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Everything posted by mukke

  1. Wrong: the 'winaero version' is the recompiled '.NET4.6 version' which is supposed to be attached on OP, but apparently the attachment is (still) 0 Byte. Wrong: it is attached to a post by digitalboy as you could have easily found out by yourself if you had read (only) the last page (at that time) of this topic before you made your first rant post since Vertex Shader explicitly asked for Install_WIM-Tweak_v1-4-7-0_DotNET46 and jaclaz gave him precise answer linking to said post by digitalboy. Both versions are hosted by german win-unattended.de as well. SHA-256: afbf22880d0129f8b11b1a5876f175c874f52c8572cb5c4beda3c528241a8e6c *install_wim_tweak_NET4.6.exe SHA-256: 1f6054e153129affc15982efe6d47a79c3c18e4d6a57c7835a511ea0de96ddb4 *install_wim_tweak.exe Compare them to those you posted at reddits.. He already did a looong time ago.
  2. setupldr.bin, winnt32u.dll and winntbbu.dll guide tool M$
  3. haven't used winntsetup quite some time.. [WinNT6] dir=.\ ->really did the trick! driverdir -> Drivers=subdir with space\subdir sourcedir -> Source=subdir\subdir with space\filename.ext ;#ext=[esd|iso|swm|wim] #complains about invalid source AFTER pressing Setup unattenddir -> UnattendedFile=somedir\somefile.abc ;#winntsetup doesn't check if it's valid .xml file - windows propably will [WinNT6\READY] oemdir -> OEM=somedir rundir -> seems not to exist, not to remember and not saving to ini by pressing Ctrl+S, neither do run= nor runfile= [WinNT6\TWEAKS] RegTweaks=anotherdir A leading \ will break the line as it is not recognized any more @JFX: RegTweaks= always resolves to full qualified path I really like the idea remembering changes like last dir .. very handy if working with gui I am with Ulaiphur on that one and it seems now to be implemented that way. I guess commandline takes precedence over ini settings as well, doesn't it? Request: drop full qualified paths in favor of relative paths to WinNTSetup.exe IF they are in same dir (or beneath) for even better portability I wish there was more/better documentation. I wouldn't bother either - if the code is well someone else might write the docs. btw: where's diddy? But then, i guess it's better to have working undocumented code than the other way round (until there is a develpment environment thats creating related documentation on the fly) Thanx once again for such a great tool - very much appreciated
  4. just to clarify: jaclaz is perfectly right on what he is suspecting* - at least the copy of the 'sfcfiles.zip' on my hdd is last modified 2008.10.23 and binary identical with the one still available - so my vote is for 'moved file'. *except i use(d) german version(s) created by myself and will never forget the moment my son recognized his picture on the cards when he played solitaire back then.. ..and enjoyed the fact windows was not prompting to replace the critical systemfile named 'cards.dll' indeed - and most likely the preferable one
  5. Then do it yourself or even better let HFSLIP make it for you! Here's a quick'n dirty (and untested!) example to get you started using gsar: @ECHO OFFMD HFPOST 2>NULEXPAND -R SOURCESS\I386\SFCFILES.DL_ HFPOST >NUL::tcpip.sys%PREP%HFTOOLS\gsar -o HFPOST\SFCFILES.DLL -s:X25:X00:X73:X00:X79:X00:X73:X00:X74:X00:X65:X00:X6D:X00:X72:X00:X6F:X00:X6F:X00:X74:X00:X25:X00:X5C:X00:X73:X00:X79:X00:X73:X00:X74:X00:X65:X00:X6D:X00:X33:X00:X32:X00:X5C:X00:X64:X00:X72:X00:X69:X00:X76:X00:X65:X00:X72:X00:X73:X00:X5C:X00:X74:X00:X63:X00:X70:X00:X69:X00:X70:X00:X2E:X00:X73:X00:X79:X00:X73:X00 -r:X5C:X00:X00:X00:X79:X00:X73:X00:X74:X00:X65:X00:X6D:X00:X72:X00:X6F:X00:X6F:X00:X74:X00:X25:X00:X5C:X00:X73:X00:X79:X00:X73:X00:X74:X00:X65:X00:X6D:X00:X33:X00:X32:X00:X5C:X00:X64:X00:X72:X00:X69:X00:X76:X00:X65:X00:X72:X00:X73:X00:X5C:X00:X74:X00:X63:X00:X70:X00:X69:X00:X70:X00:X2E:X00:X73:X00:X79:X00:X73:X00MAKECAB /D CompressionMemory=%COMPMEM% /D CompressionType=LZX HFPOST\SFCFILES.DLL /L SOURCESS\I386 >NULEXIT/B 0HFSLIP_POST_SFCFILES.CMD
  6. I suppose you read that section again more carefully! Then read it again. And maybe once more. You are mixing up a few things! Btw: fdv's new version of SFCFILES.DLL that is "empty," is just that other approach advocated by ElTorqiro (with all system files excluded)
