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Everything posted by Coolsights2000

  1. LOL We all have to start somewhere... Don't let the words confuse you... Streams are just register keys that hold the settings that you have picked... Just bunch of numbers and when they get decoded means something to the program...... Look on the main site here for the installation time line....... and start here and read about the register,,,,,, http://www.winguides.com/article.php?id=1&guide=registry Hives is just a fancy word don't let it confuse you just think of it as a file folder..
  2. LMFAO You have stumbled on some of the tweaks that work but don't work .......... It doesn't matter what these settings are cause they are really stored in the streams.... In order to have streams in sync with the register keys you have to do both ...... I'll upload my latest hive inf files....... I inject these when the hives are put together and once during the t-12 mark to get them all in sync Look in the file HIVEStre.inf you will see the streams allot of settings are stored here... When you normally run the applet to change stuff and pick what you want then hit apply the streams are updated to the reg keys .. When you do it by hand you have to do both.... Hive.zip
  3. You can do as you please but here is what really happens........ You need to add the register tweak at t-12 cause after you create the first user any new users that you add will not get the HKCU tweaks...... they will get the "default user" hidden desktop keys....... By the way anything you add after the first logon no other new users will get the HKCU keys...... Long story......... find my other post ... I talk about login into the hidden profile then install stuff there ....... you could always write a hta program that will stop at the t-12 mark so you could select what you want..... Mac!
  4. LOL Like I said I'n not looking for a war or a p***ing contest .. I'm just posting to clear the air for the other readers that see this crap post about IE...... I know I'm in a no win contest cause this crap has been burned into people heads that IE is bad and I will never be able to change the -r to +rw...... Disabling java and flash is not a good idea....... Cause allot of sites use these to show the normal web pages.. Just use my line up...... I have been safe for years... LOL time to take my grandson swimming...... Mac!
  5. LOl I'm not here to get into a p***ing contest... I'm just posting to enlighten other reader that see this kind of crap posted.. Cause I could careless how you run your computer.. Windows XP out of the box is set up to trust everyone.... Like I said learn what to turn off... Learn how to lock it down......... Protections is your responsibility.......... LOL the way you put it then why do I have to install a antivirus and use a firewall.. when I install windows DOH wake up mate... You sound like a linux user,,, They claim it is so great but all they can say it is free......... LOL Besides Firefox is slow on a computer with not enough memory...... IE out loaded it 100 to one........ Mac!
  6. LOL NOT ANOTHER IE HATER........ LOL Learn how to lock down IE and you will be safe........ I use popupcop with adshield (adshiled using a adserver block list) and Spywareblaster and turn off install on demand ... and of course the IESPY list... Firefox OPERA and all the rest of the so called cool browser can take a flying leap... cause they are not that great .. You just think they are great and safe cause they are strip down versions of IE... Limited I mean..... I know for a fact OPERA will download and save viruses to the cache....... Mac!
  7. Just make a folder and put it here Read on what folders you can put under the $OEM folder... It will be copied automatic $OEM$\$Progs\ or if want to do it by hand use vbs,,, here is an example On Error Resume Next 'Declare var's and objects Dim WshS, fso, sysr, sysd, home, aup, cpf, pf, up, XPCD Set WshS = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'Expand Environment 'Create const's to spare time and place sysr = WshS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%SystemRoot%") sysd = WshS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Systemdrive%") home = WshS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Homepath%") aup = WshS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%AllUsersProfile%") cpf = WshS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%CommonProgramfiles%") pf = WshS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%Programfiles%") up = WshS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%UserProfile%") XPCD = WshS.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%XPCD%") fso.CopyFile XPCD & "\Prog\PSTrayFactory\PSTrayFactory.exe", pf & "\PS Tray Factory\PSTrayFactory.exe" , true
  8. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showtopic=25006
  9. LOl on you all too Let take for example the price of opera 39 USD bucks....... it is not a OS is not a program that does anything special it is just a browser.... so let's compare the price to windows xp which includes a browser and many more support files... so who is high price now!!!! Bill Gates or OPERA... Microsoft Windows XP Pro Part #: E85-00086 Sellers Found: 15 Available Since: Oct 23, 2001 Lowest Price: $79.99 from here http://www.nextag.com/Microsoft-WINDOWS-XP-PRO--zz3651365z0znz1zbest_price_windows_xp_prozB9az2--COMPARE-PRICES-html
  10. I would dare say her copy of XPSP2 has the key embedded The VLK disc need a key code .. just like the OEM ones It is just the VLK have different activation files.. once you put the key code in you are good to go.. activation included no batteries needed from Mr. Bill Gates no phoning home needed to activate...... Just for giggles search the warez on the net for a VLK key generator you will find plenty.............. LOL If it is run by digits you will find a key generator They say there is a high percentage of warez windows in china how do you think they do it...... Mac!
