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Everything posted by AstroSkipper

  1. @nicolaasjan I will create another, fixed version of my previous mod uBlock Origin Legacy in the next few days and also offer here. The internal list inside that version was still compatible with uBlock Origin Legacy when I created it. So everyone can decide for themselves how up-to-date they want to be.
  2. Yes, it is present there too but it points to the old internal list for uBlock Origin Legacy which is not updated since 2018. That is the reason you won't notice any changes of available filter lists in this version. Therefore, it works as long these filter lists still exist and are updated on a regular base. Just a reminder, the reason for creating modded versions of uBlock Origin Legacy apart from initial display errors in the dashboard was the performance problems while updating the selected filter lists and to get the more recent filter lists which were only offered by the webextensions of uBlock Origin. @nicolaasjan If uBlock Origin Legacy is sufficient for you and still working, use it! I will check this version once again the next days.
  3. Yes, it is present there too but it points to the old internal list for uBlock Origin Legacy which is not updated since 2018 except a change by JustOff with the commit message "Force the syntax converter for additional filter lists" two years ago. That is the reason you won't notice any changes of available filter lists in this version. Therefore, it works as long these filter lists still exist and are updated on a regular base. PS: That means patching the code for self-updating the internal list is not really necessary in the untouched version It cannot get the most recent but incompatible list anyway.
  4. Just to clarify it, I don't mean the self-updating of the selected filter lists by the user but the self-updating of the internal list of all preselected, default filter lists. That are completely different things.
  5. As I already wrote in my article, the version is the one which all my mods are based on. The issue in terms of the "Annoyances" will come sooner or later due to the self-update of the internal list of all preselected, default filter lists. The version has to be patched, too, at least to prevent this self-updating.
  6. That's what I guessed, too. There was also code which was apparently incompatible and already removed by me. And we have to bear in mind that there are now 5 years time difference between version 1.16 and 1.54. Therefore, incompatibilities are to be expected. @nicolaasjan If you can identify which filter list is missing and should be restored from my previous version, I will add it to the code of my new release. I only need the exact name of the filter list.
  7. FYI, the filter lists in my new mod uBlock Origin Legacy are identical with the lists of the webextension uBlock Origin 1.54.0 except one which was implemented nonsensically twice. And I am able to add any lists to the code of the preselected, default ones (or at least I think so ), only if they are of any importance, of course.
  8. Yes, Very good! As already discussed in the previous posts, this will presumably change the next time when the file filters-2024.txt starts to exist on uBlock's servers. For creating my new mod, I have deleted all previous lists and taken over all the new ones from the current webextension uBlock Origin 1.54.0. Maybe, there was a list in my previous version which contained filters that now don't exist anymore. This has to be investigated more deeply. Maybe, you can add a special filter list for YouTube videos via "Custom filters". As I already mentioned, I will have a look into that when I am again at my desktop computer which is not the case at the moment.
  9. Thanks for your feedback! As for the existence of the file filters-2024.txt, it doesn't seem to be on uBlock's server at the moment as you already stated, but we will see very soon what's going on with it and that with a probability bordering on certainty. To be or not to be that is the question.
  10. The updating of all filter lists and therefore also the "uBlock filters - Ads" list was tested by me several times and worked perfectly. However, I didn't test YouTube as I run those videos either externally in VLC or in browsers and the YouTube app on my Android tablet. In New Moon 28 or Serpent 52, I usually watch embedded videos very rarely. Did you perform a clean install of uBlock Origin Legacy as described in my article? This time, such procedure is really necessary to avoid problems. And can you please provide the YouTube video link where the blocking of ads doesn't work if possible due to privacy reasons? Did it work with my previous version Any further information is welcome and helpful, of course. Anyway! When I am again at my desktop computer, I will have a look into that.
  11. Glad to hear it works for you as advertised by me. As for MailNews I already mentioned that uBlock Origin Legacy runs properly there. I first installed the old version and after its complete uninstall I tried the new version in MailNews. Both did not make any trouble, and opening the dashboard also worked as it should. Of course, opinions can differ on the usefulness of uBlock Origin in MailNews , but it works in any case. A new profile for testing is certainly a good idea.
