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Everything posted by albator

  1. I have none of the KB liste in the linked post. How can I create a dword in the registry if the 'folder' doesn't exist ?
  2. Hi, I am very frustrated, for the first time in years, I am unable to fix a problem. Does someone know how to block windows 10 download in automatic or manual update ? I try the disableGWX method I found here: http://serverfault.com/questions/695916/registry-key-gpo-to-disable-and-block-windows-10-upgrade But the value are not present in my registry. The policy method is not working also. I am out of idea.
  3. It turn out it windows 10 update downloading forever, I am not able to block this
  4. I have a issue too with windows 7 home premium, I am unable to block this huge windows 10 download !
  5. Is it possible the problem is linked to the story about windows 10 being pre loaded in background ?
  6. Hi , it's been a long time since I have used windows 7 other than the pro version. I just did a clean install of windows 7 home premium on my mom laptop and I can't get the update to work. I try setting the windows update to manual ,then rebooting but it will get in a long scanning process without any result. I did wait more than 0.5 hours. AM I missing something ?
  7. So what should I use instead ?
  8. Hi, I just try with virtualbox a build of windows 8.1 x64 udpate 1 and I dont see the KB2883200-x64 and -KB2887595-v2-x64 being showned in windows update. I had those 2 in my KB to intergrate with NTlite. I don't understand are those updated replaced by a newer ones. I use autopatcher list to download all the KB. I am not sure what going on, is autopatcher reliable ? I used to work with WUD but since it not up to date I had to switch, Thank a lot for your help.
  9. Thank you both. @Noel you are right Microsoft are turning into apple. I have reformated and now use windows 8.1 reduced with ntlite. Windows 10 is dead to me, at least until they made somes changes.
  10. HI, it's my second day with with windows 10. My experience until now is bad. Does someone know How I can install only the updates I want for software I have and not have all MS updates ? My only idea right now is to disable windows updates service and manual installed KB. Thank for any ideas. PS: Does windows 10 pro also do this nonsenses ?
  11. Hi, I just bought an asus latptop with 1 Tera HD. I have a hard time working to resize, clone GPT partitions. Could I just reformat and reinstall a clean windows 10 with MBR ? If not, Does someone know a partition manager that I can boot with that suport it. I try Acronis Disk Director 12 but it won't do partition resize. Thank for helping a Windows 10 newbie.
  12. I run windows 7 x64 without a paging file. I have 8 gig of ram and never had a problem including playing Battlefield 4 and other recent games.
  13. A basic up to date firewall compatible with xp is privatefirewall. It's the best from all the firewall I have tested and it's free.
  14. Hi, Does someone know how I could get all the kb but only for a specific editions of windows 7 ? I know how to integrate and slipstream windows 7 pro with WUD. Also, do you guys also integrate the non security updates ? I never did it and never had a problem with home pc and laptops. Thank for your help.
  15. I have tested all the freeware firewall, and the best for a advance user is Privatefirewall like Jaclaz said.
  16. Thank for your help, it turn out some one else had logon, and change the password when prompted. sorry about that.
  17. Thank, i knew about this, but do you know what could have caused the isssue ?
  18. Hi, I am not currently using windows 8, but I did some changes on my stepdad pc. I did install the 8.1 update, changed the boot default to metro (his request) and then configured to autologin without asking for a password. The problem is that the password was changed to blank (nothing) and it worked well for a fews days. Now the pc is booting and asking for a password and we cannot login ? My experience with windows 2000,xp, and vista/7 never gave me such strange results. May someone explain to me how to fix this ?
  19. A good article: Comparing 20 Drive Imaging Software Backup/Restore Speed and Image Size https://www.raymond.cc/blog/10-commercial-disk-imaging-software-features-and-backuprestore-speed-comparison/2/
  20. Hi, I have reinstalled windows 7 32 bit. I use to have a dual boot windows 7 x64 and xp and it work well. When I had a bug I was able to fix it using easybcd. Now I have installed 7x86 and 7x64 on 2 differrent HD ( one on my ssd). Since then I will have problem booting the 32 bit version. I did use bootrec and the repair console but it will fix it only as long as I dont boot Windows 7 x64. When I do it break the other one ? I have also change the windows 7 bit (x86) to a logical partition instead of a primary but it wont resolve my problem. Does someone know how to fix this ? Thank for your input.
  21. Softmaker is great indeed I recommend it.
  22. Thank, I already use VLC, but I want to add mediaplayer too.
  23. Hi, I did a stupid mistake and remove media player from my windows 7 x64 pro. May I add it back ? I try the media package for the N edition but I wont work on my windows edition. Thank
  24. This program work great for me. Just select create iso at the end, it wont automaticly bring you there.
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