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Everything posted by Swimming_Bird

  1. awesome proggie, if you could also include xprize that would be killer. keep up the good work.
  2. i tried it with that extension just to be sure, but it shouldnt matter afaik
  3. i tried it with that extension just to be sure, but it shouldnt matter afaik
  4. i know this is the fourth bump but i cant figure out whats wrong?
  5. when i remade it i completely started over. so no it wasnt the same old files with a new MST. and i get an error when i try to install it without any transformations that says the installation source has been corrupted.
  6. When i try to run "setup.exe TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /qb" i get the error "Error 25003. Microsoft Office Setup cannot continue because the installation source has been corrupted." and when i try to run "setup.exe TRANSFORMS=Unattended.MST /i" i get the error "Error applying transforms. Verify that the specified transforms are valid." this is the second time i have tried to apply the transform and same issue both times. Thx
  7. i already mentioned it in another thread but i would prefer if when patching the i386 files that the backups of the original filses were placed in another directory and the files in the original i386 folder were directly patched
  8. When i directly call the MSI without autoit the setup runs fine but when directly calling the msi from autoit i get this error:
  9. when i call my indesign using this autoit script: Run ("msiexec /i AdobeInDesignCS2.msi") WinWaitActive ("Adobe InDesign CS2 - Setup","Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Adobe InDesign CS2") ControlClick ("Adobe InDesign CS2 - Setup","&Next >","Button1") Winwaitactive ("Adobe InDesign CS2 - Setup","Language Selection") ControlClick ("Adobe InDesign CS2 - Setup","&Next >","Button1") Winwaitactive ("Adobe InDesign CS2 - License Agreement","License Agreement") ControlClick ("Adobe InDesign CS2 - License Agreement","&Accept","Button5") Winwaitactive ("Adobe InDesign CS2 - Setup","Customer Information") ControlSend ("Adobe InDesign CS2 - Setup","","RichEdit20W3","xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx") send ("{TAB}") send ("{TAB}") ControlClick ("Adobe InDesign CS2 - Setup","&Next >","Button1") Winwaitactive ("Adobe InDesign CS2 - Setup","Destination Folder") ControlClick ("Adobe InDesign CS2 - Setup","&Next >","Button1") Winwaitactive ("Adobe InDesign CS2 - Setup","Ready to Install the Program") ControlClick ("Adobe InDesign CS2 - Setup","&Install","Button1") Winwaitactive ("Adobe InDesign CS2 - Setup","InstallShield Wizard Completed") ControlClick ("Adobe InDesign CS2 - Setup","&Finish","Button3") as well as when i try to call the msi directly i get this error when running it durring runonceex from WPI
  10. IT does use 7zip. but thats the only similarity. This program is just for backing up and restoring profiles. SoF is for installing firefox with a default profile pre-installed.
