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Everything posted by killerbee

  1. hi, if none of ur files is corrupted i would try VMware next to see if it's still there... hope this helps a bit cya Killer Bee
  2. hi, this one isn't offtopic in my opinion, because RW's r cheaper to use for tests on the real machine where ur UXP gets installed - u can't test everything in a VM.... cya Killer Bee
  3. hi, if u r extremely cautionous with ur RW u can rewrite it up to thousand times. But most of the time a scratch will most likely be far more realistic than the 1000th rewrite cya Killer Bee
  4. hi, u can't import a COMPLETE registry as Windows will always generate some reg-keys with unique names, but u can import many settings. to try it urself just install ur cd and copy out the registry and reinstall windows and check out the differences between the two versions and u will see hope this helps cya Killer Bee
  5. hi, i stored the unpacked driver in $OEM$\$1\Drivers\003_graphics and mention it at OemPnPDriversPath in winnt.sif just like i found out here on the forums - just give it a search... cya Killer Bee
  6. hi KMan, this looks very promising. Plz keep up the good work cya Killer Bee
  7. hi, i need the switches for Urusoft's ViPlay V2.08. has some1 installed it unattended and can plz share this info thx in advance cya Killer Bee
  8. @mendipjohn i have removed all text from a "fresh from CD-Version" file and replaced all text-lines i wanted to replace with a blank(aka space) and this worked perfectly. cya Killer Bee
  9. hi, to ur 1. point: if u slipstreamed SR1 - and it look like u tried it - u forgot the update.exe from SR1 and u r using the wrong switches. It should look loke this: update.exe -q -n Q330994.exe /Q:A /R:N Q819696.exe /Q /O /N /Z qchain.exe in [setupHotfixesToRun] hope this helps cya Killer Bee
  10. hi there, i need this info too! Cant't some1 simply contribute the info for font type, color and size as text here? I know i can change Fonts with replacing it's name - but which ones are for XP Pro, Home and Servers in this file?? As well of what color values are in use... plz help with that and plz try it without pic's so the info can be found here for all times cya Killer Bee [EDIT] I know this is a old thread, but information on this one is lost :/ [/EDIT]
  11. hi xtreme, thx for the info, the exact article is here but linked from ur mentioned thread now looking deeper into this cya Killer Bee
  12. hi there, i just stumbled across Gosh - Reducing size of souce and i think it should be here 2 cya Killer Bee
  13. hi there, and here is my one cya Killer Bee
  14. hi all, this one should be here too: XPInstall here on the forums As XPInstall is a professional looking and easy to configure way to install Hotfixes, Applications and other software at any point of the windoof installation. Can also be used to install software from CD while installation.. cya KillerBee
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