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Posts posted by vcant

  1. i just got back from work and for some reason my computer refuses to sign in on MSN,

    it says service temporarily not available, i tryed another computer and it works? messenger worked fine just this morning, and i didnt change anything since then (asnt home :) )


    MSN 6.0.0503


  2. yes, the zone alarm is probably the problem, from my expirience, its caused by the server software running on windows conflicting with zone alarm, so if you dont need IIS, SMTP, etc... servers just uninstall them in windows components and it should work fine, if you need the server software, i suggest you move to a different firewall...

    kerio perhaps....

  3. well, i have a couple of dells computers, and im really hapy with them.

    i like the technical support they providing, and these are computers that i can really trust.

    althought i do like to open a computer if something wrong with it, and try to fix it by myself, i find it really unificient to my work, cause thats the last thing i should be doing....

    besides i never had any problems with my dell computer, so even their great tech support never been needed.

    well, if not to mention my dead HD on the dell laptop, but that probably has something to do with the laptop falling from my shoulder and rolling down the stairs last year (about 40 stairs :) ),

    i thought that no harm has been done to it, but obviosly i was wrong :D

    btw, i didnt get the new dell desktop in the end..... :rolleyes:

  4. i would say that opening cd-rom it a sign of a trojan, so the first thing to do is to dissconnect from the internet, and then use a virus scaner.

    if its still closes the antivirus, then try to install another one, or try to use online scan, but then you will have to be connected to the net.

    formating is a good idea thou...

    well, tell us how it goes :)

  5. i think it also has less impact on system resources...

    i definetly prefer corporate, as Aaron said, the interface might be not that nice, but i believe its more stable,

    and yes, makes me feel more protected because it 'corporate' :)

    besides, i think it doesnt have live update expiration, at least its not mentioned anywhere in the program

  6. received email from my hosting provider today (we host there 3 dedicated servers, all windows),

    they strongly advise to backup all data manually, as they taking some of their backup services offline for the time of the attack:

    Please do not delay these procedures, as some of the services required for backing up your site may be taken offline as part of our defense strategy.  Please understand that we cannot be specific about what services will be taken offline, as disclosing this information to the public can increase our network vulnerability. 

    well, we'll see, i will hope for the best, and since my computer at home doesnt work, i wont be able to track the servers... :rolleyes:

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