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Posts posted by vcant

  1. i think harry potter books are really good, i read only 1-3 books, and i can say they only get better.

    but you deffinetly cannot compare them to Tolkein!!!! :)

    btw, have to add, ive seen the first Harry Potter movie recently, and a think the movie was really bad, makes a really bad impression for people that never read the book.

  2. i never had experience with USB, but i would say Ethernet should be better... and easier to install, well after all that whats its for - networking...

    but then again, im not sure about usb, it might be very good as well

  3. nice.

    i have one dvd writer, and now ordered another one with the new computer,

    as you said, runs really smooth, nero has perfect support for it... :)

    didnt try to burn all the applications on it though, a bit scared to have them all on one dvd, and too lazy to burn second one for backup :rolleyes:

    how are the dvds btw, are they stable, how long do you have it, cause i have mine for about 6 months, and im not sure how long the burned disks will last...

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