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Everything posted by Acheron

  1. I guess I'll wait till the 15th and see what happens. Found out on http://club.cdfreaks.com/showpost.php?p=15...mp;postcount=48 So you'll have to wait until September 15th. P.S. Most changes are for Nero Vision Express / Recode, so updating to 7.5 won't make that big difference burning just cd's.
  2. MP3 skipping seems to be solved since So no complaints about mp3-skipping please Also the Nero Demo Expired seems to be caused by using a Virtual Machine. I'll update all other packages this afternoon @Lolita, I've posted Inno Scripts earlier in this thread. You might create your own installer, but please remove my name and url from the pack if you want to publish it.
  3. You might try http://johnson.tmfc.net/dos/ for its USB Driver Disk compilation.
  4. Nero 7 Lite v7.2.7.0 - Upgraded Nero to - Upgraded Nero CD-DVD Speed to 4.60 - Upgraded Inno to 5.1.7 Other changes: - Sounds don't get installed by default - Changed Component Selection method Current Issues: - Nero Demo serial not activated on Windows 98? Can anyone confirm this issue? Only English and Dutch now. If all okay I'll update other languages tomorrow.
  5. Nero Lite Todo: - Upgrade InnoSetup to 5.1.7 (Better language select) - Upgrade Nero to - Make Nero Sounds optional - Add more languages (Czech / Japanese) Problems in current version: - View Disc info, Erase Disc, Create covers/labels etc on Nero Express are missing. - Mp3 skipping solved? - Lightscribe / Labelflash support working? This is my todo list. Can anyone please tell me about the MP3 skipping solved or not in or I never got the problem on my system. About Lightscribe / Labelflash support in Nero Lite, does it actually work properly in Nero 7 Lite? I can't test this myself since I don't have any lightscribe or labelflash hardware. About Nero Vision Express / Recode etc. Not going to happen in the next few days. If anyone has detailed information about Nero Directshow plugins please PM me. Are there any other problems I'm not aware of in current Nero 7 Lite?
  6. MDGX, you are the service bin of the net, collecting tons of legacy stuff
  7. Thank you for telling me. Downloading it now just before mainstream will take all bandwith. I need the multi-language installer (240 MB)
  8. There is no reason to test Windows 98SE againt ME. ME is just some shell replacement for 98SE. There were no major changes under the hood made to ME. The only difference you would see is caused by the difference in Memory usage from both systems.
  9. Thank you Softpedia for linking to the project and do also take over some file hosting. I have started working on a new site for all my software projects. It should be up in a few days
  10. Yes, don't fix anything if it ain't broken If you searched across Windows you would find more broken stuff. However if it isn't used it's not necessary to patch.
  11. Micro$oft doesn't even sell 6.22 and older DOSes, not to mention support for Win98se was completely discontinued a short while ago.I doubt anybody is losing any profits from the distribution of this either. BTW a lot of this site is supposedly illegal anyway - the M$ license prohibits you from modifying their files. nLite is a good example. In this forum, Enable48bitLBA and Copy2Gb are as well. Microsoft license != Public law. It depends on where you live how legal one and other is. In my country for example the only concerns are: 1. Don't rent or sell copies of the original software without permission. 2. Its not legal to modify software with the purpose of creating (commercial) software that the original software imitates. 3. Make sure you acquired a legal copy of the software. Thats it
  12. I looked up the Errorlog.txt you attached. I see you installed latest Windows Updates. It might have something todo with Microsoft latest patch roundup. However if you still have problems using Nero 7 Lite try installing without Mausau plugins. About Nero It leaked out August 16th. Hopefully Ahead releases a new update quickly
  13. See also http://www.kyz.uklinux.net/cabextract.php for more information about Cab Compression history and extractors.
  14. Acheron


    If you have a valid key you could also lent a cd from someone to make a back-up.
  15. I thought we had discussed this some time ago. Don't ever compress the man files See also http://wiki.ryanvm.net/index.php?title=Batchfiles I wrote that batch script thingy.
  16. I'm making progress, altough very slow. What's this about? - MDAC 2.8 SP1 + security updates - Jet 4.0 SP8 + security updates - TweakUI 1.33 Basicly this is a demonstration how we could integrate custom components into Windows 98SETUP. It works quite well, altough not perfect. This is caused by other Windows components interfering with it currently. Note this is for Dutch Windows 98SE. Unpack files into 98SETUP directory, leaving the Directory structure intact. You should now have an extra folder "apps" inside 98SETUP directory. To test on any other language of Windows 98SE, don't copy over setuppp.inf but edit the file manually by simply commenting out mdacinst.inf under [load_inf] section. If all is placed right Setup should give extra options under Tools Section! IntegratorProjectNL-080906.zip Please give me feedback on this
  17. I found some newer ODBC drivers insite KB911562. (MDAC 2.5 SP3 update for Windows 2000). Is it okay to use these newer ODBC drivers on Windows 98? Version 4.0.6306.0 against 4.0.6205.0. Note the MDAC 2.5 SP3 ODBC drivers where removed from MDAC since MDAC 2.6. Now they are included in JET 4.0 SP8.
