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Everything posted by Swimming_Bird

  1. the unattended guide and the forums present a lot of clear step by step information about how to make it. just start off with the unattended guide beginner. once you have a hold on that go to the intermediate setup and from there you can learn how to silently install these. you wont find people on this forum to do all your work for you. if you have a question after searching the forums people will be more then willing to help. but for now you can use a "detaild guide" here http://unattended.msfn.org/
  2. i wasnt aware of a general switch to input the serial. i know the silencing switches but i've never heard of a serial switch. neither of those commands worked
  3. I was wondering how i can send the serial to the X-Setup install. I can tell its an inno installer. EDIT: Here is the autoit script i tried to use but it didnt work it would run the setup but then the script would just pause. Run ( "xqdcXSP-Setup-EN.exe" ) WinActive ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro") WinwaitActive ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro") ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "", "TButton4") sleep (500) ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "", "TRadioButton1") ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "", "TButton4") sleep (500) ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "", "TNewCheckListBox1") ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "", "TButton4") sleep (500) ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "", "TButton4") sleep (500) ControlSend ( "Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "", "TEdit1", @ProgramFilesDir & "\X-Setup Pro" ) ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "", "TButton4") sleep (500) ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "", "TButton4") sleep (500) ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "", "TPasswordEdit1") ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "", "TButton4") sleep (500) ControlSend ( "Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "", "TPaswordEdit1", "xxxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxx" ) ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "", "TButton4") sleep (500) ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "", "TButton4") sleep (500) WinwaitActive ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "Setup has finished installing XQDC X-Setup Pro on your computer. The application may be launched by selecting the installed icons.") ControlClick ("Setup - XQDC X-Setup Pro", "", "TButton4")
  4. this is prolly pretty crappy coding but it got the job done Run ("Setup.exe") Sleep (50000) WinWait ( "" , "Introduction" ) Sleep (10000) ProcessClose ( "setup.exe" ) ProcessClose ( "setup.exe" ) i know nothing about autoit so this was even a strech for me.
  5. I'm trying to make an autoit script but the window i want to manipulate has no title. Is there any way to select it?
  6. i was asking if i could just do 1.1 over my innitial 1.0 patch or if i need to use my original files and patch them from scrach
  7. i am able to install googlebar as well as many other extensions and themes with SoF without any problems. SoF will not copy them over yourself and you need to put a profle js file in order to not get the diologue when it is installed.
  8. are there any issues with installing this over an already patched i386?
  9. you have to place the googlebar xpi in the propper folder
  10. i'd use Silence of the foxes if i were you
  11. can SoF unpack installers made by itself for updating?
  12. i used my own generated setup.iss files, but i'll try yours as well
  13. thanks, that ti emulater would be perfect but i dont have a graphlink arg i guess i'll just go with powertoys calc... assuming its a stand alone exe /me looks now anyways thanks for the help. and keep any 3rd party calculators you may use comin
  14. basically i just would like to be able to do most things i can do calculation wise with my TI-89 (i'm too lazy to get up and get it most of the time ) i dont nessisaraly need integration and calculus features because i use mathematica for that (which i still need help making silent) but i guess most algebraec functions, the powertoys calc does satisfy most of these requirements but i do not like the interface much, i was just looking for alternatives. something that has a solve feature would be very nice too Thx
  15. Anyone know of any powerful exe that i can replace calc.exe with? other then the powertoys one.
  16. here are my abcpy.ini files Photoshop [OEM Install] DisplayWelcomeDlg=NO DisplayEULA=NO DisplayXPDialog=NO DisplayTypeOfInstallDlg=NO DisplaySelectDestDirDlg=NO DisplayCustomDlg=NO DisplayUserInfoDlg=NO DisplayConfirmRegDlg=NO DisplayStartCopyDlg=NO DisplayFinishDlg=NO DisplayFinalMessage=NO DisplayRebootDlg=NO ProgGroupName= DefaultDestDir= FName=Tal LName=Atlas MI=E UserCompanyName=Skynet UserSerialNumber=104518786950937888700333 DisplayBackGround=YES DisplayProgressBar=YES ProgressBarStart=YES ProgressBarEnd=YES ....... ;--Launch Objects ;[Launches] ;NumberOfLaunches=0 ;Launch1Platform=All ;Launch1Language=All ;Launch1Type=EXE ;Launch1Program=Install.exe ;Launch1CmdLine= ;Launch1ChangeDir=$Source\Disk1 ;Launch1Wait=YES ;[LauncherApp] ;Launch=NO Premiere [OEM Install] DisplayWelcomeDlg=NO DisplayEULA=NO DisplayTypeOfInstallDlg=NO DisplaySelectDestDirDlg=NO DisplayCustomDlg=NO DisplayUserInfoDlg=NO DisplayConfirmRegDlg=NO DisplayStartCopyDlg=NO DisplayFinishDlg=NO DisplayFinalMessage=NO DisplayRebootDlg=NO AllowMaintenanceMode=NO ProgGroupName= DefaultDestDir= UserName=Tal Atlas UserCompanyName=Skynet UserSerialNumber=113215397910020298201104 DisplayBackGround=NO DisplayProgressBar=YES ProgressBarStart=YES ProgressBarEnd=YES when i run the setup.exe straight up it does exactly what i want UNTIL the activation diologue comes up. when i run them with any combinations of s, sms, f2 with both the / and - triggers i found the name of the task that runs the activation but i dont know how to make it run at the propper time.
  17. adding in the registry key does not remove the activation diologue but if you skip the diologue you can run it and it recognises the license.
  18. I found it thanks, i'm gonna look into it thx
  19. I tried making using a generated response file (setup.iss) but it does not include the registration informaton? anyone firgued out a way to do this without autoit or vbs?
  20. i just like the install interface of WPI better. and i dunno how to program my own for Xplode
  21. I need to find out the task name of a certain program so i can kill it. anyone know of something that can tell me the task name?
  22. is there any way to install this without autoit or something like that? This seems a LOT like the photoshop CS, which i cant fix yet either
  23. make sure the thread has only themes and no discussion and each theme needs a screenshot.
  24. lmao i gotta say i have never seen a post THIS lazy. usuallyt hey just ask for the commands to all the programs, but to have a runonceex.cmd made for them and mailed to them. wow thats lazy i suggest you look for these items they all should be on theis forum. and why do you need winzip AND winrar? Read the rules before posting
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