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Everything posted by vinifera

  1. http://www.softwarepatch.com/windows/windo...dates-2008.html http://www.softwarepatch.com/windows/windo...dates-2009.html
  2. thank you for nice answers i got few more questions lol (sorry if i put it on same topic, but rather that than spam new threads) 1. as \$OEM$\$$\ represents \Windows\ folder, if i want to after OS install have custom folder in Windows folder (like \Windows\My new folder\) do i then just create empty folder via rclick in $OEM$\$$\ or i must do it via batch with MKDIR ? 2. this is regarding hotfixes, since after XP SP3, XP got huge number of hotfixes, some are for same thing but later trough months i guess updated (like the SMB hotfixes, there are like 3 or 4 of them) so should i only integrate latest one, or all of them (older and newer) and will only newest be applied or the every newer hotfix is made only as patch to last one and not as total patch to all prevoius bug ? (hope you understand) :S 3. regarding registry tweaks, if i execute registry tweak during setup, but tweak that is only for HKCU, will it work at all ? if i understand HKCU is only for current account logged in ?
  3. i have few more specific questions hope you won't mind 1. for registry import, i see some use via cmd REG ADD, and tutorials here use REGEDIT /S so which one is actualy recomended ? 2. can the same method described above for Direct X install, use for Windows Installer 4.5 ? 3. if i wish to copy portable programs to PC, so they are "installed", can i use again the $OEM$ folder technique and then just trough batch use copy command ? 4. regarding XP themes, i did search forum and found how to add new ones, but i am wondering how can i remove Luna, Silver and Olive completely and set new theme as Default one that will already skin OS upon load (as Luna does), can this be done without breaking something ?
  4. oh this is beautiful ! THANKS ! can i execute more things from within that same batch like "reg add" (like 3 or 10 inputs), then do copy of files or is it sensitive to have 1 bat file per operation (sounds crazy but what the heck... have to ask ) ?
  5. can you please explain where do i add this switch i dont see nlite providing anything "per hotfix" to add commandline or should i use the "svcpack.inf" method for this one ?
  6. have in mind im noob so i extracted XP SP2, then used nlite to update it with SP3 now i wish to integrate WinRAR, IE8, .NET 2.2, directx 9 (newer) and wmp 11 codec but all of them always require user interaction (next/yes buttons and all that..) so what should i do to make it... silent or whatever ? (please in steps im noob)
  7. in some post i see usage of BAT scripting to remove componets from ISO but it is all already "set up" to something me as total newbie but want to "understand", would like and i guess any other user in future who will came to desire to customise more the OS would like the same is some basic tutorial explaining how to use imageX, DISM and BAT scripts to lets say remove specific folders from image and which are safe to remove without brake the instalation then how to replace some files (sounds or wallpapers maybe), or how to set some things as defaults when OS is installed (like change the default wallpaper or some explorer setting or how to put some file on desktop by default, i guess this would include registry entry), but main point how to make all this things not while OS is installed but in ISO itself just few basic things so user can start with something myself im not lazy but jumping from thread to thread from post to post from one forum to another just to find some bits of something is hassle and confusing just a thought if some of you experts here who already do this and know it much to make some easy examples, coz on net we encounter dosen of OS modifications but no easy understandable walktroughts how to make something simmiliar and clicking in vlite doesnt do it just a thought
  8. vinifera

    win7 image size

    - im noob - i know vlite isnt made for win7 when i remove things from win7 i dont want, the vlite in bracket shows how big installation is, in my case i wanted to slim it down to 650-700 MB for CD to make Lite version, but when i "apply" all changes and go to image building, the ISO is about 500 MB smaller than original (1.700 MB) and not CD size is there something special user has to do for this ? its about win7 ultimate RTM iso
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