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Everything posted by vinifera

  1. johnhc & mooms, thanks for answers 5eraph, yes, but i guess this is windows limitation itself i was just wondering is there any way to force it accept it
  2. not to spam for each small question new thread.... - regarding security center, nlite doesn't "red" as some vital component and only tags it as message nager but trough this win update and firewall is set up by user, so if i remove this, will there be some complications with XP without it ? - .net 1.1, is this essential for XP to have ? (i know 2.0 is totaly different, but 1.1 was their starting point) - i noticed some post SP3 hotfix provide new tcpip.sys, but since i select nlite to patch it for more open connections, and naturaly it overwrites newest version, does this pose some security issue or last downloadable build already has latest tcpip.sys init ? - and here comes one regarding registry, i have noticed that some registry entries are only acceptable for HKEY_CURRENT_USER, and never for HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT (all users) (example attached, hide_addressbar.reg), is there any way to force this upon system ? again sorry, for multiple questions, but in my opinion its more clean than to spam 4 separate threads Hide_Addressbar.reg
  3. ok... so i made new clean custom XP, this time with tablet components inside and i get no win file protection dialogs/errors i wish to thank you all who helped here i apreciate it
  4. i dont have it in custom XP folder (normally coz i removed the thing lol) but i do have it on my system it is located in C:\WINDOWS\ServicePackFiles\i386 C:\WINDOWS\system32\CatRoot\{F750E6C3-38EE-11D1-85E5-00C04FC295EE} guess ill have to leave it in altho i see no purpose of it
  5. i always start with fresh copy but i load always same session.ini maybe thats why some funky things happen... i guess i will have to try always fron zero not using any saved settings will report back with fresh info
  6. holy heavens... this is more stupid than i thought haha in event viewer this is the only thing i found regarding win file protection and what i do with my customised XP, is to leave everything intact except removing few languages/keyboards AND tablet pc components if this is because of that....
  7. yes i surely want to continue and thanks for having the will for help file that ends up at the end is the one i copy from $$\system32 (original unpatched SP3 dll) unfortunately dialog does not say what it searches for
  8. bump from me... how offtopic it is staff should decide... but if i use defragmenter which is set up to put .exe and .dll files on the outer tracks (edges) of my system drive, then app prefetch is useless right ? cause windows would not only have to access some of same files twice but would also lurk more around hard drive for prefetch data instead just picking up closest location (outer track data) true ?
  9. the disabled nlited dll is different in hash but has same size as (SP3 original one) they even share same build number (5512) as for the new way, i indeed created system32 folder in $$ one, put the original dll init with another name, and from runonce runned the batch script that renamed disabled one (from nlite) and copied SP3 original one then applied reg enable, then rebooted OS - dialog again pops up upon next boot
  10. yes i have read the link you posted, but unfortunately i still see that question stayed opened regarding dialog problem as for cd, i have SP2 cd that i slipstream SP3 over it in nlite, and then hotfixes - now i made it clean, SP2 -> SP3 -> hotfixes, compared the hash of dll no hotfix updated it, it is same as in my host pc (using SP3) system32 @Spoiledbrat, thats weird also..., by the build its from SP1 or close to it
  11. nah, i still get the dialog when reversed reg to last command, i did compare the renamed .dll with one i copied, they are different, but i can't compare which one is newer since theres no digital signature on it as for looking in Modified info, i only get todays date (for one installed, i guess its the one nlite patched) my only desperate try would be, to rename and copy the dll in t-12 stage when i am adding some reg entires for explorer - and then to add reg entry to enable SFC as i did for now, in first GUI boot lol does that make sense ?
  12. here ^^ also in Patches tab in nLite, it is set to Disable X_LAST.ini
  13. sucsess you were indeed right, the path messed it up the only annoyance now i experienced, is when upon first OS GUI boot when those commands for registry (to enable sfc), rename patched and copy original unpatched to sys32 are done i get that dialog of SFC reporting something was changed and calls upon SP3 cd to restore "original file" could be because maybe i added reg enable before rename/copy... ill try to reverse order and report back
  14. sorry to be annoying but i didn't understand about you mean DOS prompt reckognises it as CD:\\ or CD:\$OEM$\SFC\\file.ext ?
  15. hi and thanks for quickness this is my main structure (disregard other folders) the reg, dll and called cmd are in SFC folders (pic up) the SFC.cmd, that contain those commands is called like this RUNONCE |-------------> XP-new\BATCH.CMD |----------------> \$OEM$\SFC\SFC.cmd so regarding commands they are called from same folder where .cmd is executed, so they should have worked but im gonna try regarding COPY command, copy %source%\$OEM$\SFC\sfc_os.dll %systemroot%\system32\sfc_os.dll /y but regarding regedit /s, this should have worked and it didnt
  16. well i tried for me the easiest way, and that was from $OEM$ folder to execute .cmd file that would 1. apply regedit /s to enable it in registry - FAILS 2. rename patched file to .old extension - PASSES 3. copy the untouched .dll - FAILS - 4. execute shutdown -r to "update" changes so i get this nice screenie have in mind i prefer easier way to do things than to meddle with additional things like WPI (no offence to nobody) location of dll is in: \$OEM$\SFC\sfc_os.dll location of reg key is in same folder the CMD file that is being invoked via runonce has this in it: (and is in same location as dll and reg key) regedit /s enableSFC.reg ren %systemroot%\system32\sfc_os.dll sfc_os.dll.old copy sfc_os.dll %systemroot%\system32\sfc_os.dll /y exit maybe i am missing something here... ?
  17. yes i test many times my modified isos in vmware and will try this then, thank you very much.
  18. yeah i also search a bit on net on this issue im just curious when if i wish to restore original .dll files and .reg automatic way (so just to speed up installation and then auto restore it) do i put them in $OEM$ folder so they are copied on first Window GUI boot and .reg to be executed THEN or it must be later later ?
  19. so obviously the template for classic theme is built in Windows core the .theme file only contains measures so my question is: where to find the true skin template (which files if any) ?
  20. users would be me and my friend which still is personal no?
  21. heh, i was searcing more like automated way-switch so users who would use my "fast install" would not need to hassle or need knowledge of all that
  22. funny you can disable it with nlite with single click but to enable it, it requires special permitions on kernel level
  23. ah that is what i was confused i thought it was part only for installation but now i understand it is also in OS itself can someone tell how to enable it later ? i only like to disable it for fast install, no other reason
  24. regarding this if disabled it realy does cuts down installation to speed of ~20 min but there it says it "turns off during and after installation" so is this recommended to be turned off, and does it have negative impact on OS if its turned off ?
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