  11. HuM this is where I found the carrot did M$ mess up But where they place the double ^ don't work,, if I put them both on the outside it does work,,,, To add a multivalued registry entry to HKLM\Software\MyCo with the options of ValueName: MRU, DataType: REG_MULTI_SZ, and ValueData: fax\0mail\0\0, type: REG ADD HKLM\Software\MyCo /v MRU /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d fax\0mail\0\0 To add an expanded registry entry to HKLM\Software\MyCo with the options of ValueName: Path, DataType: REG_EXPAND_SZ, and ValueData: %systemroot%, type: REG ADD HKLM\Software\MyCo /v Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d ^%systemroot^% http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/windowsserver2003/library/ServerHelp/820b0e5b-0371-404d-8a22-a255273d3289.mspx
  12. One nice thing about having A VLK issue of Windows XP Pro is you don't have to play the call Mr. Bill Gates ever time you load a hard drive to play .......... I hate software that plays that game of calling home.......... it is just a pain in the A**................ As they say on the Warez sites "All software should be free" and Friends don't let friends buy software...... Oh NO!....... I here a knock at the door.. JOKE JOKE Mac!
  13. Is this possible to be run from Winnt.sif and could someone plz post a copy of what wpi.cmd should look like in order to boot from cd and perhaps even put on unattended website as it makes things a lot easier, Thx <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Why be difficult just put it at the t-12 mark ....... you don't need to use it till after the first logon... and it will not be seen as a environment variable till the computer reboots anyway ....... At the time you add the value it is only a temp value ........ when you reboot it becomes a true environment variable
  14. %%WINPATH%% puts %WINPATH% in the register key.... that will refer to nothing... When you use the ^%WINPATH% it puts the address of the CD/DVD and a folder if used.. Like example D:\install So now when you use %WINPATH% in your other code it will be expanded to D:\install .... D:\install will be substitutes everywhere where you put %WINPATH% %WINPATH% = D:\Install This is a set me to environment variable so %WINPATH%\popupcop\popupcop.cmd expands to and becomes D:\install\popupcop\popupcop.cmd when the code is run two differenmt animals here.. one is the value of a dollar and the other is it takes one dollar to purchase this..... LOL just like algebra here what is c^2 if a^2 + b^2 = c^2 Mac!
  15. I did a short play CMD and the ^%...% without the second carrot works to ..... Hum what ever works just wished there was something I could find that is the official way to do buisness... when I used the ^%...^% it put the /f in the register ... I even tried playing with quote too.... no go!!!!
  16. I know what you mean about an escape character but in this case doing it your way returns a blank variable ........ I don't know why it returns a blank vaiable... Just PFM I will give ^%WINPATH% a test drive on the next run
  17. The carrot has to be on the outside ...... and it is expandable string I just did test run and it worked great for me to..... I only had three things in my short test list that would not install from the CD.. Netfx, my camera drivers and mirascan I'll just move those back to the C drive install directory.. or I will use a sfx file that expands to the C: drive.. Not sure how I want to do them yet,, I know they will load using these two ways.... Enjoy Mac!
