyone knows whats wrong????

    my computer connects fine to HTTPS....

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