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Posts posted by vcant

  1. OK, to stop this. This is not a problem or a bug. Signature goes right under your text. Because it's a signature, right.

    Sure it looks better if signature is aligned to bottom. As I said before IPB 1.2 use DIV tags instead of tables (1.1.2) and its hard to align signature to bottom that way.

    Anyway, we work on it.

    i dont think its a problem, i just pointed it out because i thought it might be a bug or something....

    i think the board looks great the way it is.... :)

  2. It's looking for the modem driver...Windows won't have it. The driver should have come on a cd with the system.

    yep probably a modem, so look for a cd with drivers install that came (if any) with the system....

    btw, if you dont use a modem, you can just leave it...

    in case its a network adapter, you probably will need it, so look for drivers...

  3. ok

    i would guess that this is either a modem or a network adapter.

    witch one is missing from you system at the moment?

    in any case you will have to find out what make is it, eoither check documentation for the system, or if you dont have any, you will have to open the computer and see what it is...

  4. I installed the Server 2003 Sp1 (v1039) lat night, now when I go to windowsupdate, it scans my computer, then shows "Windows Update is looking for available updates... 100% complete" - and thats it. Nothing else happens. Is it the SP, or is windowsupdate just doing what come naturally to a microsoft product?  :rolleyes:  :)

    if you have latest updates what else should happen?

    or you dont get the message where it says that you have all the lates software installed?

    btw SP1 for win2k3 is in early beta, this definetly can cause some problems

  5. but it only seems to happen to a few of us...

    it happens always if the left cell(avatar, member info etc...) is higher than the right cell (the text of the reply) because then the right cell stretches....

  6. i just checked the HTML code for the page, and actually there is nothing that would tell a sig to stick to the bottom, nothing at all, it just comes after text in a separate DIV.

    so if nothing was removed by accident while modifying the board, thats probably the way it should be...

  7. i didnt see this happening in this particular thread, but it happens in other threads, basically if someone puts very little text in the reply, and usualy has avatar, so the left side is becoming long and stretches the reply cell.....

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