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Everything posted by N1K

  1. LOL, I provided the link, check few posts up
  2. N1K


    Welcome to the forums Loic..
  3. What Icon do you get, can you post it here please?
  4. Are you 100% sure that your PC isn't infected with virus/spyware/adware ?
  5. I don't like Quicktime, I'd sugest you Quick Time Alternative instead.. Link
  6. Also, Sidbar is now crashing on my laptop... and if I may notice this version seems slower than the last build before it..
  7. I still can't use Active Directory Users and Computers MMC snap-in or directly from admin tools on this release, neither on any before this one.. Has anyone simliar problems..
  8. I'm using CodaV33 Codec Pack and it works..You can get it HERE..
  9. May I ask why? It's far WORSE than RC1 Microsoft, ya hear???? Probably yes, I they're scared now
  10. Weather gadget for sidebar is not working for me in RC2 version. I'm getting "service not abailable" message all the time..
  11. You can use a VB Script.. Dim Container Dim ContainerName Dim User Dim NewUser ContainerName = InputBox("Enter the Domain Name:") Newuser = InputBox("Enter the new user name:") Set Container = GetObject("WinNT://" & ContainerName) Set User = Container.Create("User", NewUser) User.SetInfo Link
  12. You're welcome, enjoy the forums
  13. Thx chilifrei64 for your reply.. I can tell you this matey. I moved my site to MSFN hosting 10 days ago, and before that my site was hosted on emaxhosting. The attack happened before I moved to MSFN hosting..To be honest I haven't noticed that my site was hacked 'cause nothing was different except that page was loading bti more slowly than before, probably because of parsing all of the links and txt which was added to my index.php files.. Now to reply at your questions: 1) make sure you update to the latest version of Joomla (1.0.11) obviously. 1.0.11 did have security holes I had the latest version of Joomla instaled (1.0.11) 2) gigCalendar did have a major security hole and so did JoomlaXplorer so update to the latest of those. I don't have this module installed.. 3) make sure you update all the rest of your extensions because that is gonna be the first thing the joomla programmers are going to blame it on. Updated.. 4) php register_globals is a major security hole and most hosting providers still have it enabled as it is the default setting for php 4.x. Joomla has known vulnerabilities with php register_globals and have no plans to fix it. Ask your host if it is possible to become current by either upgrading to php5 or turning php register_globals off. This was the main problem I had. After updating to version 1.0.11, after every login to admin console of Joomla I got a message that I should turn register_globals to off. I contacted emaxhosting and ask them kindly to help. They replied that they won't turn register_globals to OFF. So, for about a month or so my site was running with register_globals set to ON...I moved to MSFN hosting and had a warm surprise by knowing that register_globals are set to OFF.. So now, I did everything I can to protect myself although I'm aware that there are a lot of smart people and hackers who still can crack my site.. I can only hope that I won't be a target.. 5) make sure you change all your passwords for administrative access to your joomla site. Passwords are stored as md5 and can be reversed to get your password. Yup, I've changed all of my administrative passwords and those passwords contain more than 10 chars now.. Since you're a Joomla user too, please add me to MSN, so we can help each other and share some information regarding Joomla... Thx
  14. What are you using, what skin is that, I want to know it all..
  15. I wouldn't call it attacker, more robot than hacker..But the question is how did he got in?
  16. I got an IP from the logs and have found this out.. Link
  17. MMC Console still not working well for me...
  18. As for installation, you can use NLite and install only languages you need.
  19. N1K

    2# HDD in WinXP

    Humm, a bit complicated situation.. You said that you can see it in the partition magic. What is the status of it, can you format it from there?
  20. N1K

    Hi all

    Hi, welcome to the forums.. I need to be more spiritual to avoid stress at work
  21. Hi, welcome to the forums... Please resize your sig matey and check the forum rules..
  22. My site has been hacked. Text from the attached document has been added at the bottom of this files: \index.php \index2.php \forum\index.php \forum\administrator\index.php I'm not sure how it has been done, and what to do to protect myself. I'm also not sure if there's more files hacked that I should change..I'll have to keep searching.. Has anyone had similiar experience.. viagrashit.txt WinCert.net
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