  12. FYI, I created a new, special version of uBlock Origin Legacy, especially with regard to @roytam1's browser editions, due to some recently occurred incompatibilities of my previous modded versions and presumably other old versions. More about that can be read in this post where I provide a download link for this new version called uBlock Origin Legacy Cheers, AstroSkipper
  13. uBlock Origin - Special mod by @AstroSkipper uBlock Origin is presumably one of the most important extensions if not the most important one for users of Firefox and Chrome based browsers. Unfortunately, this extension is now only developed and maintained as a webextension. The extension uBlock Origin Legacy for our old Firefox-based browsers was only maintained and updated separately for a certain period of time. There have been no new updates since version from 2021. Therefore, I am maintaining the latest beta version here from time to time. For the last of my releases, it was completely sufficient to transfer filter lists and some files from the current webextension to the uBlock Origin Legacy extension. This has not been working properly for some time now. Here is a screenshot showing the undesired effects when the filter lists are updated in my last version uBlock Origin Legacy At this point, a big thank you again to @nicolaasjan for reporting this issue! Due to these apparent bugs, I decided to create a new, special version that contains all filter lists from the latest webextension and no longer causes problems when filter lists are (self-)updated. I identified and analysed the code responsible for the problem and was able to fix it. I have therefore created this new, special version of uBlock Origin Legacy with all filter lists of the currently most recent webextension uBlock Origin 1.54.0. In this new mod, I have completely removed the old filter lists and added the new ones. Furthermore, I modified the code taken from the webextension to restore compatibility with the legacy extension. The version is now called uBlock Origin Legacy Here is a screenshot taken from the dashboard of my freshly created mod uBlock Origin Legacy after updating filter lists in New Moon 28 or Serpent 52: I removed some incompatible code and modified some other. Particularly, I changed the code in such a way that the uBlock Origin Legacy extension only updates the filter lists themselves, but not the internal list of all available filter lists which is unfortunately no longer compatible with uBlock Origin Legacy. On the other hand, that also means, if the default preselection of filter lists changes significantly in the future, or certain lists are no longer supported, such changes must be made manually in the extension code from now on. Furthermore, I found a redundant filter list in the original code of the most recent webextension uBlock Origin 1.54.0. The same filter list was used twice. Thus, I removed one of them from the code. And here is the download link for my mod uBlock0_1.16.4.31b2-1.54.0.special-mod-by-@AstroSkipper.xpi: https://www.mediafire.com/file/djggsuy29y38z75/uBlock0_1.16.4.31b2-1.54.0.special-mod-by-%40AstroSkipper.xpi/file Corrected release: https://www.mediafire.com/file/z64ulz7duhuyveh/uBlock0_1.16.4.31b2-1.54.0.special-mod-by-%40AstroSkipper.xpi/file New, corrected release: https://www.mediafire.com/file/fx34irul6g4pnl4/uBlock0_1.16.4.31b2-1.54.0.special-mod-by-%40AstroSkipper.xpi/file Update 1: Now, it is fully working again. No problems any longer when updating the filter lists. The new filter list "filters-2024.txt" is now inside the xpi file and can be retrieved correctly. Inside the xpi file, all filter lists have been replaced by the most recent ones to be more recent after installing without immediate updating. Additionally, I lowered the minVersion for Pale Moon from 28.0 to 27.0 to also install it in New Moon 27. Update 2: Due to the problems in terms of filtering and blocking ads in YouTube videos, I had to correct my release uBlock Origin Legacy once again. I restored some (necessary) code and two filter lists which were not present in uBlock Origin 1.54.0 but in uBlock Origin Legacy The two lists are uBlock filters - Legacy and uBlock filters – Resource abuse. Here is a screenshot taken from the setting page: Additionally, I updated all filter lists once again And here is the complete changelog (after all these corrections ): Filter lists from the webextension uBO 1.54.0 and the legacy uBO merged. Auto-update of the internal list of all preselected filter lists removed. Annoyances bug in the setting page of filter lists solved. Redundant filter list "uBlock filters - Cookie Notices" removed. Different, incompatible code removed. The internal list of all preselected filter lists modified to get the real timestamps of filter lists again. minVersion for Pale Moon and New Moon lowered from 28.0 to 27.0. Missing, necessary code restored. Filtering and blocking of embedded ads in YouTube videos restored. New, important filter list filters-2024.txt added. All filter lists inside the xpi file updated. Finally, an important recommendation to get the new installation of uBlock Origin Legacy working properly and flawlessly. After uninstalling the previous version (yes, the old version should be uninstalled ), delete all remnants via about:config and in your profile folder! The remnants of previous versions of uBlock Origin can be easily removed by the extension eCleaner. And in your profile folder, there is a file in the subfolder extension-data called ublock0.sqlite which has to be removed manually in any case. Delete the browser cache, too! If doing so, the updating of the filter lists will work like a charm after installing the new version. All users who have important, individual settings or rules should backup them before cleaning their profile folder. On the dashboard page, there is an item called "Back up to file"" to save the user's settings via uBlock itself. If you only want to backup your custom filters, go to the tab "My filters" and export them to a file! In any case, we have from now on an uBlock Origin extension for our beloved legacy browsers with the most recent filter lists which are normally provided only in the webextension of uBlock Origin. Please, test this special version and report here! Any feedback is of course welcome! Cheers, AstroSkipper
  14. I found a redundant filter list in the original code. The same filter list was used twice. Thus, I removed one of them from the code: Here is the result after fixing.
