You were wrong, the bug was in this poor installer, after resizing the C: to 11 gig, it work. (with the same windows installation) I agree that Nlite can lead to problem, but it should be use with care, you can remove files that are needed for some task. But I know exactly what do.They were some bug, in the past, but they were fixed. When was the last time you try nlite ? Quote:Needless to say, he was thrilled that his games were working and was surprised that there was no performance loss on a regluar/plain vanilla Windows install. This is by far the most strange part of your post. ! How can you say that, havin system restore and other sevices dont' alter perfomance ? My machine boot in 8 sec from bios to fully working xp. Did you ever see that in a normal XP ? And if you did not get it, I take offense about your 'tainted' comment on nlite. It's obvious to me that you dont know nlite well.