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Everything posted by Doggie

  1. well.. only reason why it not loading cause its a known fact that your using a illegal key/software.. i suggest you dispose of it..
  2. hasn't winXP got a internal font maker?
  3. ahh.. when will u give up.. neways.. back to topic.. i am not going use kazaa(s) anymore.. to slow most of the time
  4. not being an smart a** or nuthin.. but u really need to re-think the layout of your site..
  5. happy b'day conan have a great day
  6. lol.. i was just about to do the same thing Drew.. thanx neva the less
  7. have u recently tried overclocking the 3d card? cause that can totally stuff video card and somes monitor with it
  8. don't happen to have a link for 56k users like me self ?
  9. try searching google.com for it
  10. yeh.. but wat do u expect from a demo i think i gotta buy this though
  11. have to admit.. the movie looks lame too me
  12. oh thank u all great Sedative lol.. this game rocks
  13. i've actually found that most times it becomes corrupt due to someone trying to modify the file w00t
  14. any chance Tris of makin a few bottles being network to me?
  15. i'll post a solution on removing that .net crap from the Login eg you have <number> new messages.. but that must wait till morrow
  16. thanx.. i needed it to practice my administration for me to sit some MCSE (microsoft Certified System Engineer).. $250 AU per test though
  17. yeh.. happy holidays everyone :santa
  18. u up-to-date on ur windows updates? Service Pack 1 applied?
  19. i talked to my local pc guy.. the following was said during to install; *** Hardware Malfunction Please Contact your techical support *** System Halted He said reset bios to defaults and amazingly it worked.. so for further reference.. i'd suggest ppl wit the same prob to do the same
  20. look in tips n tweaks.. i posted a tweak there.. so ave a lookie
  21. nah its full but it won't work either way now :S
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