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Posts posted by schwups

  1. I know from my own experience that Java installer errors can drive you to despair.
    I had a variety of Java errors, but I can't remember this one.

    - 1.5.0_06-b05.xml? Did you install version 1.5.0_06 before? Maybe a leftover or something is pending of that installation.
    - WindowsInstaller 2 (2.0.2600.2) required.
    - Yes, Java 6 requires KernelEx. https://kernelex.sourceforge.net/wiki/Sun_Java_Runtime_Environment

    This helps in some cases, but probably it doesn't include a solution for your case:  


  2. Yes, Oracle removed the JavaRuntime offline installer jre-1_5_0_22-windows-i586-p.exe, but why you think the file on oldversion.com is an online installer? It is offline.
    You can also look on archive.org, for example  https://web.archive.org/web/20210127174644/https://www.oldapps.com/java.php

    Did you try to install it without internet connection. The setup could finish after a short while.

    You can try, too.

    It is very common that old Java leftovers cause problems.

  3. @ Goodmaneuver Yes, 26pre1 offers indeed advantages in testing and troubleshooting. The apphelp.dll of ReactOS doesn't have my problem dependency BaseUpdateAppcompatCache. I added two definitions to Kstub.ini only.




    So I think can also make pre1 usable for the ordinary use by including renaming the corresponding affected files.

  4. On 12/31/2022 at 9:10 AM, jumper said:

    You do have an invalid AppHelp.dll in your path that fails to delay-load at each boot, however.

    No, I ruled that out. I tried different versions, but the message "AppHelp.dll is linked to missing export Kernel32.dll: BaseUpdateAppcompatCache" still appeared on OS start. (using KernelEx.dllpre1). Version 26pre2 is OK.

    XP file (MSGina) was another main culprit. I added this file a while ago, but I don't know anymore which program it was for. Until then the file was unremarkable and forgotten. After renaming Msgina some messages were gone (using KernelEx.dllpre1).  

    On 12/31/2022 at 9:10 AM, jumper said:

    Only the version string display code was updated.

    Ok, you are right. I used version 19.

  5. No, I'm not happy with new KernelEx.dll. It isn't usable in this pattern for me. Basically, I think it's a very good feature for testing, but not for normal, ordinary usage. It gives always a prompt for me, if an API is missing. Previously, non-essential APIs were ignored by the program. They are now becoming a problem by normal use. First a program freezes, then the OS freezes. In the majority of cases, however, then Ctrl Alt Del works.

    It already begins on OS start with message:

    "Kex22.KernelEx 2022 v4.22.26.1
    AppHelp.dll is linked to missing export Kernel32.dll: BaseUpdateAppcompatCache.
    Notice: Select [OK], runApiLog.exe, then rerun your program."


    I've BaseUpdateAppcompatCache still disabled in the kstub.ini, because I wasn't able to find a useful def so far. If enabled ME already hangs on start (using KernelEx.dll25). With the new file on prompt I can click OK and then it goes on, whats positive on the other hand.

    Now e.g. "missing export msvcrt.dll: memmove_s" leads to freezings. So far I enabled it for testing only.

    In my opinion this new feature should be switchable. An ongoing KernelEx.dll version change for testing is too cumbersome.

    Sheet.dll: Not really tested, but level of desired API support didn't stick on first tries. It remains on the default setting. Maybe I must check something before?

    Kstub.ini: Ordinals are generally undocumented. My question regarding the example: Is f1e usually a good def value?

    Even if it sounds stupid after my comments in this post, thanks for all your work!! :yes:

  6. 19 hours ago, diamant said:

    But there is an issue: It runs in the background after closing the program.

    19 hours ago, diamant said:

    It crashes always when closing the program.

    Tools>Options>General>uncheck Thunderbird Start Page - Maybe not perfect, but should avoid these errors.

  7. Thunderbird supports TLS 1.2! https://msfn.org/board/topic/174247-windows-9x-ssl-protocol-winsslwrap-117-rev-08/

    It works with OutlookExpress6 here and it should work with Thunderbird.



