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Posts posted by vcant

  1. fixed

    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <style type="text/css">

    A:link { text-decoration: none; color:#ffffff; font-weight: "light" }
    A:visited { text-decoration: none; color:#ffffff; font-weight: "light" }
    A:active { text-decoration: none; color:#ffffff; font-weight: "light" }
    A:hover{ text-decoration: none; color:#ffffff; border: 1px dashed #0f0f0;font-weight: "light" }

    body {

    background-color: #000000;
    font-family: verdana;

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    <table border="0" width="100%" height="90%" align="center" valign="center">
       <td width="100" valign="top"><BR/>
         <BR/> <table border=0 width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="center">
             <td class="catbg" height="18" align="center"> <font size="2" class="cattext"><b>Where
             <td align="center" class="windowbg2"><font size=1> ~/*{links will come
               soon}*\~ </td>
             <td class="catbg" height="18" align="center"> <font size="2" class="cattext"><b>Handy</b></font></td>
             <td align="center" class="windowbg2"> <font size=1> Giant <a href="http://www.neopets.com/prehistoric/omelette.phtml" target=blank>Omlettle</a><br>
               Giant <a href="http://www.neopets.com/jelly/jelly.phtml" target=blank>Jelly</a><br>
               The <a href="http://www.neopets.com/winter/snowager.phtml" target=blank>Snowager</a><br>
             <td class="catbg" height="18" align="center"> <font size="2" class="cattext"><b>Counter</b></font></td>
             <td align="center" class="windowbg2">
               <!-- Counter etc insert here -->
       <td valign="top"> <p><font face=verdana size=1><br>
           Hey, welcome to NeoMess! This is a totally underconstruction Neopets site!
           Bare with me.... <br>
           Neopets, eh? So whats this then? <br>
           You don't know what neopets is? Well, what are you doing here? I'll tell
           you about it anyway =) <br>
           Neopets is a virtual online community for people of all ages wanting their
           own little online pet. You can adopt from a vast range of neopets, with
           lots of interesting species! You can have lots of colors, and lots of
           names! Then you enter Neopia. Neopia is the neopets world, it has many
           lands, and each land has many exciting games and shops, you can buy almost
           anything is the shops! The currency is NP, this is how you buy things.
           To get NP you can play games, do jobs, or sign up for some special offers.
           There is so many more things I wouldn't be able to list them all! Check
           out neopets today! </font> </p>
       <td width="100" valign="top"><BR/>
         <BR/> <table border=0 width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" valign="center">
             <td class="catbg" height="18" align="center"> <font size="2" class="cattext"><b>S*h*o*u*t*b*o*x</b></font></td>
             <td align="center" class="windowbg2">
               <!-- Begin Activetopic.com Shoutbox JavaScript Code -->
               <script LANGUAGE="JavaScript" SRC="http://www.activetopic.com/output.js?i=23816&p=st"></SCRIPT>
               <!-- End Activetopic.com Shoutbox JavaScript Code -->
               <br> </td>

    just copy->paste the entire page


    notice the line brake in the middle of the code, you need to fix it after you copy it

  2. Note: Im looking for someone to make a simple, yet attractive webpage for this program. I have the webspace, i just need a page. I would make it myself, but the extent of my HTML repetoir consits of the bold command, and not much more.

    what exactly do you have in mind, any ideas to work with, im not a designer, but definetly know HTML :)


    or may be just to add special page to the existing unattended guide? or you want to put it separately?

  3. the problem is different,

    first of all its windows :) so no .htaccess there.

    the fiolders are not hidden, but have illegal windows name, so windows does not read them.(if i click properties on one of them, it shows no name, and no size, and if i click delete, it says that windows cannot read specified file)

    example: the folder in windows explorer looks has the name ' blahblah ' (with some spaces before and after the name), but when i checked the FTP log, they were created as '++++blahblah+++' and for some reason windows doesnt recognize them.

    i will attach some screenshots.


    i cannot attach screenshots, because computer has been taken offline. :rolleyes:


    here is the part of the FTP log file, when the directories were created:

