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Everything posted by albator

  1. Hi, I did a newbie error. With my new nlite build, when I press crtl/alt/delete, I now have the screen to lock my pc and to access the task manager. Is this related to the Boot and Shutdown-Logon Page-Classic option ? If yes, may I edit my registry to put it back in default mode ? Thank for your help. PS: sorry for repost, I had only irrevelant answer.
  2. Windows xp pro. Please someone with nlite knowlege answer me.
  3. Are you sure ? I dont see this option in the user acount.
  4. Hi, I did a newbie error. With my new nlite build, when I press crtl/alt/delete, I now have the screen to lock my pc and to access the task manager. Is this related to the Boot and Shutdown-Logon Page-Classic option ? If yes, may I edit my registry to put it back in default mode ? Thank for your help.
  5. You can reduce xp to about 180 meg, but dont remove the task scheduler because it' needed for prefetching. You can also stop the majority of services. I will post my config later...
  6. great gitt
  7. My machine boot in 8 sec from bios to fully working xp. Did you ever see that in a normal XP ?
  8. You were wrong, the bug was in this poor installer, after resizing the C: to 11 gig, it work. (with the same windows installation) I agree that Nlite can lead to problem, but it should be use with care, you can remove files that are needed for some task. But I know exactly what do.They were some bug, in the past, but they were fixed. When was the last time you try nlite ? Quote:Needless to say, he was thrilled that his games were working and was surprised that there was no performance loss on a regluar/plain vanilla Windows install. This is by far the most strange part of your post. ! How can you say that, havin system restore and other sevices dont' alter perfomance ? My machine boot in 8 sec from bios to fully working xp. Did you ever see that in a normal XP ? And if you did not get it, I take offense about your 'tainted' comment on nlite. It's obvious to me that you dont know nlite well.
  9. I use nlited XP since 4 years, never have any problem with it. I find it strange that you dont know the source of the problem and then you blame it on nlite ! I think, this must be related to a bug of installation. It wont accept to change the target to another partition without prior clearance of the C: partition. I gonna rezize the partition tomorow and try the install again just to prove your are wrong with nlite !
  10. They both return d:temp wicht is the correct setting. C: is 10 gig and D is 90 gig.
  11. I did that, read my post. It Still does not work
  12. 4 gig.
  13. Hi I Want to intall gear of war, but i have an error message that my C: partition is to small. So i change the target to d: Still an error message, So maybe this is related to installshield decompressing on the c:. So i have change the windows temp folder location to d:temps Sit this **** game refuse to install, same error message. Can someone with experience with msi or installshield help me ? Please, dont tell me to resize my C parition...
  14. I am not a sysadmin. But you should use an alternative for synching the ipod.
  15. Like deamon tools, it only emule dvd. not dvdr.
  16. I second that, I have tested this software and it work. May I suggest, that you clone your system with a more effecient way ? Dont clone the paging file and any personnal data or games. Only clone windows and program files. it should not take more than 2 gig compressed. You would be able to burn it on a DVD.
  17. you can also set: Browser.cache.memory.enable to false.
  18. Use softpedia subscribe feature, you will get automatic update notificaion on your email. You just have to subsribe to the software you want to monitor, I use it and it's the best site I have tested...
  19. I hate dot.net, I only installed it for using Nlite. After I am finish I restore my acronis clone. So I would love to have a portable nlite.
  20. you should start with remove unnecessary hardware components. Just configure you bios to boot with DVD-rom firts, And for uour point 8, I disagree. I use all of the options And who Dino ? Your comment are not clear to me.
  21. acronis as a safe version, try it. Also, make sure you dont have 2 active partition on 2 different HD. I have seen this causing problem with acronis.
  22. "@ somebody He has change his post, so i delete mine.
  23. Hi, I am using the latest version of vlite with windows vista ultimate (dell oem) When I choose the basic vista everything went fine. But if i try with premium, my iso is not working. I get to a windows vista screen where there no images availble errors ! Does anyone get the same result ?
  24. Thanks 4 the input guys, I will wait for the x38
  25. PowerOff is a great portable freeware that does it with many options: http://users.pandora.be/jbosman/applications.html
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