  18. Thanks for your help Liverpool FC. Welcome on MSFN I have MDAC almost finished now as concerns the MDAC 2.8 SP1 stuff. However to completely cover Windows 98SE Setup Files I'll continue work on Jet 4.0 SP8 + updated ODBC Drivers. I admit not very spectecular to begin with. However these MDAC components are not integrated so hard in the Windows system. So an easy target for testing. When setup seems rock solid I can work on Internet Explorer and DirectX. That means option to install Windows 98SE without Internet Explorer, OR install complete updated Internet Explorer 6. And if you change mind later having your system running you can change it anyway.
  19. I have investigated the Advanced Inf DelDirs command. However it doesn't work quite well. Most of the time folders are not deleted. So I came up with this for MDAC uninstall. Notice advpack.dll is called for the Advanced Inf instructions: ... HKLM,%KEY_RUNONCE%,"MDACPostRun",,"%25%\rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %17%\mdac28.inf,MDAC.PostUninstall" HKLM,%KEY_OPTIONAL%\MDAC,Installed,,"0" [MDAC.PostUninstall] DelFiles = MDAC.Files.Sys,MDAC.Files.ADO,MDAC.Files.MSADC,MDAC.Files.OleDB RunPostSetupCommands = MDAC.Remove.PostSetupCommands:5 [MDAC.Remove.PostSetupCommands] "%25%\command.com /c rd ""%28730%\System\ADO""" "%25%\command.com /c rd ""%28730%\System\MSADC""" "%25%\command.com /c rd ""%28730%\System\OLE DB""" Is this a safe method to uninstall folders? Never mind. I go for the official method described below. The real problem is Windows internal RD command not allowing to delete empty folders. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. It's the same using the DelDirs section commands: HKLM,%KEY_RUNONCE%,"MDACPostRun",,"%25%\rundll32.exe advpack.dll,LaunchINFSection %17%\mdac28.inf,MDAC.PostUninstall" HKLM,%KEY_OPTIONAL%\MDAC,Installed,,"0" [MDAC.PostUninstall] DelFiles = MDAC.Files.Sys,MDAC.Files.ADO,MDAC.Files.MSADC,MDAC.Files.OleDB DelDirs = MDAC.Remove.DelDirs [MDAC.Remove.DelDirs] "%28730%\System/ADO" "%28730%\System/MSADC" "%28730%\System/OLE DB" Note I won't use Deltree for this, since I don't want to delete folders when there not empty. Empty subfolders aren't such a problem I think
  20. The Windows 98 Setup Files are located in a multi-cab file. You cannot add files to it, unless you rebuild all cab files. Anyone has more info on creating Windows 98 multi-cab files?
  21. For next release Simplified Chinese is added to Traditional Chinese package. Also some other language packs are merged together to speed up output progress.
  22. http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...927&hl=pcss Here you find some customization scripts. Very informative. The author used these scripts to rip out most stuff out of Windows 98. I would really like it if you could work on supporting more hardware by default in Windows 98. Especially Motherboard chipset drivers and updated IDE drivers. There is lots of information inside the PCSS.exe package. There is also the Windows 98 Seven Years Later Unattended CD project: http://www.msfn.org/board/index.php?showto...p;hl=unattended that uses the standard Unattended CD installation method. However I still prefer the inf-modding PCSS project. When installing systems speed counts!
  23. I have something different in mind. I have found PCSS on this forum. Using Advanced Inf Setup methods I'm able to create custom Windows 98 setup components. Then you can select during Windows Setup what to install. So far I have created custom components for MDAC 2.8 SP1 and TweakUI 1.33. My next targets are Internet Explorer 6 SP1 and DirectX 9.0c. MDAC 2.8 replaces MDAC 2.1 completely. So no leftovers! Nice about this method is that you actually replace Windows Setup components. So very fast installation. I call it the Windows 98 Integrator Project. Big problem is that it's a bit time consuming to set up
  24. Thank you very much for this Windows 95 OSR2 version. Now noone has to experience File corruption on any Windows 9x OS (Windows 95 < OSR2 isn't) in combination with Big HDD's anymore!!! P.S. You definetely outperformed Loew's commercial patch. It is not available for Windows 95
  25. Maybe my new code is just more efficient... REMOVE V4.00.1111 OF ESDI_506.PDR file, IMMEDIATELY! IT is FLAWED with power management bugs, UDMA bugs and other problems that are fixed with version 4.00.1116 of esdi_506.pdr from Q273468 & remideup.exe. Please patch ESDI_506.PDR files versions 4.00.1116 from Q273468 and 4.00.1118 from amdk6upd.exe and REMOVE 4.00.1111 of patched esdi_506.pdr OFF THIS SITE RIGHT AWAY. <I will delete this post when ESDI_506.PDR 4.00.1111 48Bit LBA driver for Win95 OSR2 has been removed from this thread> I agree a little side note to this would help I think LLXX just made a proof of concept. She is probably working on a 4.00.1119 version already. erpdude8, should users avoid this "flawed" patch on Windows 95 systems with >137 GB disks, keep using their original driver and get aware of file corruption when they use their systems?
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