    On 12/28/2022 at 1:29 AM, diamant said:

    1.) Thunderbird 9.0.1 doesn't provide TLS 1.2 per default. I found a file "Firefox10-new-nss.7z" somewhere here on MSFN whose content was normally built for Firefox(?). It contains files freebl.dll, nss3.dll, nssckbi.dll, nssdbm3.dll, nssutil3.dll, smime3.dll, softokn3.dll and ssl3.dll. Those files seem to refer to TLS in firefox(?). "Just for fun" I replaced the files with the same names(!?) in the Thunderbird 9.0.1 program folder with the files from Firefox10-new-nss.7z. Surprisingly, it was obviously possible to send and receive an email with TLS 1.2 encryption?!
    But I'm not sure whether there will occur some errors when using Thunderbird 9.0.1 with Firefox-10-files. I have to test it more.

    Firefox 9/10 and Thunderbird 9/10 are compiled with VC2005 (msvc80). So it is very likely that the replacement by RoyTam's nss files usually works. I use the RT's nss files for v10 with Firefox 9 and I can't remember that there are any problems. Maybe there is a numbering, but the program doesn't check it. However, I have not or hardly tested this for TB.

    On 12/28/2022 at 1:29 AM, diamant said:

    2.) Thunderbird 24.0.1 can "directly" send/receive emails with TLS 1.2 support. But there is an issue: It runs in the background after closing the program. I've not tested TB 24.0.1 detailed for more issues.

    Yes, I had the the same issue. I haven't done any further research on this lately. The issue doesn't occur with Thunderbird 42 and higher. Usually I use TB 52. Probably you must enable TLS 1.2 on v24. Firefox: "security.tls.version.max" to 3 (TLS 1.2 enabled). TLS 1.2 is enabled since version 27 by default.

    TB 27 with Start Page:  tls13.akamai.io  (TLS checker) - It is necessary to update the cert file nssckbi.dll (NSS Builtin Trusted Root CAs) by the one of TB 52.9 or higher, otherwise the page doesn't open.

    In the meantime, I can also start and run TB 36- 41 and 53. These versions also doesn't run in the background after close. But I have some other issues with these versions.

    On 12/28/2022 at 1:29 AM, diamant said:

    3.) Thunderbird 31.7.0 can "directly" send/receive emails with TLS 1.2 support (same behaviour like TB 24). But there is another issue: It crashes always when closing the program. I've not tested TB 31.7.0 detailed for more issues.

    I'm not sure. I haven't bothered with this version lately either. Try Kexmode Basesn on msvcr100.

  8. Oh yes, today I remembered loblo's method for Opera. Why shouldn't it work for Chrome to get TLS 1.2/1.3 support:

    Using Burp Suite Community Edition as an HTTPS proxy for Opera running on Azul OpenJDK 8.

    and following posts

  9. There is no workaround yet, but who knows what's in a year. I have hardly dealt with Chrome in the last weeks or months. And what about the cryptographic support TLS 1.2/1.3? Google chrome doesn't support it itself. There is a solution for XP (POSReady 2009 updates...), but I don't think there's a simple solution to transfer that to ME. TLS 1.2 is standard today and browsing is almost no longer possible without it. I believe we're not far away to run IE7 or 8. Of course, those IE browsers are very old and obsolete and don't support TLS 1.2, too.

    I see valid hope for Mypal 68 in the near future.

    Currently the best and most modern browser I have is Palemoon (31) on the mypal 29.3 "engine" (xul, omni.ja,...). The advantage I've is that this configuration is significantly more stable than Mypal. Errors in Xul usually do not occur.

  10. On 10/28/2022 at 4:57 PM, gfernval said:

    How to resolve the dependency? I know nothing about "kexstubs"

    Neither KernelEx 4.5.2 nor core update 25 support RtlSetBits yet. Read and learn how to use Kext (DoItYourself KernelEx Extensions) here.




    Such a simple entry in the Kstub.ini file may or may not work.

    Use the ImportPatcher to find missing dependencies.

  11. Light author cstkingkey:

    "By default, Light only trust a few of Root CAs. It may cause problems.
    If you run into cert problems when visiting https sites and it works with firefox, you can dowload or find nssckbi.dll shipped in firefox and put it into light's folder."