  7. Sorry for resurrecting such an old thread .. but it might be useful for some.. Another possibility is making use of u3_tool which is able to partition ufd into a readonly and an ordinary write enabled partition and then load an iso into it. No additional changes (e.g. to hfslip.cmd) are needed. Just use the iso created by hfslip as is. The iso loading into the ufd is not very fast but it is an easy way to make an cd install to netbooks etc.. I tested u3_tool on a couple of my ufd (u3 and non u3) without any problems.
  8. That's right afaik. If you want to create it here is how.
  9. You have to edit txtsetup.sif on-the-fly: use hfexpert\storage to add sata support use hfcleanup to delete lines use hftools\hfslip_post*.cmd to add or edit lines edits to layout.inf are not needed
  10. I'm sorry for not responding for such a long time.. ..as for the hardcoded resolution try the attached hivevga.inf injected via hfexpert\hiveinstall. I seem to remember that the matrox drivers are 'little' special.. (and a pita to slipstream) There should be a way.. I would always suggest the chipset drivers first (there are several how to's on this forum depending on the manufacturer)! And perhaps run the original matrox setup post os install? hivevga.inf
  11. http://www.msfn.org/board/topic/156521-unofficial-sp-52-for-microsoft-windows-2000/page-15#entry1030389 http://mimo.zxq.net/hfslip/changelog-hfslip.txt tomasz86 changed code to only use 7z (if present in hftools) to handle addon(s) to fix short name issues as did Acheron since Beta K v3
  12. it might be worth to try to hardcode the video resolution used during guimode - see here not sure on 2k but i can confirm this works for xp (although using another notation) see attachment (injected through hfexpert\hiveinstall)
  13. check out fdv's site. there you can get the required files. they're in his fileset. the fix folder is called replace\i386 nowadays.
  14. read here and here what .EXT is about and how to craft them even though bphlpt already posted it's content .. attached the zip what else are you looking for? imight be able to help .. just drop a note 2000SP4EXT.zip
  15. downloadlink provided by SunLion at post #268 is still working
  16. .. it is also available here Also note that HFSLIP 2.0 was scripted by Tomcat76 Concerning useful code .. From changelog: - new binaries collected from updates are slipstreamed faster into the new source - in AUTORUN mode SourcePath Recovery Console and while on the subject CATCH 22 alternative sourcess location .. might be of interest as you may already know I made some changes to the 1.7.x scripts as well but didn't keep track of them lately due to lack of time (need days with 36h)
  17. ..or make an exception for hfslip by extending Mim0's reg-file Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager] "CWDIllegalInDllSearch"=dword:FFFFFFFF ; The per-application registry entry always overrides the system-wide setting [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\hfslip-1.7.10_beta_J_v11.cmd] "CWDIllegalInDllSearch"=dword:0000000
  18. although little late.. @vinifera: you might consider method 2 ..maybe someone will find this useful also you should use fdv's fileset with an enu pro version of xp happy new year btw..
  19. That could/should have been implemented into HFSLIP about 3½ years ago, but dont blame tommyp for not doing so..
  20. Indeed the solution is very simple: rtfm! see here, here, here, here or here to just name a few..
  21. mukke

    Windows Updates

    it seems not slipstreaming both of them but rather install/get them manually (2607712 before 2616676) after the os is set up is easiest way to ensure all certification stuff is applied correctly until M$
  22. thanks mimo. dont wanna hurry u along but might we expect an updated list for xp within the next days? according to freudi it seems like a quite quiet upcoming patchday
  23. mukke

    .Net and HFSLIP

    In particular the releases of yumeyao might be of interest. You can find them here and here.
  24. you might have look here..
  25. is this man fast. unbelievable. would almost bet that Mim0 is releasing his updated extension in april prior to M$.. thx dude
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