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Everything posted by Doggie

  1. lol.. didn't know it would be dat simple
  2. hmm.. simply user friendly, great technical support and a stable enviroment.. Windows XP + sp1
  3. if its happened more than once it may not be ur equipment.. fault powerpoint can't cause that.. need to fix that and grab a anti-surge powerboard
  4. ya.. u all be safe and well for the holidays..
  5. man.. it was a great series.. i'm looking for the dvd now as i couldn't tape it.. 5 stars from me
  6. arhh.. i'll write a nice lil letter to Eidos.. as for woolworths.. here they are only a supermarket w00t
  7. ahh.. no doubt now the australian stores now will have to ban it.. it was bad enough the banned GTA3 (meanin couldn't purchase anywhere) until the removed most of the violent content
  8. tom clancys ghost recon? i got dat with expansion pack
  9. nVidia geforce4 ti... oh.. i getting one now .. hmm.. a nice 63 cm+ flat screen digital tv for my ps2
  10. i was actually gunna post that story.. it made 4th page news on the saturday morning paper
  11. there is some good commercial products that have source but the code price is quite staggerin'
  12. its was routine maintence..
  13. http://doggie.neopower.net/Forums/index.ph...7d57536fd452a90
  14. hi, i recently put Invision Board on me site but no of my catergories appear .. anyone help?
  15. well.. if thats the case.. its more likely is conflicting or defective card
  16. long time ago.. like 1990's
  17. its a definte disk problem.. maybe he has used a Mac version of word that he had saved the info onto.. i've seen that problem often when ppl move from mac to pc
  18. yeah i know.. ain't i the greatest
  19. Word 2000 and above don't accept *.let files.. wmf are accepted.. does printmaster have a export options?? so u could export it as a different picture type?
  20. possibly the disks are in non-windows format, have been magnetized and no longer can work or Floppy drive may need fixing
  21. ok.. here we go.. open up regedit Start > Run > regedit and click OK travel to the reg key called "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\UnreadMail" and those keys will be the user names that are listed as users eg user@hotmail.com .. simply remove the emails.. gets rid of junk and best of all.. it removes the unread email and doesn't affect anything else
  22. **** i wish i could dload Longhorn.. crusty 56k connection
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