    08:47:22 ip address[40]MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++./+ 257
    08:47:23 ip address [40] MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+0+++++++./+ 257
    08:47:23 ip address[40] MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+0+++++++/++++prn+%20%d+0+++++++./+ 257
    08:47:23 ip address [40] MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+0+++++++/++++prn+%20%d+0+++++++/++RandoMaze+4,1233403578366E+36++./+ 257
    08:47:23 ip address [40] MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+0+++++++/++++com+%20%d+1++++++++./+ 257
    08:47:23 ip address [40] MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+0+++++++/++++com+%20%d+1++++++++/++RandoMaze+2,82743338823081E+36++./+ 257
    08:47:23 ip address [40] MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+0+++++++/++nul+%20%d+2++++./+ 257
    08:47:23 ip address [40] MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+0+++++++/++nul+%20%d+2++++/++RandoMaze+6,28318530717959E+35++./+ 257
    08:47:23 ip address [40] MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+0+++++++/+++con+%20%d+3++++++++./+ 257
    08:47:23 ip address [40] MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+0+++++++/+++con+%20%d+3++++++++/++RandoMaze+4,24115008234622E+36++./+ 257
    08:47:23 ip address [40] MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+0+++++++/++++++com+%20%d+4+++./+ 257
    08:47:23 ip address [40] MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+0+++++++/++++++com+%20%d+4+++/++RandoMaze+7,85398163397448E+35++./+ 257
    08:47:23 ip address [40] MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+0+++++++/+++++++aux+%20%d+5++++++++./+ 257
    08:47:23  ip address  [40] MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+0+++++++/+++++++aux+%20%d+5++++++++/++RandoMaze+7,06858347057704E+36++./+ 257
    08:47:24  ip address [40] MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+0+++++++/++++++lpt+%20%d+6+++++./+ 257
    08:47:24  ip address [40] MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+0+++++++/++++++lpt+%20%d+6+++++/++RandoMaze+3,53429173528852E+36++./+ 257
    08:47:24  ip address [40] MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+0+++++++/+++++++aux+%20%d+7+++++./+ 257
    08:47:24  ip address [40] MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+0+++++++/+++++++aux+%20%d+7+++++/++RandoMaze+3,53429173528852E+36++./+ 257
    08:47:24  ip address [40] MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+0+++++++/++++++lpt+%20%d+8+++++++./+ 257
    08:47:24  ip address [40]MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+0+++++++/++++++lpt+%20%d+8+++++++/++RandoMaze+5,89048622548086E+36++./+ 257
    08:47:24  ip address [40]MKD /+/++++++aux+%20%d+0++++++/++++++aux+%20%d+1+++./+ 257

  4. sorry, i didnt see the DoS tool and other stuff in the site, so i posted it...

    the Dos tool is for trillian 0.74 only BTW. (everything in the site is for trillian only)

    in any case if any of the admins find it against the rules, then may be the link to this site should be removed fron the front page as well, and to keep only the download links...

  5. one of the servers i work with (not mine luckely) got hacked recently. Well actually not really hacked, because the ownew 'wisely' opened anonimouse FTP access to it(acting on a tip from the hosting company support :) ).

    anywho, of course someone got in, created lots and lots of folders, and uploaded DVD movies (28 Gigs of them :rolleyes: ).

    while the guy is sorting the issue out with the hosting provider, he asked me to delete the folders, but for some reason i cannot, the folders have illegal name, and windows cannot read them. any ideas how to delete these folders?

  6. well, i had to run ad-aware with latest update in order to get rid of it, but it came back again, then i found this suspicious process called winsrv32.exe running, the file was placed in c:/program files/,

    antivirus didnt catch it, so its probably just spyware, i closed the proces and deleted the file. now im manually scanning the registry to find remaining parts of it.

    but my main question remains: HOW THE HELL DID THIS THING GET THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE :)

    i dont open any suspicios files... and as i said above, im quet well protected...

  7. strange thing happened to me:

    i came to the office today, and on my computer, when i open IE it goes to www.surferbar.com, some kind of spyware thing...

    but when i left yesterday it was ok, noone had access to my computer, i have antivirus and im behind router, so there is no direct access to my computer. So how could that happen?????

  8. i asked this question on winbeta also, but didnt get any help.

    after doing some search on the net i think that what im looking for is quet a complicated thing, anyway here it is:

    im looking to make a control combining Listview and Treeview, or to download a complete control from somewhere that i can use in VS.NET(VB or C#).

    for example you can see this control in Kazaa search results or transfers window...

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