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Everything posted by totoymola

  1. just figured it out. it needs quotes. "My Program.exe" Im stupid.
  2. I tried using underscore, period, tilde, percent sign, dash, ect.. But none of them worked. Any other suggestion?
  3. For example, i have a program named "My Program.exe". How do I run it from DOS? I usually rename the program to a one word name so DOS will recognize it. Let's say My Program.exe to MyProgram.exe. What charater should I use to replace the space between "My" and "Program"?
  4. Hello. I need your opinion about my problem. I created an msi for the RC2, which includes themes and extensions, and it works perfectly for me everytime. However, if it doesn't work on other computers. It seems like the themes are not working properly. Does it means the msi I created is machine dependent?
  5. Hahaha!!! You have sharp eyes crahak! But seriously. There is no typo when I tried using del "%UserProfile%\desktop\program.lnk". But I think I forgot about the quotes. Anyways, either of them works.
  6. Guys, 1.0 RC2 is out. Same as Thunderbird 0.9. Here is the direct link. http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/fir...up%201.0rc2.exe
  7. You know what, I don't know why this doesn't work for me. That's why I'm using the long one. del %systemdirve%\documents and settings\desktop\*.lnk
  8. Haha! I know that NIS is very bulky. That's why I'm thinking to switch. I just need more opinion. Can you suggest other good products? I forgot to add the "Other" and the "Neither" option on the poll.
  9. I need your opinion guys. I know they are good programs, but which of these two is better?
  10. If you have a serial, use this. Merge this after the installation. So your command will be something like this.
  11. Ok. I tried to install it silently, and it worked. I renamed Trend Micro Internet Security.msi to setup.msi and I used this switch: However, it will only install as a 30-day-trial. I haven't tried searching for the location of the serial number in the registry yet, or using additional switch to insert the serial.
  12. If it is an msi, try /qb or /qn or /qr.
  13. Flashget for me.
  14. Yup. I understand that. They are almost the same. Thanks for creating a LONG list of commands anyways.
  15. Are you using any firewall?
  16. Wow. That is strange. I only see this on Wndows 9x.
  17. I think there is a reg-tweak for that. Have you tried visiting kellys-korner-xp.com?
  18. @fugg Dude, I think you are doing it the hard way.. Isn't it much easier if you follow the guide on the first post?
  19. Try using CDImage when creating your bootable disc. http://unattended.msfn.org/xp/gettingstarted.htm
  20. Please be more specific with your question. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=31253
  21. Yup. I used his/their guide a couple of months ago. I just wanna try something new for me. I want to learn, that's why I'm trying different things. Hahaha.. I strongly agree with this. Honestly, learning is VERY painful for me. It's a struggle. But I'm trying my best to search for answers to my questions, and to learn. OFF TOPIC: By the way, I successfully built a basic firefox msi. I'm just having problems with the extensions. But other than that, it is almost perfect.
  22. I tried creating an msi for firefox but I always fail. I'm using InstallShield X Express. I will read the guide and try building it again with WinInstall LE.
  23. Why do you have to install this program silently? BitCommet has a zip version release that doesn't need installation and uninstallation.
  24. Steganos Security Suite didn't work for me. Maybe I did something wrong that's why my cd won't boot.
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