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  1. No, I'm just pointing out your random gibberish and your pointless thread(s). "Linux makes heads squishy"? What's the fscking point of your thread? I wasn't talking about Mac, troll. You'll notice my saying, oh, yes, PPC. Not Mac. The only mention of OSX was in response to the server remark from FthrJACK. Whatever. HA has a better community than this place + ignorant/stupid threads like yours. Out.
  2. http://www.linuxcompatible.org/thread27839-1.html Try that. Should work. Yeah, yeah, I know, it's FC2, but the general idea is what's important.
  3. I can understand your position, and I respect your opinion. I use both win32 and Linux, because there are programs that I need for compatibility with school-programs. Photoshop on Linux? A past version of WINE+CS worked well for me. GIMP, I haven't really tried to use. WineX supposedly works on some games. And yeah, I know that the MacOS thing was a dig [/goes back into lurk mode]
  4. *cough* :| Linux is quite n00b friendly, if you look at the Fedora project in a sick, twisted way. It's so simple, my kid sister could get a machine up and running with it and learn to like it. FFS, I used one of the most "un-n00b-friendly" distros as my first. Build Gentoo from a stage1 tarball, now that's a sign of real fun. Games? Doom 3 port is soon, I hear (I don't play games). Server-wise? OpenBSD > FreeBSD > Linux > *. BSD is like a vintage French wine, nice and refined; Linux is like a case of Sapporo.
  5. [link] Percentage-wise, DVD-R(W) wins. Your milage will vary, though. The source computer may be able to read the discs, but you don't know if your target computer will. Example: I have a burner that does DVD+-RW. The other drives in the house refuse to read DVD+R(W), only the - variation. I prefer using +, though - just feels like a better designed format.
  6. Are you high on crack, or do you just like spouting random gibberish? First, you make statements that seem to be anti-Linux, then you somewhat-retract them. Now, you ramble on about PPC. Edit: Indeed.
  7. Disabled SSID wasn't an issue with XP when I was at my uncle's house with my laptop. Maybe add links to Kismet and Netstumbler? I personally have WEP disabled on my network. Stupid first-generation Apple AirPort is too annoying to configure - only accessible from the iBook. Ugh.
  8. Ever think that there's a reason why a school won't let you use their computers and their bandwidth for your own personal enjoymen? Maybe, so that you can pay more attention and not have those distractions in the first place? A reason for everything.
  9. burnatonce > CDBurnerXP.
  10. What's your **** point? Last I checked/heard, the majority of webservers are BSD/Linux powered. More cost-effective. So what's the point you're trying to make? When Microsoft was faced with being DDoS'd, they enlisted the power of Akami. Which used Linux.
  11. You need a vote option entitled, "I'm such a n00b and I hate Linux because I'm an anti-Linux zealot OMGWTFBBQ!?!?" Amazing how you see so much anti-Linux sentiments sometimes without any basis....
  12. Ugh, registration. Google News --> Same link, bypass registration (maybe) And for the lazy:
  13. tak

    Rating for SP2

    So you expect people to use non-standards-compliant, buggy software? Except for issues with my Firewire card, SP2 isn't bad, but nor is it good.
  14. All right. "ninox" already got one from someone else - so if anyone wants one, there's one up for grabs if you PM.
  15. It would help if you told us which of those that you want to keep, or which ones work. One, two, three, or four. It's a "boot loader", not a "menu bar", FYI.
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