    Common message: Not trusted certificate because the issuer certificate has expired...     etcetera

    I tested it with nssckbi.dll from Firefox 52.9.

  12. :hello: Light Browser. Not up to date, but slimmed down. As the name says, it is significantly smaller than the corresponding Firefox version. It can start faster and use less memory. It is no longer being developed since 2016.



    Portable Mode: https://sourceforge.net/p/lightfirefox/wiki/portable mode/

    Version 48: It starts with UI and the graphical interface is fairly stable. That means you can run it without Hardware Acceleration (Compositing > Basic). I guess the Light Browser is better suited for underperforming or older Hardware. You should still set AzureContentBackend to skia.


    Light - Firefox fork (versions 29 - 49). I continued my tests. Only versions 47 - 49 are suitable to run without Hardware Acceleration - lower versions aren't.

    Light 47 - 49: Set "gfx.content.azure.backends" to skia. Lower versions don't support skia. The support has been removed here. The addon ClassicThemeRestorer 1.5.3 can be used to solve the tab glitch.

    Version 49 requires Kext, but not the reg file "APISets Stub dll's/Knowndll's" (v49 compiled with VS2010).

    I think it's also interesting, that some versions between 36 and 41 run (with the known issues), namely 36r2, 40 and 41. (37, 38, 39 do not)


  13. We mostly talked about QupZilla version 1.1.5 in the past. I have now tested newer versions again. Yes, it does not meet fast development and is basically obsolete. It can be interesting for the KernelEx 4.5.2 user to have an alternative for Firefox 9.0.1 or 10.x with RT's Network Security Services nss update.
    Qupzilla 1.3.5 runs with Javascript disabled. In my opinion, today 1.8.9 (last XP version, but 2.0.2 runs on my XPSP3, too) isn't much better in terms of website display either.
    Its OpenSSL (LIBEAY32.DLL, SSLEAY32.DLL) is nearly unusable, but I can simply update that version by replacing these files. Newer versions support important cryptographic protocol TLS 1.2, too.
    I tested that on two machines. On the first with KernelEx core updates 25 (Kext disabled), I use OpenSSL (1.0.2u), on the second with KernelEx 4.5.2, I can use version (1.0.2L) or alternatively - I think it was -, in any case, however,


    e.g. https://www.dll-files.com , https://www.npcglib.org/~stathis/blog/precompiled-openssl/ , https://indy.fulgan.com/SSL/Archive/

    History and Bookmarks work. The tests are with the portable version (portableapps.com launcher).

    Disable Javascript in the settings.ini.

    [Web-Browser-Settings] allowJavaScript=false
    Path Portable: ...\QupZillaPortable\Data\PROFILE

    Unfortunately, I did not find some old versions like 1.1.8 or 1.2 anymore, even on archive.org for the possibility to try an older dll of Qupzilla to enable JS.  Presumably Javascript of those old browsers brings quite little.




    KernelEx mode: Win2000SP4

    https://sourceforge.net/projects/portableapps/files/QupZilla Portable/

    The portable 1.3.5 already have Launcher 2.2.0, that doesn't work on ME/98. The Launcher can be replaced by the next older Launcher 2.1.2.
    Because I couldn't find any older versions, I built it myself with the PortableAppsLauncherGenerator 2.1.2 and NSISPortable 2.46.1.


    https://sourceforge.net/projects/portableapps/files/NSIS Portable/Additional Versions/

    https://sourceforge.net/projects/portableapps/files/PortableApps.com Launcher/PortableApps.comLauncher_2.1.2.paf.exe/download

    The successor of Qupzilla is Falkon browser.
    I assembled a first API list:


    I started experimenting with DX10/11 , mesa, wine files, like dwrite.dll, libwine.dll, wined3d.dll. Apparently there are mandatory dependencies for Falkon here.
    For testing I have to enable among others [D3D9.DLL]Direct3DCreate9Ex, [msvcrt.dll]memmove_s=>ucrtbase.dll:, [KERNEL32.DLL]InitOnceBeginInitialize=o4e, CompareStringEx=z9e.
    I can't leave them on permanently because various errors result in other programs. I enable them for testing only.
    Is there a Falkon browser setting to prevent these calls similar to Firefox "layers.acceleration.enabled;false", "webgl.angle.try-d3d11;false"?