  18. HI all! I have seen allot of post on asking how to set the path for a CD/DVD so you can install programs from the CD/DVD.. I think I figured out a way to set the Windows CD installation path during the t-12 Stage ... This is a rough draft the next time I do a test run I will test it... The trick of the eye is......... When you set a Environment variable the computer has to be rebooted before the Environment variable will be seen... So what you do is add the code below during the t-12 stage this way you will have a Environment variable pointing to to the CD/DVD. In this case the Environment variable %XPCD% will be set to the install directory on the windows installion CD/DVD after the computer reboots at the end of the GUI-mode Setup.. The Environment variable will be seen at the start on the First Logon ECHO Set CDROM Path During T-12 Stage Stuff for %%i in (C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if exist %%i:\WIN51 set CDROM=%%i: set WINPATH=%CDROM%\Install\ REG ADD "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" /v "XPCD" /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d ^%WINPATH%^ /f Note the lines above are one liners.. They show as two lines even on my big screen..... there is 4 one liners... For those that don't know where to insert this just add it to the useraccounts.cmd from this web page http://unattended.msfn.org/intermediate/users.htm Enjoy Mac!
  19. Somebody needs to point you to a link explaining the run key combinations.... there are HKLM and HKCU run key combo's ........ OK somebody has to have a link...... I install stuff from the HKCU run key..... Just because I think stuff needs to be installed on that side of the boot proceeder....... I don't install any thing from the HKLM run keys........ and I reboot after each install ........... ONE of my pet peeves with the run keys....... and on the main site you will find the install time line and what happens ..... I just doctored up my cmdlines.txt to call a file called T-12stage.cmd it installs allot of stuff,,, no programs This is just for lighting of windows /// This all happens before the first users is created... things are added to that hidden default user with the wrapper over the CD........ In the end my trick of the eye default user is made then after it log into that profile SID is added and then reboots to use the hidden default user... This is just to show you it still depends on how you want to do stuff I have a combo of stuff here cmdow @ /HID @echo off Cls TITLE Installing T-12 Stage Stuff ECHO. ECHO Install Hive/Register tweaks This makes the Windows Desktop, IE and explore(File Manager) how I like them .. start /wait rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 C:\Install\HiveInf\HIVEMY.INF start /wait rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 C:\Install\HiveInf\HIVEadva.inf start /wait rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 C:\Install\HiveInf\HIVEexpl.inf start /wait rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 C:\Install\HiveInf\HIVEStre.inf start /wait rundll32 setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 128 C:\Install\HiveInf\HIVEsite.inf ECHO. ECHO Merging Regedit Favorites start /wait REGEDIT /S C:\Install\MergeReg\RegeditFavorites.reg ECHO. ECHO Merging Restricted Sites and Blocked active-X start /wait REGEDIT /S C:\Install\Securityfiles\blocklist.reg start /wait REGEDIT /S C:\Install\Securityfiles\ie-ads.reg start /wait REGEDIT /S C:\Install\Securityfiles\adult.reg ECHO. ECHO Change attrib of files copied from the DVD to not readonly *** one line does all *** start /wait attrib -R "%programfiles%\*.*" /S /D ECHO. ECHO Create "Default User" User Account Will be deleted later net user "Default User" /add net localgroup Administrators "Default User" /add net accounts /maxpwage:unlimited ECHO. ECHO Auto-Login Settings SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon REG ADD %KEY% /V DefaultUserName /t REG_SZ /D "Default User" /f REG ADD %KEY% /V DefaultPassword /t REG_SZ /D "" /f REG ADD %KEY% /V AutoAdminLogon /t REG_SZ /D "1" /f ;Disable ASPNET and Administrator User not going to use them anyway SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\SpecialAccounts\UserList REG ADD %KEY% /V ASPNET /t REG_DWORD /D 0X00000000 /f REG ADD %KEY% /V Administrator /t REG_DWORD /D 0X00000000 /f ECHO. ECHO ShutDown Services Not Needed Start /wait C:\Install\Services\SerToshu.cmd ;After First login change to the Hidden "Default user" Then reboot SET KEY=HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnceEx REG ADD %KEY%\999 /V 1 /D "REG ADD HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce /V SID.cmd /D "C:\Install\SID\SID.cmd" /f" /f EXIT
  20. To answer all you questions down and dirty,,, It doesn't really matter how you do it, Just so long as the job gets done..... The only key issue is where you install the stuff at. Will your settings get written over later done the line.... On some programs you have to add the register keys then install the program then redo the keys cause they get over written..... That is why I inject my hive settings twice....... I don't change the default hives.... I just add mine... there is a thread some where on my hives settings here is my latest hive settings this is how I like mine.... http://rapidshare.de/files/1637589/HiveInf.zip.html I use mostly use CMD VBS REG and then INF files........ winrar SFX files too ... and the msi and exe files You will never be able to use just one kind of potato chip... MaC!