  15. @nicolaasjan I think I have solved the "Annoyances" bug. Here are two screenshots taken from the dashboard of my freshly created mod after updating all filter lists in New Moon 28. This mod contains all current filter lists from the most recent webextension uBlock Origin 1.54.0: Now, I am in testing mode. Hope I won't find any further bugs. Cheers, AstroSkipper
  16. Here is a screenshot of uBlock Origin's dashboard taken from my installation of MailNews: So what's the problem? My mod uBlock0_1.16.4.31b2-1.49.2.firefox-legacy-filter-lists-mod-by-@AstroSkipper.xpi works like a charm in MailNews. The problem is definitely somewhere else.
  17. This thread is about browsers for old OSes as you surely know. These OSes can't be updated anymore. And you know that, too. So what is your comment about? All what can be updated here are browsers and extensions. So what is silly regarding this? TBH, nothing. And nobody is forced to use the old stuff, of course.
  18. I didn't notice that as I don't use these filters. I will have a look into that when I am at my desktop computer again. But I'm not at all surprised if incompatibilities occur at some point. Finally, I have transferred the filter lists from the webextension 1.49.2 to the legacy extension In any case, thanks for reporting! @nicolaasjan! I found the crux of all these issues. Only copy and paste the content of the assets folder doesn't seem to be sufficient anymore. I am currently in the process of creating a new, special mod. More about that in my thread Extensions and custom buttons for UXP browsers - Corrections, modifications, adjustments, and special recommendations as soon as possible.
  19. I didn't notice that as I don't use these filters. I will have a look into that when I am at my desktop computer again. But I'm not at all surprised if incompatibilities occur at some point. Finally, I have transferred the filter lists from the webextension 1.49.2 to the legacy extension In any case, thanks for reporting!
  20. uBlock Origin Legacy can be installed and works in MailNews. Here is a screenshot taken from my installation: Go to my post uBlock Origin Legacy modified by @AstroSkipper - Part 3 and download my latest mod uBlock0_1.16.4.31b2-1.49.2.firefox-legacy-filter-lists-mod-by-@AstroSkipper.xpi! Cheers, AstroSkipper
  21. FWIW, the site can't be opened in Firefox 121 either (for me at least). Only recent Chromium opens it, but "Show CSS" is empty as well. Style does not install. Yep, I fear that the userstyles.org website has a fundamental problem, apart from its sluggishness when loading in NM28 and SP52. I have the latest browsers on my Android tablet, and they all show {} instead of the CSS code. Therefore, I consider this website, even if it can be loaded in many browsers, to be completely unusable for the provision of CSS code which is, of course, the actual purpose of this service. PS: And it doesn't matter whether one is logged in or not. Just tested.
  22. Same here. The CSS code of youtube-nyan-cat-progress-bar-video-player-theme can't be obtained from userstyles.org in New Moon 28, Serpent 52 or Mypal 68. Only in New Moon 28 (old profile) and Serpent 52, the website https://userstyles.org/styles/95033/youtube-nyan-cat-progress-bar-video-player-theme opens but same black window only containing "{ }" which you posted above. In New Moon 28 (fresh profile) and Mypal 68, the website cannot be opened at all.
  23. Just for clarification, I do not and have not previously used Arkenfox user.js in Mypal 68 (or any other Firefox-based browser, Edge or Chrome which are all definitely off-topic here).
  24. And this is what I get when faking the Canvas Fingerprint in Mypal 68:
  25. But of course such hard settings break the functionality of many websites. That's why I usually prefer other settings.
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