    Dooble Browser


    Dooble.exe files can be unpacked with 7Zip, too.

    1.30 runs on ME/98. Extremely unstable with JS enabled. Javascript can be disabled in the Dooble.ini ([settingsWindow] javascriptEnabled=false). The profile name is ".dooble" and is in the program folder (...\DoobleBrowser\.dooble\Dooble\Dooble.ini).

    1.43 (2013): Start it once. After the crash disable JS (see above). And try to start Dooble again. If this doesn't work, run it on XP and disable Javascript. Afterwards use the new profile on ME. On XP the profile name is OS user name (...\DoobleBrowser\-username-\.dooble). 1.43 crashes immediately with JS enabled.
    Updated: libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll, libssl32.dll
    I can't find some Dooble versions anymore, also not on archive.org.

    KernelEx mode: Win2000SP4

    QTWeb Internet Browser
    Development has been discontinued. But the Website is still online. Latest version  3.8.5 (2013). It already supports TLS 1.2.
    3.8.5 runs on ME/98. Javascript must be disabled. Before you allow internet access you must disable JS, otherwise QT Web will crash. Or set JS in the registry to disabled: (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\QtWeb.NET\QtWeb Internet Browser\websettings) String enableJavascript to false.

    Portable version: Profile folder > ...\QTWebBrowser\QtWebSettings\QtWeb.NET > QtWeb Internet Browser.ini [websettings] enableJavascript=false

    KernelEx mode: Win2000SP4

    Slimboat - latest version 1.1.54 (2015) It crashes on start.

    After a web search I have versions 1.1.17 and higher. I also found an older version 1.1.8 (2012) on my HDD.
    QtWebKit4.dll 4.9.3 can be replaced by an older version (e.g. of SB 1.1.8) to start without error. Don't take QtWebKit4.dll of 1.1.17 or newer.

    Configuration version 1.1.52 (2014), with older QtWebKit4.dll (4.7.4), libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll

    Problem - versions 1.1.53 and 1.1.54: Disabled SSL 3.0 protocol disables TLS 1.2, too! This is probably unwanted and a bug.

    Changelog 1.1.53: "Added option to disable SSL 3.0 protocol to avoid POODLE attack. SSL 3.0 protocol is disabled by default. If you wish to connect to legacy websites supporting only SSL 3.0, you can turn it on in Tools:options:security."

    Configuration: QtWebKit4.dll (4.7.4), libeay32.dll, ssleay32.dll

    Javascript doesn't matter.

    Portable: The setup exe can be unpacked with 7Zip (no installation). Delete $PLUGINSDIR and $TEMP. Then create a file settings.ini in the SB program folder with entry


    The profile folder appdata appears on SB start.

    https://www.afterdawn.com/software/network/browsers/slimboat.cfm/v1_1_17#all_versions The versions below (1.1.17 - 1.1.54) have the wrong name.. Slimjet = Slimboat




    KernelEx mode: Win2000SP4

    Versions 1.1.33 and higher require Kext or KernelEx core updates. KernelEx 4.5.2 users can try version 1.1.32.


    Not usable:

    Midori Browser doesn't quite fit in here.

    Version 0.46 (2012) works, but is nearly unusable. Apparently no https, no TLS 1.2 support. 0.47 comes with a new libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-0.dll and Midori causes an error in that dll on start. Disabling JS doesn't help in this case. KernelEx mode: Win2000SP4

    Anyhow Midori versions are available on archive.org.



    Xombrero keyboard controlled browser (discontinued) - latest version 1.6.3 (2013) on sourceforge


    missing APIs (Hresult)

    It starts with error in libjavascriptcoregtk-3.0-0.dll like Midori!

    On XP Xombrero runs by replacing USP10.dll by the file of vista. But in my opinion it isn't really usable anymore.

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