  21. Don't know if you have used rapid share here is the completed sfx file it extracts the files then silent install the KB Got it from here along time ago...... works great.......... http://rapidshare.de/files/1602419/KB831240.EXE.html
  22. Here are the files for my trick of the eye Don't know if you have used rapidshare http://rapidshare.de/files/1582742/_OEM_.zip.html also uploaded them here as an attachment MACtote.zip
  23. IT is my bed time but here is a copy and past from an old post of mine from another site............... I don't use user account because of the way the register works... I hate the way it works... Think of the register this way it is a cd player with a multi CD disc tray,,, one tray has a CD with a lid over it is sealed you can not log onto the spot never.... all the rest of the trays are open face.... you switch CD's when you change users.. The admin slot is open face... just like the rest IT IS THE SAME AS ALL USERS but it has a different number IN THE REGISTER... and they use a B.S> name called admin.. it is a regular desktop... profile.... what ever you want to call it... here is the kicker if some one messes up there cd you can replace that... But if someone messes up the CD player(the CD player is the shared part of the register) you are all screwed,,,, EVEN THE ADMIN ACCOUNT is history... on my computer I have managed to not use the admin account(never created one) it is really a joke slot... And I have removed the seal from the hidden default profile.. I have no users... The only user is the HIDDEN default desktop that I remove the seal from.... The problem is most software when you install it on bob's desktop tom and jane and bill will not see it... If bill changes stuff to his liking like the knobs on the front of the CD player you all get that setting......... One other thing is all desktop are created from the hidden sealed desktop which never gets updated again once you start to use users,,,, windows XP forces you to create a user when it gets done installing so you are screwed from the start.... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ So to answer you question to install before or after what you install will be seen on that desktop you are on.. and when you creat a new user they get a copy of the sealed CD,,, Not what you added ...... I hope you can also see how that will affect the rest of the register the shared part... some programs will not install on a second desktop cause they see it in the shared part of the register... what a mess........... They will ask do you want to repair or remove... OH boy things are getting hairy here,,, they see the uninstall register keys... I use a combo of Vb script and register files to remove the sealed tray cover ... I have one CD and one CD player box......... I use moble hard drive docks to switch users,,,, when you want to use the computer you slide your hard drive in... SO now if you f-up yours ... Tom bill and jane still have perfectly good desktop and hard drives.. Just remember all users share parts of the same register ... ........ NOT GOOD....... So even by limiting them they still can screw the shared part of the register or program folders up.... Limited account is a joke to................ I guess I better shut up now!... The windows register is one of my pet peeves...... just like Ex smokers are worse than people that never smoked. and you will see non-smokers giving a smoker a bad time while the non smoker is burning there brain with a cell phone by there ear.... Hope this helps.... Mac!
  24. I don't understand what you mean... If your qusetions is where do they go... It all depends on where the programs looks for the key... If the key is looked for in the HKLM ... then putting it in the HKCU will do you no good..... You have to put the key where it will be looked for by the program ,,,,,, You canNOT just make up a key cause the lights will be on but nobody will be home ...... The regsiter is just a gaint Phone book.... Have you ever looked up an address in a old phone book just to find out it was dead when you called.... same with the register... Settings are all over the place and you have to put them in the right place,,,,,,, Hope this helps,,,,,,, Look over this site http://www.winguides.com/article.php?id=1&guide=registry Sit in your own set or you will be marked absent............
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