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Everything posted by killerbee

  1. hi, if you wanna check the stability of your system, please don't forget PRIME95. Prime95 is the best CPU/RAM-checker out there. Run it in Torture-Test mode several hours "in-place" to check the CPU and use much RAM to test your memory - works best as i have tested many many many progams and they weren't able to identify ram-errors. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
  2. hi, put it in after dap71.exe. When your DAP7101key.exe opens a window too then taskkill it directly afterwards. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
  3. killerbee

    Help needed

    @big_gie, i think i have a solution for your problem - you need to convert your UXPCD to a MultiBoot-CD. On this you can have multiple configurations for your XPCD. When you use CDImage with the optimize-option you can put as many XP's on it as you like. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
  4. hi, i installed it too, but it never asked me for a reboot... dap71.exe /s pskill firefox.exe will do the trick for me hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
  5. hi, with the K-Lite Mega Codec Pack you'll have everything you'll need most of the time. cya Killer Bee
  6. hi, i talk about freeware - if you wanna pay for it then getright is best for sure... cya Killer Bee
  7. hi, it's a WiSE installer - use /s along with it. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
  8. hi, ok, i'm downloading now, but i use Star Downloader free brb with results cya Killer Bee
  9. hi, could you provide us with a little bit of more info? Like which installer it uses, what USSF says to it, or a download-link so we could try? cya Killer Bee
  10. hi, for sure i will help in documentation and testing... I haven't programmed since turbo pascal so coding is very very hard for me atm... But i will share my knowledge with you all cya Killer Bee
  11. hi, please try this: setup.exe /s /v"/qn LICENSE="1111 2222 3333 4444 555" REBOOT=Suppress INSTALLDIR=\"c:\Program Files\Funk Software\Host\"" this line should have the right syntax But if it won't work, then extraxt the .exe grab the files and pass all your options directly to the .msi that's insinde. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
  12. hi, run rktools.exe /C and select a path u can remember, go there and get the 3 files and you'll see it's a msi-package. Run it with: rktools.msi Reboot=Suppress /qb maybe ReallySuppress is needed instead of suppress hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
  13. hi, ok, i'm downloading it now to play a little bit around with it, i hope it'll work in XP. I'll be back soon with some results... cya Killer Bee
  14. killerbee

    Help needed

    hi, but be careful with T-9min. At this point the HKCU-hive isn't loaded anymore, so reg-settings for HKCU won't be applied. T-13 or T-12 is ok. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
  15. hi, have you tried "/Q:A /R:N" along with it? cya Killer Bee
  16. hi, you could also search the forums for a "shortcut.exe", with it you can create your own shortcuts whereever you need them. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
  17. hi, a possible solution would be to create a sfx-archive with all the user files you need and let it be automatically extracted to %USERPROFILE% while RunOnceEx. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
  18. hi, and for the autorun-thingy look at XPDeploy in the same subsection like XPlode, this could be what you are searching for. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
  19. hi, please take a closer look at the XPlode subsection here on the forums. I think XPlode is exactly what you are searching for. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
  20. killerbee

    Help needed

    hi, you can call it via winnt.sif @ T-9 or after the Reboot while RunOnceEx like this [SetupParams] UserExecute="%SystemDrive%\Install\XPlode.exe /xml:#SYSTEMDRIVE#\Install\Phase3.xml /log:#SYSTEMDRIVE#\Phase3.log" [GUIRunOnce] <----- after reboot "%Systemdrive%\Install\XPlode.exe /xml:#XPLODE#\Phase4.xml /log:#SYSTEMDRIVE#\Phase4.log" or via cmdlines.txt @ T-12min: [COMMANDS] ".\xplode.cmd" xplode.cmd: cmdow @ /HID %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Install\XPlode.exe /xml:"#XPLODE#\Phase2.xml" /log:"#SYSTEMDRIVE#\Phase2.log" exit or @ T-13 via svcpack.inf like i mentioned in my previous post. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
  21. hi, it hangs @ T-33, this is wierd as this is right before it installs the network. I had the same issue once and became rid of it with rebuilding the .iso. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
  22. hi, try this please in XPlode: <execute display='Installing Daemontools 3.44...' program='#xplode#\Applications\daemon\daemon.msi' arguments='Reboot=ReallySuppress /qb'></execute> or in a .cmd: start /wait %SYSTEMDRIVE%\Install\Applications\daemon\daemon.msi Reboot=ReallySuppress /qb this works like a charm when called @ T-13, T-12 or T-9 or RunOnceEx hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
  23. hi, i do not have the registered versin but maybe it's stored in a registry key. then you cold export it and reimport after a silent install. hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
  24. hi, here is a deletion line that works for me: <delete source='#USERPROFILE#\Desktop\winscp3.lnk' /> hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee edit: replaced code with a sample of the actual XPlode
  25. hi, here a sample line with an InstallShield package: <execute display='Installing TmpegEnc...' program='#xplode#\Applications\tmpgenc\TMPGEnc252158169.exe' arguments='-s -f1"%systemdrive%\install\Applications\tmpgenc\setup.iss"'></execute> works for sure for me hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
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