  11. here is my code to currently install Mathematica Run ( "setup.exe" ) WinWaitActive ("Mathematica 5.1 Setup" , "Installation Folder" ) ControlClick ("Mathematica 5.1 Setup","B&rowse...","Button6") WinwaitActive ("Choose Folder","Please choose the installation folder.") ControlSend ("Choose Folder" , "" ,"Edit1" , @ProgramFilesDir & "\Mathematica 5.1") ControlClick ("Choose Folder","OK","Button1") WinWaitActive ("Mathematica 5.1 Setup" , "Installation Folder" ) ControlClick ("Mathematica 5.1 Setup","I&nstall","Button1") ====================================================== WinActivate ("Mathematica 5.1 Setup" , "&Enter license information now" ) WinWaitActive ("Mathematica 5.1 Setup" , "&Enter license information now" ) ControlClick ("Mathematica 5.1 Setup","&Finish","Button2") WinActivate ("Personalize Mathematica" , "Net&work License" ) WinWaitActive ("Personalize Mathematica" , "Net&work License" ) ControlSend ("Personalize Mathematica" , "" , "Edit3" , "xxxxx-xxxx" ) ControlClick ("Personalize Mathematica" , "OK" , "Button4") Winwaitactive ("Personalize Mathematica" , "&MathID" ) ControlSend ("Personalize Mathematica" , "" , "Edit1" ,"xxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx" ) ControlSend ("Personalize Mathematica" , "" , "Edit2" ,"xxxx-xxx-xxx" ) ControlClick ("Personalize Mathematica", "OK" , "Button2") ProcessClose ( "Mathematica.exe" )the equals singns are durring the actual installation at the end of which the finalization window gets loaded however the finalization window is not laoded active and i cant figure out how to activate it. once i manually activate it the rest of the script runs fine. Thanks all
  12. I've tried on multiple occations to patch my UACD's i386 files but each time in my virtualmachine it doesnt appear to have taken hold (all the old icons are still there and i see no modifications). I patch the files as the last step after everything else. and have removed the readonly attribute on the files. i CAN run the patcher silently durring the installation but pre-patching would be much much better. Thanks EDIT: I'm realy embarassed i assumed that the i386 files in the designated CD were the ones that were patched not the ones placed on the desktop . IMHO It makes a lot more sense for backups of the original files to be placed on the desktop and the files in the i386 folder to be patched.
  13. rock on Edit: If anyone cares this is what the ini contains [License] Product=X-Setup Pro SerialN=xxxx-xxxxx-xxxx [Setup Information] LastAccessOn=2005-05-02 19:40:29 [License-old] SerialN=
  14. i just used the autoit script. works fine
  15. i'd love if i could deal with this using switches only. but i dont know of any way.
  16. This new code didnt work either Run ( "xqdcXSP-Setup-EN.exe" ) WinActive ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro") WinwaitActive ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "Welcome to the XQDC X-Setup Pro Setup Wizard" ) ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "&Next >", "") WinwaitActive ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "License Agreement" ) ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "I &accept the agreement", "TRadioButton1") ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "&Next >", "") WinwaitActive ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "Internet Version Check" ) ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "", "TNewCheckListBox1") ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "&Next >", "") WinwaitActive ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "Information" ) ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "&Next >", "") WinwaitActive ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "Select Destination Location" ) ControlSend ( "Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "", "TEdit1", @ProgramFilesDir & "\X-Setup Pro" ) ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "&Next >", "") WinwaitActive ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "Select Additional Tasks" ) ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "&Next >", "") WinwaitActive ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "License" ) ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "", "TPasswordEdit1") ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "&Next >", "") WinwaitActive ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "Serial Number" ) ControlSend ( "Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "", "TPaswordEdit1", "xxxxx-xxxx--xxxxx" ) ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "&Next >", "") WinwaitActive ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "Ready to Install" ) ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "&Install", "") WinwaitActive ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "Setup has finished installing XQDC X-Setup Pro on your computer. The application may be launched by selecting the installed icons.") ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "&Finish", "")
  17. hrm i may have found the issue, at some point the next button changes from TButton3 to TButton4
  18. Also - For something like this, the middle quotations are supposed to have the "Text" that is in the AutoIT Window Info on the button, for buttons that say "Next" it is typically "&Next >". So it should be "Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "&Next >", "TButton4" Assuming thats what the Text is. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i'll remake the script and repost. should be in like 10 min or less
  19. this is my spy screen >>>>>>>>>>>> Window Details <<<<<<<<<<<<< Title: Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro Class: TWizardForm Size: X: 388 Y: 316 W: 503 H: 392 >>>>>>>>>>> Mouse Details <<<<<<<<<<< Screen: X: 656 Y: 338 Cursor ID: 2 >>>>>>>>>>> Pixel Color Under Mouse <<<<<<<<<<< RGB: Hex: 0x3261BB Dec: 3301819
  20. i did copy it directly from the spy, but i'll look again. Edit: i am a huge noob when it comes to autoit. i know very few commands so forgive my poor scripting the reason i had the sleeps was just so it wouldnt go too fast but i'll modify the script as you said and do it.
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