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Posts posted by vcant

  1. what OS you using?

    if you running XP pro or win2000 you already have IIS server on it, but probably will have to add it in 'Windows Components', if you running win2k3 it should be already running...

    otherwise you need to install a web server, may be Apache, or maybe something simplier.

    if you only need to share files, then its probably better to put an FTP server.

  2. Samsung has the best picture quality IMO, all the others I see look worse than my laptop for some reason except the Samsung (which is even better)

    yep, i agree, samsungs are very good,

    a friend of mine has a samsung LCD 17" and its great, if i wasnt getting dell 18" with the computer i would buy samsung LCD

  3. i had the same problem, i dont know what exactly cause it, but i found a way to fix it....

    its a bit of a work around....

    now what you need is symantec corporate 7.6...

    in its installtion files you have a live update installation

    dont use it, it wont help, you first need to go to c:\program files\symantec live update\

    or just 'live update' dont remmeber, and delete the whole directory, then go to the installation of 7.6 and install live update from there.

    should work after that. :)

  4. hi guys

    i have a strange problem with one of the computers (not mine )

    i see that the computer attemps to send out virus to the outlook express contacts (i see it in the mail server log)

    but i cannot find the virus itself....

    the computer had MCafee installed before it got the virus, after that we put AVG and it found lots of viruses,

    but now it says the computer is clean, but i still can see the mails going out ......

    i did the online scn as well with 'Bit Defender' and it didnt find anything either....

    any ideas?

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